staff filling her completely.

“Too long,” he groaned as he pulled back, and then surged forward again, making her orgasm continue on and on. “Way too long. You are mine, Rachel Palazzo, mine forever. No other man will touch you again; no other man will have what’s mine,” he said, slamming into her again and branding her with all he was.

“Yes, Adriane,” she cried, not caring what she agreed to, just desperate for him to continue.

He paced himself, moving deep within her body before retreating and then starting all over again, moving slow and then fast, his thick arousal filling her, stretching her, building her ever higher in her need for him.

He’d already given her a surfeit of satisfaction, and still, it wasn’t enough! She felt like a sexual glutton.

“Now, Rachel. Let go now!” he demanded.

As if attuned to his every desire, she prepared to climax again, her body responding to his movements, to the sound of the ardent groan deep within his chest. As he emptied himself inside her, her pleasure overwhelmed her, and she shattered, then floated away into a sea of blackness.

Rachel quickly returned to consciousness, surprised when she realized she’d passed out.

“Rachel, are you feeling all right? I should call the doctor. I was too rough; I wasn’t thinking about the babies at all. I’m sorry,” Adriane said as he ran his hands down her body, stopping on her stomach as if he could tell whether the babies were healthy just by feeling her.

Some of her euphoria faded as she saw him focused solely on her stomach.

How could she forget even for a single moment what his ultimate goal was? He had to protect his heirs no matter what.

Would nothing she did make him focus only on her?

If the sex hadn’t been enough to knock his socks off and have him thinking of her as a woman and not a human incubator, then she didn’t possibly know what would catch his attention.

Pushing his hands away and pulling the blanket up to her chin, she sat up, suddenly feeling overly exposed. Where were they going to go from here? He’d gotten her into the sack; now was he going to leave her alone?

She didn’t want that. She wanted to be held.

Impossible as it seemed, just the feel of his hands caressing her flesh had begun stirring her up again. Even with the confusing thoughts fogging her mind, she wanted him — as she feared she always would.

Maybe it was because it had been too long since she’d been held; maybe it was just because he was such a fantastic lover that it was easy for her to forget why she was here in his palace — and in his bed.

“I’m fine, Adriane. Pregnant women all over the world have sex. I highly doubt anything could happen. The children are locked up safely inside my womb,” she said, trying to disguise the sting she felt, trying to focus on the positive fact that at least he was concerned.

After a pause, while he tried to determine if she was telling him the truth, he began shedding the rest of his clothes and dropping them to the floor — the clothes he hadn’t removed in his haste to claim her.

“If you’re sure…” he said, hesitating before lifting the blanket on the bed.

“I know how I feel. I’m fine,” she said, her voice confident. But if he dared ask about the babies again, she wouldn’t be at all OK.

“In that case, I will just make sure to be more gentle from here on out.”

“Oh,” she said. “There’s more?” She couldn’t deny that her blood was already heating at just the thought of him making love to her again. That round had been undeniably satisfying, but it was still over too quickly. He’d promised her till the sun rose.

She didn’t think she’d get that much lovemaking, but she’d gladly take another hour or two.

Climbing beneath the covers, he immediately reached for her, pulling her into his arms and positioning her body on top of his.

The heat of his skin scorched her from breasts to toes, and it was a burn she reveled in.

“Plenty more, Rachel. It’s been entirely too long since we’ve come together,” he said, letting his hands glide across her skin, running from the smooth indent of her calves all the way to her collar bone before moving lazily back down.

“Adriane,” she moaned, unable to keep still as he caressed her.

“The shape of your body takes my breath away. Every single curve on you is perfect, fits beautifully in my hands, or softens beneath my touch. You were made for me — and me alone,” he said as he leaned into her and trailed kisses along the path he’d forged with his fingers.

Each kiss brought her intense pleasure that pooled in her core and made her ache for his touch. Reading her mind, he let his fingers rest there, and she leaned back, giving him better access.

His arousal grew beneath her backside, and she wiggled against him as his fingers sank inside her, time fading away as she cried out in pleasure with each sure stroke of his hand.

After she peaked again, she turned, capturing his mouth with hers and kissing him in appreciation.

“You make me feel so good,” she said, pulling back to kiss his neck. Moving downward, she first swirled her tongue across his hard nipples, nipping the dark peaks, before kissing his trembling stomach.

“Rachel?” he asked, but she ignored him as she reached her favorite place on his body.

Not giving him time to stop her, she cradled his thick member in her hand and sucked him inside her mouth, moving slowly on him as he cried out.

His hands reached downward, grasping her head and guiding her up and down his shaft, teaching her exactly what he wanted.

When he came close to coming in her mouth, he moved her head away and then grabbed her hips, pulling her up his body until she was sitting on his face; his mouth began to work its magic on her core again.

Soon, time had no meaning as he pleasured her over and over again, trailing tender kisses along every inch of her skin before singeing her body as he touched her everywhere.

Just as the sun was beginning to rise in the sky, he sank deep inside her with a sure, strong thrust of his hips. Gripping the back of his head, she held him close as he pushed against her. Lifting her hips, pulling him deeper, Rachel held on as he stoked her fires ever higher.

When she climaxed around him for the final time that night, he collapsed against her, both of them too spent to move a muscle.

It had been needed, this night of lovemaking, but she was more worn out than she’d ever been. Adriane was a considerate lover, and her body had tensed many times as she reached her peak over and over again.

“I want to take you back to the private hideaway soon,” he whispered as he shifted off her, only to tug her into his arms.

“That sounds nice,” she sleepily murmured.

“Then it’s settled,” he said, a smile in his voice.

Rachel drifted into a dreamless sleep, secure in her lover’s arms.

Chapter Forty

“Do you love my son?”

Rachel stared at Adriane’s mother, Queen Octavia, and was at a loss for words. She’d managed to avoid a conversation like this with his mother before now, since she’d never been alone with the queen before. This luncheon wasn’t going well, and she was praying for a natural disaster to intervene.

It seemed she’d prayed for a lot of those since meeting Adriane.

That should be a sign that she should run as fast as she could, but the last few days had been about as perfect as they could be.

“Adriane and I haven’t had a lot of time to get to know each other,” she replied diplomatically, then picked up her cup of herb tea and took a sip.

“Time is irrelevant when you’re with ‘the one,’” Octavia countered.

This queen wasn’t giving up. Rachel was sure the woman hadn’t sat by her husband’s side for more than thirty years without learning how to interrogate people. Could Rachel be thrown into the dungeons for not being loyal enough to the king of Corythia?

Though she was joking to herself, a shudder still passed through her at the thought. Still, she was raised

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