“I think I will make you go unsatisfied,” she gasped, and made an effort to retreat as he dropped to the bed and began prowling after her.

“Not going to happen, Ari,” he warned, grabbing her legs and pulling her toward him, his body covering hers, his erection pressing against her shorts, causing a moan to escape her throat.

Yeah, he was right. There was no way she would be able to resist him.

Moving quickly, he slid to the side of the bed and stripped the last barrier of her clothing away before once more covering her body with his.

“I can’t believe how much I always want you,” he said. She knew how he felt.

His lips finally captured hers in a kiss worth receiving, his mouth thoroughly devouring her as his tongue plunged inside, sweeping across the contours of her mouth.


She needed… wanted…had to have…more.

She grabbed him, holding his head securely against her as he seized her mouth, owned it.

Sliding his arousal against her slick folds, but not entering her, Rafe tormented her, making her burn hotter and hotter as his hand slid down her side, grabbed her leg and pulled it up, his hips rocking against hers, his hand clasping her bare behind.

Rafe released her mouth and Ari grumbled. Then he moved away from her, and Ari cried out. No! She needed him inside her.

Before she could give voice to her complaints, he rose from the bed and grabbed her feet, pulling her toward him.

Without a word, he lifted her so she was standing flush against him, and his hands circled around her waist before he bent and began sucking on her neck. OK, this was almost as good as the kiss.

His hands caressed her back as his mouth trailed across her shoulder, then moved to the top of her breasts.

“Oh, Rafe, more,” she cried out.

His tongue swept across her breasts, circled her nipples and wet the peaks before quickly retreating. It was too fast. She wanted more attention bestowed on her sensitive nipples, not just a quick flicking of his tongue.

Before she could complain, he turned her in his arms, his chest pressing against her back as he placed his hands on her stomach and began raising them upward until his palms cupped her breasts, his fingers grabbing the nipples and pinching them in the most pleasurable ways.

Ari groaned and pushed her backside against his arousal, loving the way he felt in the soft cushion of her derriere.

Rafe suddenly brought his hand around to her back and pushed her forward, making her fall against the bed with her buttocks in the air; his hands moved quickly to grip her hips. Spreading her legs wide open with his knees, he had Ari completely exposed to him.

“Rafe?” she asked, her voice unsure.

“Trust me,” he said as the thick head of his arousal rubbed down the line of her cheeks before sliding into her wet core.

Her excitement reached a peak as he sheathed himself deep inside her, his arousal stretching her swollen folds.

With a hard thrust, he sank fully inside, his hips pressed against the curve of her backside, his hands gripping her flesh, holding her firmly in place.

“Oh, my, Ari, you feel so damn good,” he growled as he pulled backward before slamming forward hard, hitting her rounded behind with a slap of his hips, making her pleasure build quickly and her core begin to pulse.

He pulled back again, and thrust forward so forcefully that her chest slid along the bed, but his hands held her hips tightly in place as he rocked her rhythmically.

Ari soon felt herself fall over the edge of pleasure, and it didn’t take him long to join her. Rafe groaned as his body shook, his hands tightening on her as he convulsed inside her heat.

When his body relaxed, he released his hold on her, and Ari had no doubt his passion would leave its mark on her flesh. That thought only made her excitement and passion begin to build again.

Only with Rafe had she ever felt so possessed. He could do it anytime he wanted. She hoped he would.

“I lose control with you, Ari. I’ve never experienced that with any other woman,” Rafe said as she turned and looked at him. She couldn’t tell if he was apologizing or just stating a fact.

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she said, lifting her hand to caress his cheek.

“Mmm,” he said, a slight grin lifting the corner of his mouth.

Without warning, he swept her up into his arms as he moved toward their bathroom, not stopping until he reached the shower.

With a turn of the knob, he started the strong jet and stepped inside with her, gently setting her down and facing her toward the water, where the spray began flowing over her still-sensitive skin.

When he moved her so the spray hit her nipples, she cried out and tried to move. Rafe held her in place, and Ari’s body began to shake.

“We have all night, baby,” he whispered in her ear before his hand moved down her stomach and he found her swollen womanhood.

All night turned out to last until the sun began rising in the sky. Ari fell asleep a very satisfied woman, with Rafe wrapped around her.

Mmm, she would be extremely happy to have her controlling lover at night, and her sweet fiance during the day. It was the best of both worlds. Of all possible worlds.

If it could last forever, that wouldn’t be long enough.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Would you please accompany me on a date tonight?


Rachel looked at the note with suspicion. What was this new game? Was he actually attempting to court her? That made no sense. Was he asking because now there were witnesses around and he was afraid that one wrong move would send her away from the island on the next available boat or chopper?

Did it matter?

No. Not really. She was determined to get to know this man as much as she could for the sake of her unborn children. If it took going out on a date with him to accomplish her goals, then that is what she needed to do.

“Tell the king I would be pleased to accompany him,” she told the servant who was standing by awkwardly while awaiting Rachel’s response.

The girl beamed a smile her way before telling Rachel the time to be ready and then giving a small curtsy and scuttling away to inform her king that his message had received a positive response.

Rachel supposed she’d been a little harsh with the palace staff, but what else should they expect when she was held against her will? Of course she would be testy.

Upon finishing her bath a couple of hours later, Rachel stepped into her room, then stopped at the sight before her. Hanging on a rack that must have been brought in while she’d been soaking in the deep tub was an incredible red gown.

Walking to it, she smiled as her hand ran along the silky fabric, which was dotted with shining crystals. The skirt was full, and the dress looked like a perfect fit.

Since she’d been brought here without anything formal of her own, she hadn’t even thought about what she would wear, but Adriane had apparently taken care of that matter.

She could be bratty and refuse to wear the lovely gown, but deep down she wanted to put it on, so she relented. Carefully taking the gown off the hanger, she slipped on a pair of her fancy undergarments, then stepped

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