them explore.

They were going through the drawers, when he heard the distant sound of footsteps in the stairwell, footsteps that were moving up towards them. He looked toward the stair door, his gaze narrowing as he listened. Two sets of steps. Two sets of heartbeats. One human. One not.

He pushed away from the doorframe. Nikki, someone's coming.

She looked over her shoulder, expression pensive. Shall we leave?

No. Warn Jake, then close the door. I'll go check it out.

Be careful Definitely. We have a date I have no intention of missing.

The warmth of her smile ran through him, stirring the very heart of him. Good.

He turned and walked toward the stairwell. The footsteps stopped, and for several seconds, all he could hear was the drumming of hearts in the apartments around him. Then the footsteps echoed on the stairs again, this time heading down in a hurry.

They've sensed me, Nikki. Stay in the apartment until I get back.

Be careful.


He slammed through the stairwell door and took the stairs two at a time. The two men were several floors below him, their footsteps as rapid as their hearts. The second man had the feel of a shifter rather than a vampire. Had they been intending to visit Lenny? If so, why run when they sensed his presence?

The fact that they did might mean they knew who he was. Might know something about Lenny's attack on Nikki.

He heard a door open and close, and he swore. He couldn't afford to lose them now. Leaping over the banister, he dropped to the floor, jarring his spine for the second time in an hour. He pushed through the door and saw the men running down the street.

He ran after them. The sun caressed his skin, warming without burning. It was well after two now, and the sky was clear. Once upon a time, it would have proven his death to be out in the sun like this. But sharing his life force with Nikki had somehow improved his immunity. These days, it was only the hours between eleven and two that he had to be truly wary.

The men took a left at the first street and disappeared. He followed them with his vampire senses, all the while closing in. They were fast, even the human, but not fast enough.

He turned the corner. Saw the two of them just ahead. One long and lanky, similar in appearance to Lenny, and the other bald and thick set like a boxer.

A slight hiss cut the air, approaching fast from his right. He dodged, but something hit his shoulder, the force of the blow spinning him around. Warmth flooded his back and side, and fire began to burn through his veins. It was no ordinary bullet he'd been shot with, but one made of silver.

Dizziness hit him. He staggered for several steps then pressed a hand against the nearby wall. Sweat broke out across his brow, and the pavement seemed to be doing a drunken dance. He blinked and looked ahead. The two men were dark shapes that danced as erratically as the pavement. But they were looming closer rather than running away.

He swore and spun round. Only his feet wouldn't obey his orders and he found himself falling nose first to the pavement.

Pain smashed through the confusion, swamping his mind, swamping his senses.

As darkness closed in, two thoughts crossed his mind.

The bullet had been tipped with some sort of drug.

And he wasn't going to make his date with Nikki.

Chapter Three

Michael's pain clubbed into Nikki, the force of it dragging a gasp from her throat and driving her to her knees.

She couldn't move, couldn't think, for too many vital seconds. Fire burned through every fiber of her being, and her shoulder was an explosion of agony.

Michael?She thrust open the link and called with every ounce of strength she had.

There was no answer beyond pain. Endless, endless, pain. Oh God . A sob tore up her throat, and tears blurred her vision. He couldn't die on her. Not now. Not when they were only just beginning their life together.

'Nikki? You okay?' Jake's question broke off as he swore softly and raced to her side. He knelt down beside her, his grip fierce on her shoulders. 'What's happened?'

'Michael,' she somehow gasped. 'Oh God—' Jake shook her. 'Break the connection, Nik. We have to get moving if we're going to help him.'

She took a shuddering breath and forced a shield around her mind, blocking his pain as she'd been taught in psi lessons. 'Okay,' she said, as the pain eased to a muted, constant ache.

Jake helped her upright. 'Where?'

She gulped down fear and swiped the tears from her eyes. 'Outside. To the left.'

He grabbed her hand, and they raced into the corridor and down the stairs. Her heart pounded as fast as her feet, but deep down she knew she was never going to be fast enough to rescue Michael. Already the sense of him was being stretched, suggesting he was moving away, fast. Given the pain and the curtain of darkness that billowed across the link between them, she didn't think he was moving under his own steam.

They raced down the pavement, slowing as they neared a side street. Nikki pulled Jake right, then came to an abrupt halt.

There was blood all over the concrete.

Her eyes widened, and she had to shove a hand to her mouth to stop her scream. She'd seen some horrible things in her time, but this was worse than anything.

Because it was Michael's blood.

Because there was so damn much of it.

'Hell,' Jake muttered. He squeezed her hand then released it. 'Wait here.'

Nikki took a deep, shuddering breath. 'No.'

Jake's gaze was rich with concern. 'You don't need to see any more than you already have.'

'That's his blood, Jake. It might provide some clues.' She hesitated and closed her eyes. Michael's presence was moving farther and farther away. If they didn't give chase soon, they might lose him. 'Get the car. I'll look around here.'

Jake studied her, as if trying to decide if she was okay, then shrugged and jogged back around the corner to get the car. Nikki cautiously approached the blood and tried to keep a tight lid on the force of horror coursing through her. Don't think about the blood. Don't react to it. Just find Michael.

It was a mantra she repeated as she knelt beside the dark stain. Lord, so much… She took another deep breath and looked beyond the pool of wetness. No sign of a bullet, or whatever else had torn apart his shoulder. No sign of a fight. He must have gone down straight away. She glanced back to the blood.

Camille had once said that clairvoyance was a strange gift and often bore fruit in the oddest places. If she touched the blood, would her second sight spring into action? Or would it be her psychometry that delved whatever secrets the blood might hold? Or would she simply end up with nothing more than bloody fingers?

There was only one way to find out.

She blew out a breath, closed her eyes, and slowly, carefully, dipped two fingers into the warm, sticky pool.

For a second, nothing happened.

Then heat burned up her arm, and her senses leapt away, following the trail that led to Michael. Shapes began to form in the darkness of her mind, human shapes, and strange-looking boxes She reached for them psychically—and was swept into Michael's presence. But unlike the previous times she'd used her psychometry

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