“As long as I have to,” Miranda said. “It’s clear we’re not getting out of here anytime soon, and I know better than to leave you alone. So until I get you to Zarin and hand you over to Banage himself, I’m not taking my eyes off you.”
“What, you’re just going to sit there and stare at me?” Eli said. “I’m flattered, don’t misunderstand, but aren’t you being a bit unreasonable? I mean, I’m just sitting here enjoying the soak while you’re keeping every spirit you have on full burn. That’s got to take it out of you. How long do you honestly think you can keep it up?”
“I’ll worry about that,” Miranda said.
There was no reason to tell the thief, but she’d planned out a schedule. Right now, Kirik, her fire spirit in the stove, and Alliana, her moss, were on guard. When they got tired, she’d bring out Eril, her wind spirit, and Allinu, her mountain mist, to take their place. Durn, being stone, could watch forever, and she knew better than to question Mellinor’s resolve. Keeping up all these spirits was difficult, but it wasn’t like she had anything more important to do. When she did need to sleep or empty her bladder, Gin could keep an eye on things. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but since Sparrow was dragging his feet, it would have to do. One thing, however, was certain: She was not going to give the thief a moment of leeway. Not an inch of freedom. She had won; she had him. All she had to do to secure her victory forever was get him back to Zarin. This time, she would make sure that happened, no matter the cost. This time, Eli would not escape.
“Being at the center of so much attention, I feel like I should be more entertaining,” the thief said with a grin. “How about this? Free my hands and I’ll show you a card trick.”
Miranda gave him a stony glare and said nothing.
When he realized this approach wasn’t going to work, Eli let out a long sigh and slumped back against Mellinor’s restraining water.
“You know, I’m actually very impressed,” he said, his voice surprisingly sincere. “That was a neat little trap you pulled off back in the river. Of all the people who’ve chased me over the years, you’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a real rival. There’ve been so many bounty hunters who’ve come after me, so many traps, and yet no one has come quite as close quite as many times as you, Miranda. Back when I first started this whole million- gold-standard bounty thing, I always envisioned a great rival, some famous bounty hunter who would track me all across the Council Kingdoms and give me a real run for my money. But I never in my life thought it would be a Spiritualist.”
Miranda frowned, not sure how to answer. Fortunately, she didn’t need to, for Eli kept going.
“I just don’t see what you’re getting from all this effort,” he said. “You’ve already achieved more than most Spiritualists do in a lifetime. You’ve got nearly two full hands of rings, position, power, a Great Spirit at your beck and call. You don’t seem to care about money or fame, and you’re not the type who enjoys the chase for its own sake, so far as I can tell. I keep waiting for you to give up, go home, get a Tower, write some long-winded treatise on spiritual ethics, but you never do. You keep coming after me. Why is that?”
“Is that a trick question?” Miranda asked, keeping her voice carefully flat.
“No,” Eli said slowly. “It’s a sincere one.”
Miranda leaned back, resting her head on Gin’s ribs. “Because it is my duty.”
“Nonsense,” Eli said. “It’s the Council’s job to catch thieves.”
She gave him a long look. “That may be, but the Spirit Court cannot ignore your actions. You go around using spirits to steal kings without even trying to hide it. Every job you pull is a production, a grand sensation to build your reputation as Eli Monpress, the wizard thief. The Spirit Court exists to promote two goals: the ethical treatment of spirits and building the public’s faith in wizardry. In case you’ve forgotten, wizards used to be seen as tyrants, hated by spirits and people alike for abusing their power. For the last four centuries, the Spirit Court has worked to change that by taking down those who abuse spirits and by holding all wizards accountable to a moral code, whether they want to be held accountable or not.”
“You can’t force your morals on the whole world,” Eli said.
“We don’t,” Miranda said. “We force them on other wizards, because if we didn’t, the bad times would return faster than you could imagine. Spiritualists swear to uphold the Spirit Court’s code of ethics precisely so that we never go back to those dark days. That is why, when you decided to abandon those morals, to use your power as a wizard to flout the law for personal gain, it became my duty to stop you. Your actions throw a black shadow on all of us and undo the hard work of a great many good people. It’s so much easier to tear down a reputation than to build it, to inspire fear and suspicion rather than trust. That’s why I have to stop you, to protect the work of all the Spiritualists who went before me and save the trust they built, which you now take advantage of.”
Eli heaved a long, hard sigh. “You remind me very much of someone I used to know when you lecture like that,” he said quietly. “How is it Spiritualists can turn anything into a matter of duty?”
“It’s called having principles,” Miranda said, crossing her arms over her chest. “Some of us don’t have morals as flexible as yours.”
“Well, no one could ever accuse you of flexibility,” Eli said dryly. “Unfortunately, I fear we will never come to an agreement. Your world is far too black-and-white for me.”
“There’s no agreement to come to,” Miranda said fiercely. “Don’t forget who’s up to his neck in water.”
Eli smirked and started to answer, but he never got a chance. At that moment, the door exploded.
Miranda screamed in surprise, throwing up her arms to shield her face as bits of wood shot across the room. She fell to the ground as Gin slid out from under her, leaping to his feet with a snarl, his patterns swirling madly as he turned to face the door, ears flat back against his skull. For a moment, she couldn’t even see what he was growling at through the dust and debris. Then the man stepped into the room, and Miranda felt her skin grow cold.
Sted stood in the doorway. He was shirtless, and his cape was gone. For a moment, Miranda could only stare in horror at the hideous thing growing out of his shoulder. The black skin, as hard and polished as scorched glass, was so alien, so beyond what she expected, that Sted had walked almost all the way to where Eli was trapped in the water before she realized it was his arm. With that realization, everything else fell into place, and she flung out her hand. At once, Durn threw himself back, sliding along Allinora’s mossy bed to rest beside Miranda, Eli safely squeezed between the layers of rock and water. The thief started to protest, but Mellinor’s water covered his head before he could speak. Never taking her eyes off the intruder, Miranda nodded in thanks. Now was not the time for distractions.
“I knew something was wrong with you,” she said, stepping between Sted and Eli, who was bubbling furiously under Mellinor’s water. “But I never thought Izo’d actually be stupid enough to employ a demonseed. It must be an idiocy common within the criminal element.”
Behind her, Eli made a sound that was half burble, half scoff, and she flicked Durn’s ring. There was a loud scrape as the rock closed over Eli’s head, trapping him inside a cocoon of stone as well as water. Miranda nodded. Mellinor could give him enough oxygen to keep him from drowning for ten minutes at least, and she was taking no chances.
Sted stood where Durn had been, glaring at her with eyes that were far too bright for the dim room. “I serve no man but myself,” he sneered. “I’m here for the thief. Hand him over.”
“Never,” Miranda said, pulling Allinora’s moss back into her ring, away from the monster at the door. “Eli Monpress is under arrest by the authority of the Spirit Court and the Council of Thrones.”
“Really?” Sted’s voice was slow and sharp, like a knife working through frozen flesh. “And are you ready to die to keep him?”
Gin snarled beside her, and Miranda couldn’t help baring her teeth as well. “I couldn’t do my duty if I wasn’t,” she said. “Leave now or I’ll call the whole deal off and Izo will never be king.”
Sted threw back his head and laughed, a horrible, hollow sound that rattled up from deep in his chest. “Izo?” he cried. “Who cares about Izo? Weren’t you listening, girl? I’m here for the thief, preferably alive, but I’ll take what I can get. Your fate I’m far less picky about. Move.” He took a menacing step forward, heavy boots creaking on the bare plank floor. “Now.”
Miranda held her ground, hands clenched in sweaty fists around her rings. Spiritualists didn’t fight demonseeds; it was too risky. But she could not back down. Not now, not when she had Eli. Her resolve was set, and Gin must have felt it, for before she could open her mouth to answer Sted’s threat, the ghosthound lunged forward.
It was a tight jump. The little room wasn’t large enough for Gin to turn around in let alone get any