will have my word.”

“We promise.” The words tasted like ash on my tongue. “We swear it.”

“I agree—”

Hope swelled in my chest. Well, this wasn’t too hard.

Perses smiled. “On one condition.”

Oh. I tried not to show my distrust. “What is your condition?”

His smile returned, and it was hungry. I wished he’d take a step back. “I need something strong to drink, and I need a woman. Maybe two.”



I was in Vegas with a Titan who needed to get drunk and get laid.

What in the holy Hades? Like, at what point in my pretty short time on Earth had my life veered off so that I would end up here?

If someone said this was going to happen a few hours ago, I would’ve told them to get off the drugs, but Hades had poofed us just outside the Palms Place, a colossal shimmery hotel near a million glittery casinos. It felt like my stomach was still in the Underworld as I gazed at the Sky Tube connecting the Palms to a casino.

I’d never been to Vegas. I remembered not too long ago, before I’d Awakened and the world went to hell, Aiden and I had made plans to get assigned to a place like Vegas. There was a huge—or used to be huge— community of pures out here, and that meant there’d be daimons to stab and all that jazz. But I wasn’t sure if the community still existed here or if they’d fled to one of the Covenants.

“Vegas,” Perses’ deep voice rumbled. “It’s like an Olympian playground?”

A wry grin pulled at Aiden’s lips as he twisted toward us and ran a hand through his hair. “Vegas is basically a playground for adults.”

The Titan smiled. “Then it is my kind of place.”

“We need to get a place for the night.” Seth looked up at the lighted hotel. “This should work.”

Hades had given us explicit orders to meet him back here at noon the following day, which hopefully was enough time for Perses to do, uh, his thing. As the four of us headed toward the front entrance of the Palms, we passed several mortal tourists. The world had gone to hell in a hand basket, but by the teeming streets and crowded sidewalks, nothing had really changed here.

Mortals had a wonderful ability of sticking their heads in the sand, even as the entire world came down on top of them.

I envied that.

Perses strode past two laughing college guys. They immediately quieted when the spied the near eight-foot tall man in leather. Although I’m sure there were stranger things to see in Vegas, he was sure going to draw a lot of attention.

We’d made it about a foot when a string of curses exploded behind us. I whipped around, as did Aiden. The two college guys were pushing each other, dangerously close to the curb. Under the glowing street lamps, their faces were red with anger.

Perses chuckled.

A shiver ran down my spine. “It’s you, isn’t it? Already, you’re affecting mortals.”

He shrugged and kept walking.

I glanced at Aiden, and we shared the same thought. This is not going to go well.

The lobby of the Palms was opulent and wildly calming compared to the glitz of outside. I lingered back as Seth strode to the registration desk. I knew he was using compulsion, and I couldn’t bring myself to feel bad about it. I looked up, awed by the size of the dazzling crystal chandelier.

Aiden smoothed his thumb over my cheek. At the same time, he was keeping an eye on Perses, who was keeping an eye on a cluster of young woman dressed in short, sexy dresses—the kind of dress I’d wear if given a chance.

Then again, I’d seen the scars on my legs. I doubted the world wanted to witness that hot mess.

So here we were, standing in Vegas in our Sentinel uniforms next to a giant Titan, looking like damn fools among all the fancy-dressed patrons of the hotel and casino.


The guys could have been wearing used garbage bags, and they would still have looked hot. Every female around us openly gawked at the trinity of hotness. I, on the other hand, looked like I belonged in a paint-ball arena.

Aiden’s hand slipped to my shoulder as Seth returned, several key cards in his hand. He grinned. “I got us Penthouse A.”

“Penthouse A?” I took the card, curious.

We left the lobby and headed for the elevator just as I thought I heard a fleshy smack, like one of the women had just slapped another across the face. We were on the top floor—almost half of the top floor.

Penthouse A had three bedrooms and a game room. The place was completely decked out. It was the kind of room that catered to the filthy rich—lush furniture, stocked bar and fridge, Jacuzzi tub, TVs in the bathroom mirrors, and a breathtaking view of Vegas from the all-glass wall.

Perses and Seth each picked out rooms, and the Titan immediately disappeared into one of the bathrooms. I couldn’t imagine what he thought of modern technology, but he seemed to figure it out, because as I neared the open door, I heard the shower running.

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw Aiden disappear into the last bedroom. I tucked my hair back and walked forward, hesitating just inside the door. Seth was sprawled across on one of the plush white couches, glass in hand. Man, he’d found the liquor quick enough. He arched a brow when he spotted me, and the cord tightened within me.

“Want a drink?” he offered. “It’s scotch. Found it in the bar.”

Getting liquored up was probably the only way I was going to make it through this night, but I shook my head. “What are we going to do with him?” I nodded back toward the hall that led to the bathroom.

“Let him get what he needs for the night.” Seth laughed to himself as he swished the golden liquid around in his glass. “Ladies and liquor—the fundamental L’s of life.”

“We can’t just let him roam Vegas by himself. He walked past two guys and they nearly had a wrestling match.”

“I wasn’t suggesting that.” Seth finished off his drink and stood. “I’ll watch him.”

Yeah, I wasn’t so keen on that. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

“Better than staying here with you two.” He strolled up to me. “There’s only a thin wall separating our rooms. I think I’d rather spend my night frolicking in high-priced strip clubs.”

I rolled my eyes. “Nice.”

“Just being honest.”

“You don’t have any money,” I felt the need to point out.

He chuckled. “Do you really think I’ll need money?”

If any guy could get attention in a strip club without money, it would be Seth, but that was beside the point. “Aiden could go with him,” I argued.

Seth cocked his head to the side. “Aw, Angel, are you trying to spend time with me?”

Hearing the shower turn off, I winced. I so did not want to be in here if Perses decided to walk out with no clothes on. I doubted he cared about privacy. “Look, I’m just making—”

“You don’t trust me.” Seth leaned against the wall in front of me. Close. Very close. “I wouldn’t if I were you.”

I frowned. “Well, that’s a reassuring statement, Seth.”

He shrugged one shoulder as he stared down at me.

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