‹ Go away,› said a big male who had introduced himself as Nose Biter, including with the name a short but very vivid image of how he had earned the title.
Climbs Quickly had no doubt that out there was one snow hunter who-no matter that it had been quite young at the time-would never ever go near one of the People again, much less make the mistake of thinking one might serve nicely as the main course for lunch.
However, admirable as Nose Biter’s ferocity was in defense of self and kin, it was misdirected and just plain stupid now.
‹ We are here to help,› Climbs Quickly said. ‹ Is this not the Damp Ground Clan?›
‹ We are,› growled Nose Biter.
‹ Then,› Climbs Quickly said, not hiding his confusion, ‹ Why are you so hostile? Surely Right-Striped and Left-Striped told how my two-leg and her friend saved them from the burning green-needle tree. Where are they? Have they been sent away like the younglings I met-Springer, Little Witness, and their litter mates?›
‹ They have not,› came the reply, underscored with a hiss and a snarl. ‹ Although they should have been. No. The twins have been sent forth to scout the route back to our former nesting place, checking if the way is open. They were eager to redeem themselves for their earlier foolishness.›
Climbs Quickly thought that if the smoke didn’t make smelling anything else impossible, that this Nose Biter would smell very much like Broken Tooth, a senior elder of his own Bright Water Clan and an individual so hide- bound that one needed to jump up and down on his head to make him see reasons for change.
Yet, to be fair, more of the People were like Broken Tooth and Nose Biter than were like himself or Swift Striker or even his own sister, Sings Truly. They were capable, but change was not viewed as particularly good or even something to be sought. This was why the People had avoided the two-legs, although they had known of them from the moment the first of their shiny eggs had broken the sky and left the world forever transformed.
Indeed, had Climbs Quickly not been discovered-let himself be discovered-as some still hissed, the People still might be trying to hide from the inevitable. Two-legs had not landed like some strange migrating bird only to flap off and leave nothing but a bright feather and a tale for the memory singers to relate on a dull winter’s afternoon. The two-legs were here to stay-and were spreading like fan ears after a rain shower.
Two of Nose Biter’s confederates-possibly litter mates, for they shared a similar heavy build-had lumbered forward to flank him, standing between Climbs Quickly and the frightened members of the Damp Ground Clan.
Behind him, Climbs Quickly was aware that Death Fang’s Bane, Shadowed Sunlight, and Windswept had gotten out of the car and were taking equipment from the back. Death Fang’s Bane was talking in a low voice to Windswept. He felt her mind-glow, calm and steady, brighter somehow than the devouring fire. He also sensed her trust that he could handle these idiotic members of the Damp Ground Clan.
Climbs Quickly projected his mind-voice to address all who cared to listen.
‹ We are here to help. This fire is larger than you might realize. It was born when lightning touched in the mountains to the east, but now the winds carry it here. Two-legs are attempting to stop the fire-I do not ask you to believe me-if you live, you may speak to others who surely have witnessed their actions. My two-leg and those others-and myself-came to see how the fire was progressing. I heard the unguarded speech of some who ‘shouted’ and brought us here. Now that we are here, we will not ‘go away.’ At the least, we will make time for your clan to flee. And I suggest you do so quickly-and hope the fire does not chase you so far that your only hope is to take your chances with the river.›
There was noise from back near the narrow freshwater stream. Climbs Quickly glanced back to see that Death Fang’s Bane and her friends were using their tools to make a barrier near the stream, obviously hoping to slow the fire’s approach.
‹ Are they trying to stop the fire? › asked a new voice. This belonged to another male, one who offered no name but did send the sense that he was kin to the twins.
‹ Yes. They are clearing away the dangerous brush. › Climbs Quickly decided a little sarcasm was not out of line. ‹ A precaution that doubtless this clan meant to take when it was not more pleasant to gather late summer nuts.›
A general flush of embarrassed thought let him know that his guess had been close to what had happened- that there had been those members of the clan who had argued that with fire weather in the air, some needed to protect this new nesting place. Doubtless, after living over such a wet area as he glimpsed in their mental images of their former home, they had forgotten how dangerous scrub growth could be.
‹ Why then, if clearing the brush is all they do,› retorted Nose Biter, hostility in every note, ‹ do they also scent mark where they are? See how they pee all over the cleared ground? Disgusting behavior! They mark their territory as does a death fang in heat.›
Climbs Quickly whooped aloud, nearly choking on the smoke as he laughed.
‹ They do not scent mark. Those are tools for carrying water, as we use gourds and lined baskets. They seek to make the earth too wet for the fire. Like us, they know the two are not friends.›
In the far distance, he heard the sound of an approaching air-vehicle. Doubtless Death Fang’s Bane had enlisted help. Although the two-legs did not have mind-speech, he had learned they used tools to throw their mouth voices over vast distances.
Already some of the members of the Damp Ground Clan were edging away, panic bright in the air. Climbs Quickly caught fragmented images as they murmured among themselves. The tale of Speaks Falsely and how he had stolen away many of the People and kept them in bondage had come to this place. Apparently, several members of this clan feared that all two-legs were the same.
Death Fang’s Bane was trotting up from the side of the stream, hurrying to meet the approaching vehicle. Climbs Quickly knew he only had a few breaths before the most panicked fled-and in fleeing might drive themselves into the very danger he had come here in the hope of avoiding.
‹ More helpers, › he said. ‹ Two-legs know that it takes many hands to slow a fire. Will you take advantage of the time they give you or will you act like kittens who tremble when a death wing’s shadow covers the moon?›
Three other two-legs spilled out of the vehicle almost before it had landed. Climbs Quickly recognized them as members of the hang-gliding club. He was pleased and let the other People feel his pleasure, sending them an image of how these younglings caught the wind, mastering it as did birds.
Did that image tempt fate? Climbs Quickly wasn’t certain he believed such things, but it was at that very moment that the wind itself took a hand in the battle of wills.
The border Death Fang’s Bane and her friends had been making to hold back the approaching fire paralleled one edge of the net-wood grove which the Damp Ground Clan had adopted as their new home. Another edge was a wide meadow, thick with the high summer grasses, seasoned to golden brown with the coming of cooler nights and the reduced water in these dry days.
Climbs Quickly felt no doubt that this meadow was one reason the Damp Ground Clan had chosen this particular section of net-wood. Not only would the thick grass make excellent lining for winter nests, but the stubble fields would attract foraging burrow-runners and other little ground dwellers, making for better hunting. Lastly, the open area on this flank would be easy to watch over in the cold times, when hunger drove the great predators to take risks.
Already the edge of the meadow showed evidence of the beginning of the harvest, but although the People did eat some plants, their teeth were not well-adapted to cutting. Most such harvesting needed to be done with sharp-edged stones, a slow and wearisome labor. The border that had been cut was only about a body’s length-and that without the tail-not enough to stop fire.
And at that moment, upstream from where the two-legs worked so intently hacking away at the shrubs and branches and spreading their “pee,” a gust of wind hurled across the stream a branchlet live with sparks and blew those sparks into flame. It landed in a patch of dry grass at the far side of the meadow as gently as if it had been placed there and, like an exotic flower blooming, burst into flame.
Death Fang’s Bane shouted something, then began running directly toward where the meadow fire now raged.
While Anders and Dr. Calida went to mark a path to a stable island in the bog, Virgil and Kesia started lowering crucial equipment to the ground so it could be transferred to their new camp. Dacey Emberly prepared Langston Nez to be moved, easing him limb by limb onto a stretcher and tying him into place.