foot of the tree, not far from the presents piled there. A good-looking, but probably unattainable, bachelor under the Christmas tree.

She sighed wistfully, thinking that Santa definitely had a warped sense of humor where she was concerned.

Lucy must have been more tired than she had realized. Not even Bobby Ray's snoring disturbed her sleep that night. She didn't awaken until a high-pitched shriek penetrated her slightly salacious dream about Banner in the firelight beneath the Christmas tree-without the sweat suit.

Jerking upright, she blinked and pushed a tangle of red curls out of her eyes. Her heart was racing, but she wasn't sure if that was due to her abrupt awakening or the aftereffects of her dream.

Illuminated by the firelight and the early sunlight streaming through the living room windows, Tricia stood in the doorway, staring at the presents piled beneath the Christmas tree. “He was here,” the little girl said in stunned disbelief. “Santa Claus found us.”

Bobby Ray made a production of knuckling his eyes and staring at the tree. “Well, I'll be. Where did all them gifts come from?”

“Santa Claus brought them,” Tricia said, hopping up and down. “He found us! Tyler, come look! Santa found us!”

Her brother and mother, both still groggy from sleep, appeared in the doorway behind her, Joan looking apologetically at Lucy, Bobby Ray and Banner for waking them so early.

Banner had climbed out of his sleeping bag and was moving it out of the way to clear a path for Tricia and Tyler to reach their gifts. Lucy couldn't even look at him without blushing as she remembered that dream.

“Sweet,” Tyler breathed, moving slowly toward the piles of packages. “Presents. Are they really for us?”

“Looks like it,” Bobby Ray said, lowering the footrest on the recliner and tossing his blanket aside. “Don't just stand there, kiddos. Dive in.”

“Wait a second. Don't touch a thing.” Joan disappeared back into the bedroom, then returned carrying a small camera. “Okay, now we're ready.”

Tricia dropped to her knees in front of the pile of wrapped presents. “These have my name on them. See, it says 'To Tricia, from Santa Claus,”' she read, pointing out the words with pride.

“These are mine.” Tyler gazed at his gifts almost as if he was afraid they would disappear if he looked away.

Joan sat cross-legged on the floor with her camera. Roused by the noise, Miss Annie and Pop entered the room, looking eager to watch the children open their presents. Bobby Ray jumped up immediately to assist the older couple, who greeted everyone with a warm “Merry Christmas.”

Lucy was relieved that Miss Annie seemed much stronger this morning. Pop and Bobby Ray escorted her to the rocker, tucked a blanket around her, set her walker within easy reach, then settled down to observe the festivities.

Banner had left the room after stowing his sleeping bag. The scent of perking coffee drifted from the kitchen, explaining his absence. Lucy thought of going in to help him, but she was reluctant to leave the room yet. She simply loved watching children on Christmas morning.

She couldn't wait until she had children of her own with whom to share such special occasions.

Finally given the signal by their mother, Tyler and Tricia tore into their presents. They oohed and aahed over video games and dolls, die-cast cars and board games, a football for Tyler and a soccer ball for Tricia. Every time they opened a gift, they turned to display it for their smiling audience, who all made appreciative noises over each item.

Lucy noted with interest that Joan hadn't spent a great deal of money, but had provided a nice variety of toys designed to last awhile. Tyler seemed particularly pleased with his football and a kid-size helmet painted to resemble the ones for the St. Louis Rams. Tricia had obviously fallen instantly in love with a life-size newborn-baby doll that came with several adorable outfits.

The doll was the perfect size for the cradle Banner had made, which, along with the tractor rig, was waiting at the back of the tree, not yet noticed by the children. Lucy couldn't wait until they saw them, but she hoped Banner would return in time to watch.

Banner came back into the room then, carrying a tray crowded with mugs of coffee for the adults and glasses of orange juice for the kids. He set the tray on the coffee table and distributed the mugs. Lucy was impressed when she realized that he had remembered everyone's preference as far as cream and sugar and had prepared each serving accordingly.

Banner might claim to be a surly recluse, but Lucy didn't completely believe him. He had been an ideal host to this group of stranded former strangers. Whether he believed it or not, he had a great deal to offer others-if he chose to make the effort.

He handed her a mug of extralight coffee, no sugar. Just the way she liked it.

“Thank you,” she said, then patted the couch beside her. “Have a seat.”

Hesitating only a moment, he settled on the couch, almost as far as he could get without falling off the other end.

“I really don't bite,” she murmured, just loud enough for him to hear her. And then she couldn't resist adding wickedly, “Not in public, anyway.”

He gave her a look over his mug. “Drink your coffee.”

Chuckling, she turned to watch the children again.

“Look at what we got, Banner,” Tricia urged, holding up her doll. “Santa brought us a whole bunch of stuff.”

“I'd say so,” he replied. “You both must have been very good this year.”

“Well…mostly good,” Tricia said with a quick glance at her mother. And then she prudently changed the subject. “Didn't any of you see Santa when he brought these presents in last night? You were all sleeping right here.”

Bobby Ray had excused himself from the room for a few minutes, so the question was addressed to Lucy and Banner. They swapped a brief look, and Banner's expression was amusingly baffled. Lucy got the impression that “let's pretend” was not a game he felt comfortable playing.

She answered for them both. “I don't know about the guys, but I was so tired I didn't hear a thing last night. I'm sure both Santa and the Easter Bunny could have come into the living room and danced a polka across the floor and I never would have stirred.”

Tricia laughed. “The Easter Bunny doesn't come at Christmas. He only comes at Easter.”

“Lucy knows that,” Tyler said, rolling his eyes. “She was just making a joke, weren't you, Lucy?”

Lucy nodded gravely. “Yes. I was making a joke.”

“I wonder why Hulk didn't bark when Santa came in?” Tricia mused, still preoccupied with the logistics of Santa's visit.

“Hulk's not much of a guard dog,” Banner explained with a resigned shrug. “He tends to accept all newcomers with a yawn and a wag of his tail. I guess Santa and the Easter Bunny could have stolen all the silver and Hulk would have opened the door for them to carry it out.”

As if he knew he was the topic of conversation, the dog made a snuffly sound and laid his head on Banner's knee. Everyone laughed, both at the dog's actions and Banner's attempt at embroidering on Lucy's imagery.

Bobby Ray came back into the room then, and from the ruddy flush on his face it was obvious that he had been outside. Lucy remembered his comment that he had something in his truck for the children, and she assumed he had been out to get it. He had one hand behind his back, so she couldn't see what he was holding.

“It's already warming up out there,” he announced. “Bet those roads are clear by noon.”

“That's good news,” Joan said, and then turned back to the tree. “Kids, you have a few more gifts back here.”

“More?” Tricia perked up in interest. “Santa left us more presents?”

“These aren't from Santa.” Her mother pulled out the cradle and tractor rig. “Tricia, Banner made this beautiful cradle, and Miss Annie knit the pretty blanket inside it. And Tyler, Banner made this truck and trailor and the backhoe on it, and Miss Annie made this nice warm cap that is just your size. Wasn't it nice of them to give you these lovely things?”

Tyler pounced on the large wooden rig, his eyes huge and excited. “Oh, wow. This is so sweet,” he said, using

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