bright as morning,
let no daughter of kings
thy dreams master!
Hail, Sigmund’s son!
Swift thy glory,
yet a cloud meseems
creepeth nigh thee.
Long life, I fear,
lies not before thee,
but strife and storm
stand there darkly.’
‘Hail, Brynhild wise!
Bright thy splendour
though fate be strong
to find its end.
Faith ever will I hold
firm, unyielding,
though strife and storm
stand about me.’
Faith then they vowed
fast, unyielding,
there each to each
in oaths binding.
Bliss there was born
when Brynhild woke;
yet fate is strong
to find its end.
Ever wild and wide
the wandering paths;
on roads shining
went riders two.
High towered the helm;
hair flowed in wind;
mail glinted bright
on mountain dark.
‘Here, Sigmund’s son,
swift and fearless,
is our way’s parting,
to woe or joy.
Here, lord, I leave thee,
to my land turning;
hence Grani bears thee
glory seeking.’
‘Why, Brynhild wise,
bride of Volsung,
when at one are the riders
do our ways sunder?’
‘I was queen of yore,
and a king shall wed.
Lands lie before thee –
thy lordship win!’
To her land she turned
lonely shining;
green ran the roads
that Grani strode.
To her land she came,
long the waiting;
in Gjuki’s house
glad the singing.
‘O mother, hear me!
Mirth is darkened,
dreams have troubled me,
dreams of boding.’
‘Dreams come most oft
in dwindling moon,
or weather changing.
Of woe think not!’