a traveling swordsman and a thief.” The duke let go of his cracked glass with a scowl. “We all breathed a sigh of relief when you left. The selfish boy was gone, and good riddance. But your selfishness knows no end, does it? For here you are again, back to weigh down your country one last time at the hour of her greatest need.”
Josef took a deep, shaking breath. “You think I don’t know that I let this country down?” he said. “No one was more aware of how great a failure I was than myself.”
“Good,” the duke said. “So prove it. Leave. Your presence in Osera is a disruption. The people are confused. They fear that this wandering swordsman, this no-account murderer who abandoned them has returned to be king. This fear causes division and distraction at the time when we must be the most focused and united. If you love your mother, Thereson, if you want to preserve the country she fought so hard for all her life, then do us all a favor and remove yourself from it. I swear I will take good care of our people. I will defeat the Empress and lead Osera into an even brighter age of wealth and prosperity. I will be the king you never could be, and I will even make sure your legacy of failure is forgotten. All you have to do is go.”
Finley reached into his pocket and pulled out a heavy bag. He swung his arm, tossing the bag on the floor between them. It landed with a bright, metal chink, spilling open in a shower of gold coins.
“That’s a hundred gold standards,” the duke said. “There’s also a pledge that can be used in Zarin for five hundred more. If you ever loved Osera, take it and leave before you do irreparable harm.”
Josef stared at the bag of coins, and then, without a word, he swung his boot back and kicked it as hard as he could. The kick sent the gold flying, the coins tinkling like golden bells as they scattered across the heavy wooden planks.
The duke stepped back in surprise as coins bounced across his boots. When he raised his head, his face was pale with rage. “That was very foolish.”
“Then you should have expected it,” Josef said. “Given your opinion of me.”
Finley began to shake, but before he could open his mouth, Josef moved in. He closed the distance between them in one long step, pointing his finger right in the duke’s face.
“There’s only one understanding we need between us, cousin,” he whispered, his voice sharp as his blades. “Whether my mother is alive to see it or not, I will honor her wish and continue the blood of our house. That wish is the only thing keeping me in this country, and the moment it is fulfilled, I will vanish so quickly not even you will be able to find fault. But until that time, nothing, not gold, not threats, not even poison in the night, nothing is going to make me abandon the one duty my mother has ever asked of me that I could actually deliver. Everything else, the throne, the people, I gladly leave to you, but I will not betray my promise now that I’ve made it, and I’m not going anywhere.”
With a final glare, Josef turned on his heel and walked toward the door. Behind him, he heard the duke’s boots scrape as the old man recovered.
Josef stopped and looked over his shoulder. The duke had pulled himself up to his full height, his face scarlet with barely leashed fury. “I have given you every chance to do right by your country, but if you will not leave on your own, I will not hesitate to do what is best for Osera.”
Josef’s hands went back to rest on the swords at his hip. “You’re welcome to try, old man.” With that, he flashed the duke a long, bloodthirsty smile and walked out the door.
The servant was waiting just outside. Josef pushed past him, sweeping down the stairs. When he reached the bottom of the tower, he kept going, walking past the waiting carriage to the rutted road leading back to the city. The moment he hit the dirt, he started jogging, his legs eating the distance in long steps as he pushed up the slope into the poor, crater-pocked neighborhoods covering Osera’s eastern side. People came out to gawk at him as he passed, the tall man with his fine clothes hidden under blades. Josef ignored the stares and kept running, his hands clenched in white-knuckled fists.
The sun was going down by the time he reached the palace at the top of mountain. Servants threw themselves out of his way as he stomped through the rear gate. He heard them whispering his name as he crossed the yard, as well as other things—thief, deserter, murderer, disappointment, failure—before he shut his ears and set himself on a single-minded path back to his room.
When he arrived, he opened his door to find Nico and Eli sitting at his table eating his dinner.
“Welcome back,” Eli said around an enormous mouthful of food, glancing over his shoulder just long enough to give Josef a stuff-cheeked smile. “How was the meeting?”
Josef ignored the question. “What are you doing?” he said, shutting the door.
“Dinner,” Eli said, turning back to the table. “We started without you. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Wouldn’t matter if I did,” Josef said, looking at the decimated plates. “There’s not enough left to get mad over.”
“You should be grateful,” Eli said, shoving another forkful of potatoes in his mouth. “A man came by about a half hour ago with a message from your wife. Something about a fire? Anyway, he said that she said to tell you that she’s going to be late tonight and you should eat without her, so I took the liberty of telling him to go ahead and bring up your dinner. After all”—Eli swallowed loudly—“we’ll never get a better chance to test it for poison without having to worry about the sweet princess.”
Josef’s eyebrows shot up. “So you decided to test the food for poison by eating it all? That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard.”
“You have no vision,” Eli said. “I’ll have you know I have a very sophisticated pallet for this sort of thing. The old Monpress fed me every poison under the sun during my thief training days. Ah,” he said, licking his fingers. “Memories.”
Josef shook his head. “So what have you found?”
“Nothing,” Eli said, snatching the last delicately folded roll from the basket at the center of the table. “Your food seems perfectly safe, so either your poisoner decided to take the night off, or it’s not coming through the food.”
“Or it’s something you don’t recognize,” Josef added.
“Impossible,” Eli said. “If it’s used in the Council Kingdoms, I’ve tasted it. Poisoning’s a subtle art, but it’s very set in its ways.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Josef muttered. He walked over to the table and picked up a plate of beef scraps, all that was left of what must have been a lovely roast. “Meanwhile, you can get out. I’m going to wait up for Adela. I have some questions to ask her.”
Eli shrugged and stood, taking his wineglass with him. “I’m going to poke my nose down around the castle,” he said, refilling his glass to the rim from the bottle on the mantel. “Do a little goodwill work with the spirits, just in case we have to make a quick getaway.”
Josef ignored the stab of bitterness that came with that. “What makes you think we’ll be leaving?”
“First rule of thievery: Never be without a quick exit,” Eli said, sipping the top of his now very full glass. “Of course, there’s also the fact that you just walked in from a meeting with a powerful man who doesn’t like you very much looking like you’re ready to kill something. Even without the rules, that’s reason enough for me.”
Josef couldn’t argue that point, so he let Eli go. But when Nico got up to follow, he reached out.
“Stay,” he said, grabbing her shoulder gently. “Please. I want you to help keep an eye on things, in case I fall asleep again.”
“You want me to stay here,” she said, slowly. “With you and your wife?”
“Yes,” Josef said. “In case I—”
“Fall asleep again,” she finished, turning away. “I heard you the first time.”
She vanished into the long shadows of the dressing room before he could add anything else, and Josef bit back a curse. He was trying to think of something to say when the door creaked, and he snapped his head around to see Eli hovering.
“Josef,” he said, very quietly. “Do you want to talk about—”
“No,” Josef said.
Eli bit his lip and, for a long, tense moment, Josef worried that the thief would push. But then Eli nodded and vanished into the hall, closing the door silently behind him. Once he was sure Eli was gone, Josef sat down on the couch and stared at the destroyed remains of his dinner, mechanically shoving the last scraps of the roast into his mouth as he waited for his wife to appear.