GM to triple parts sourcing from India. Times of India. November 20, 2007.
Jahangir Aziz and Steven Dunaway. China's Rebalancing Act. Finance Development 44. N° 3, September 2007.
Yasheng Huang. Will India Overtake China? Foreign Policy. July/August 2003. P. 71- 81.
Manjeet Kripalani. Read AU About It: India's Media Wars. BusinessWeek. May 16, 2005.
О Всемирной организации здравоохранения см. на сайте: tries/ind/en/.
См., например, его статью India and the Balance of Power (Foreign Affairs 85. N° 4, July/August 2006. P. 17-32).
Чаудхури также объясняет эти идеи в своей книге Hinduism: A Religion to Live By (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979).
Mohamed ElBaradei. Rethinking Nuclear Safeguards. Washington Post. June 14, 2006.
Robert D. Blackwill. Journalist Roundtable on India (transcript) / hosted by David B. Ensor. February 23, 2006.
I.James Morris. Pax Britannica; Climax of an Empire. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1980.
Quoted in: Karl Meyer. An Edwardian Warning: The Unraveling of a Colossus. World Policy Journal 17. N° 4, Winter 2000/2001. P. 47-57.
Niall Ferguson. Empire: The Rise and Demise of the British World Order and the Lessons for Global Power. New York: Basic Books, 2002. P. 268.
Lawrence James. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. P. 212.
Paul Kennedy. Why Did the British Empire Last So Long? // Strategy and Diplomacy, 1870-1945: Eight Studies. London: Allen Unwin, 1984. P. 197-218.