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Глава 7

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Глава 8

1. Langelaar G., van der Lubbe J., Biemond J. Copy Protection for Multimedia Data based on Labeling Techniques // 17th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux. 1996.

2. Langelaar G. Feasibility of security concept in hardware. 1996. AC-018, SMASH, SMS-TUD-633-1.

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9. Hartung F., Girod B. Digital Watermarking of Raw and Compressed Video // Proceedings SPIE 2952: Digital Compression Technologies and Systems for Video Communication. 1996. P. 205–213.

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11. Hartung F., Girod B. Watermarking of Uncompressed and Compressed Video // Signal Processing. 1998. Vol. 66. №. 3. P. 283–301.

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13. Воробьев В.И., Грибунин В.Г. Теория и практика вейвлет-преобразования. СПб.:ВУС, 1999 г.

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