of roads thither!’
‘Far lies Fafnir
in the fells hiding –
a horse must thou have,
high and sturdy.’
In Busiltarn ran
blue the waters,
green grew the grass
for grazing horse.
A man them minded
mantled darkly,
huge and ancient.
They drove the horses
into deep currents;
to the bank they backed
from the bitter water.
But grey Grani
gladly swam there:
Sigurd chose him,
swift and flawless.
‘In the stud of Sleipnir,
steed of Odin,
was sired this horse,
swiftest, strongest.
Ride now! ride now!
rocks and mountains,
horse and hero,
hope of Odin!’
Gand rode Regin
and Grani Sigurd;
the waste lay withered,
wide and empty.
Fathoms thirty fell
the fearful cliff
whence the dragon bowed him
drinking thirsty.
In deep hollow
on the dark hillside
long there lurked he;
the land trembled.
Forth came Fafnir,
fire his breathing;
down the mountain rushed
mists of poison.
The fire
and fume
over fearless head
rushed by
rocks were groaning.
The black belly,
bent and coiling,
over hidden hollow
hung and glided.
Gram was brandished;
grimly ringing
to the hoary stone
heart it sundered.
In Fafnir’s throe
were threshed as flails
his writhing limbs
and reeking head.
Black flowed the blood,
belching drenched him;
in the hollow hiding
hard grew Sigurd.
Swift now sprang he
sword withdrawing:
there each saw other
with eyes of hate.
‘O man of mankind!
What man begot thee?
Who forged the flame
for Fafnir’s heart?’