'Mack, meet Evan. Evan, Mack's trying to help the police. Why don't you tell him what you know about the people who took you.'

Evan licked his lips, glancing quickly at the big man before looking back at Jon. 'He's okay?'

Jon smiled at Mack's raised eyebrow, then nodded. It was odd that Evan seemed to trust him, even though they barely knew each other. But then, the kid had not only reached him when he was stuck down the well, but had guided his astral travels towards Maddie, as well. Maybe there was some form of psychic connection between him and the teenager. He'd learned long ago that anything was possible.

He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall, listening to the harsh rasp of the kid's voice. As anxious as he was to rescue Maddie, there was nothing to be done until Evan had told his story. The last thing he wanted was to rescue Maddie from Hank's grip only to have her fall into Mack's. At least this way she'd be free to go.

Mack glanced at him once the kid had finished. 'Then you were right about Eleanor Dumaresq.'

Jon nodded. 'Did you find out if she or her ex-husband owns any other properties in the area?' If Hank moved Maddie and the remaining kid, the information might just give them a chance of finding them quickly.

'Besides the inn and the house on sixth, nothing. But I'm checking for aliases, just in case she has a history with us.' He stopped and glared at Jon for several minutes. 'You realize, of course, I should haul your ass down to the station and charge you for impeding an investigation.'

Jon grimaced. 'Maddie's psychic talents are somewhat raw. I wasn't going to waste your time until I knew for certain we'd found the right place.' He hesitated, then added softly, 'There's one other problem, Mack. They took Maddie hostage when I was getting Evan out.'

'Isn't that just great.' Mack's gray eyes were hard with anger. 'You haul a civilian into a crime investigation and end up losing her. Real smart move, Barnett.'

He ran a hand across his mouth. What Mack said was true. If he'd made her stay here, as gut instinct had told him to do, she'd now be safe. But he'd given in to the plea in her eyes, and now she was paying for his weakness.

'Where's the damn cabin?' Mack continued roughly.

'The place is called Malkin cabin. It's off 202, about fifteen miles out of Jewell.'

'Is there a chance that they're still there?'

He shrugged. Hank wasn't a fool, but there was always the chance he couldn't move quickly. It would depend on the type of ceremony Eleanor was preparing. 'Maybe.'

Mack shook his head and looked across at the police officer. 'Better get those descriptions out right away.' As the man rose and moved to the door, the agent's gaze came back to Jon. 'You and I will sit down and have a serious talk after all this is over.'

He nodded. Mack had to catch him first. 'If we move now, we might still find them.'

He watched the FBI agent stalk to the door, then pushed away from the wall and walked across to the bed.

Evan stared up at him, eyes wide and full of a fearful desperation. 'You have to go now. Aunt Maddie needs you.'

He squeezed the kid's shoulder again. 'I made you a promise. I'll bring her back.'

Or die trying,he thought bleakly, and turned away.

Chapter Fourteen

Mack glanced up as Jon walked out the door. 'Jerry's staying with the kid, and I've organized local help.

I'll meet them up near the cabin.'

Jon pulled up his coat collar to stop the rain from dribbling down his neck. 'I'm coming with you.'

Mack studied him for a moment, gray eyes hard. 'Give me one good reason why you should.'

'Eleanor's a sorcerer.' He gave Mack a bland smile. 'I know magic. You don't.'

It was hard to tell whether Mack believed him or not, simply because there was no reaction from the man. But after a second of silence, he nodded. 'Get in.'

Mack climbed in and started the engine. Jon got into the passenger side and glanced at his watch. Two and a half hours gone. Maddie and Hank could be anywhere by now.

'Anyone would think from your behavior that you cared for this woman,' Mack commented. The rear tires squealed as the car sped off.

Jon smiled grimly. 'I barely know her.' Which was both the truth and a lie. He probably understood Maddie better than he understood himself. And he sure as hell liked her more than he liked himself.

Mack lit a cigarette and took a long puff. 'That's not what I meant,' he said, exhaling.

Jon glanced across at him. 'Just drive, Mack. I'm not in the mood to have my life analyzed right now.'

The big man gave him a sharklike smile and planted his foot to the floor.

They'd missed them. Jon knew it the minute Mack pulled the car to a halt. Though why he was so sure he couldn't honestly have said. Ignoring the stares of the local police, he walked across to the road leading up to the cabin. The heavy rain had quickly turned the mud to slush, but it was still thick enough to capture the imprint of a tire as it had slid in the turn onto the road. He ran a finger around the outline of the track. They'd missed them by about ten minutes, if not more. The rain was beginning to wash the deep prints away.

Mack squatted down beside him. 'Recognize them?'

He shook his head. 'No. But they're recent.'

'So our quarry has probably flown.' Mack stood up and studied the muddy driveway. 'We'll go check, anyway.'

'They might have left something for us.' He rose to his feet, hoping like hell that that something was a ransom note and not a body. Either way, he had to know before he gave chase to Hank's car. 'We'll have to walk, though. I doubt if the cars will make it up the hill in this rain.'

Mack nodded in agreement and motioned for the local officers to follow them. Jon led the way, listening to the wind whistling through the dripping pines. There was no sign that Eleanor was still in the area.

The cabin came into sight. Mack pulled him to a halt, and Jon bit back his impatience. The man was only doing his job. He stood in the shadows of a pine and watched the cabin. There was no noise or movement to be heard. The place had to be empty—or at least empty of life.

His gut clenched painfully. Maddie had to be alive—surely Eleanor wasn't stupid enough to get rid of a potential hostage?

'Stay here,' Mack ordered, checking his gun.

Jon nodded. Until he knew if Maddie was okay, he would obey. He watched the four men run across the clearing to the front of the cabin. Watched as they smashed the door open and tumbled inside. When no gunshots or snarls met their appearance, he walked down to join them.

Mack glanced up as he entered the cabin. 'Our birds have flown, but they left us a note.' He offered the sealed plastic bag to Jon.

He scanned it quickly and frowned They wanted an exchange—Maddie for Evan. But that didn't make sense. Why not just go find another kid if they needed two? Why did they need Evan back?

At least it meant there was a chance that Maddie was still alive. At least she wasn't lying dead on the old worn floorboards. The relief he felt was frightening.

He handed back the note and tried to remind himself it didn't mean she was still alive. 'Let's go find the bastards,' he muttered and spun around.

Mack caught up with him as he strode down the steps. 'Leave this to the experts, Barnett.'

He wrenched his arm from Mack's grip. 'In this case, that's me. Eleanor is something you've never seen before, something you have no experience in handling.'

'I wouldn't bet on it,' Mack stated grimly. 'I've seen a lot of strange things in my twenty years of service.'

Jon smiled impatiently. He'd bet his life Mack had never seen the likes of Eleanor. Or him. He glanced at the sky.

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