'What about the other five tryouts?'

He glanced at his drink, but not before she'd caught the irritated flash in his eyes. 'I told you before. The hands of a plumber weren't what they were after.'

'There has to be more to it than that.'

He looked at her again, but the blue of his eyes was once again distant and, just for a moment, reminded her oddly of Grey. 'Why? Women have all the power these days when it comes to relationships, and believe me, they're using it.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'And you don't like the change?

You'd prefer that men once again did all the running in relationships?'

'I believe in equality—in all areas.'

'Including the bedroom?' She'd met lots of men over the years who'd spouted similar beliefs, but most seemed to get a little ticked off when a woman tried to take control and set the pace. Promiscuity might be required, and women might be able to pick and choose as they pleased, but most men still liked to call the shots when it came to sex.

His brief glance was filled with enough heat to singe her toes. 'Particularly in the bedroom.'

'Meaning if we went upstairs now, you'd let me take control and do whatever I want to you?'

His gaze met and held hers, and suddenly she couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Could only stare deep into his eyes, until they seemed to surround her, fill her. The world was nothing more than a bluish-gray sea that pounded her skin, and her mind was aflame with the heated wash of his desire.

'Only if you let me do whatever I want to you in return.'

His words were so softly spoken they seemed nothing more than a lush wind that whispered through her mind.

First it was Grey blowing her sockets, now it was Harrison.

Maybe she'd been a whole lot closer to the 'shag anything' edge than she'd thought. She blew out a breath, and scrambled to hang onto the last remaining scraps of resistance. 'Did you date any of the last five women outside of the bar?'

He reached out, running a finger down her cheek. His eyes were distant, distracted, his touch a sear of lightning against her skin. 'No.'

'Why not? Did they find someone better?'


Her gaze was still caught in his, and it was getting harder and harder to reach for questions through the lust fogging her brain. She forced a teasing grin and said, 'Perhaps you'd better tell me their names, just so I can understand why those women passed up such a fine option.'

He grinned. 'I'd be a fool if I did.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'Scared of the competition, cowboy?'

'Right now? No.'

His finger had reached her lips and was outlining them.

She licked her lips, licked his finger. His skin was cool against her tongue, and tasted faintly of beer and salt. 'Then prove it.'

His finger paused, his touch branding her lips. 'Why is this even important?'

'Because I prefer men not afraid of a challenge.' She wrapped her lips around his finger, sucking on it lightly.

The scent of lust sharpened dramatically, drowning her in its heat. 'Their names were Gantry and Steepan.'

The air around them trembled, as if the flames beginning to consume the two of them were sucking in all available oxygen. It was certainly harder to breathe. To think.

But she had to think. Had to, because he'd just given them something. 'And are they here tonight?'

'Gantry's not.'

'And Steepan?'

He blinked, and awareness returned to his eyes. He continued to stare at her for a moment, and she'd swear she saw both surprise and anger in his eyes. But once again, that anger wasn't aimed at her, but at himself.

She frowned at the thought. It had been Grey who'd been angry earlier, not Harrison.

'I don't know if Steepan is here or not.' He turned away, and picked up his drink.

His lie vibrated through her. He not only knew whether or not Steepan was here, but he actually knew him. Not as a friend, but as a… She hesitated, searching for the right word. A colleague. A partner.

And she also knew he wasn't about to tell her more right here and now. Whatever it was that had allowed the slip was now securely locked away.

'Then what do you know?'

The sexy smile that suddenly tugged his lips made her heart do a strange little dance. But it wasn't the smile itself, but rather its odd similarity to Grey's smile.

'I know I want to fuck you something fierce.'

His words vibrated through her, making the already fierce ache fiercer. 'Even with me in full control?'


'Then let's do it.' The words were out before she could stop them. But she couldn't regret them, not when the fever of wanting burned through every part of her. Besides, as she'd said to Jack earlier—the best time to question a man was during the haze of sex.

If she could remember the questions.

Something close to triumph blazed in his eyes, then he grabbed her hand, his fingers long, strong and hot as they pressed firmly against hers. He tugged her towards the stairs, not saying a word and not letting her go as he led her up to the second floor, and arranged a room.

Once they were inside the white bedroom, she pulled her hand from his and said, 'Strip.'

He didn't argue, just silently undressed and tossed his clothes onto the sofa. Then he crossed his arms, watching her as intently as she watched him. A smile tugged her lips. She had a feeling he was ready to stand there all night if that's what it took to convince her he believed in equality in the bedroom. Only equality wasn't the true issue here—it was whether he was willing to allow her to take complete control.

She finally allowed her gaze to slide past his face, discovering what she'd instinctively known—that he worthy of a long inspection. Broad shoulders, great arms, powerful chest, slim hips and long, strong legs. And most importantly, impressive packaging. Not the biggest she'd ever seen, but still damn fine. And certainly on a par with Grey.

Her gaze rose to his again. Amusement touched the blue depths, as if he was in on some joke he wasn't about to share.

'Lay down on the bed,' she said.

He turned on his heels and walked across the room. She admired his butt as she followed him, then began opening the drawers beside the bed as he lay down. In the second one down, she found what she was looking for—silken rope.

His gaze flickered to the rope and back again. 'Remember, what you do to me, I get to do to you.'

And didn't that thought make her pulse zoom. 'The object of this exercise is to discover whether or not you spoke truthfully. Raise your arms above your head.'

He did, crossing them at the wrists. 'And how is tying my hands going to achieve that?'

She grinned as she roped his hands to the headboards. 'It will test your willingness to let a woman be in as complete control as most men like to be.'

'I'm not most men.'

Grey had basically said the same thing. Was it a phrase they taught in some secret man school or what?

'We shall see.' She grabbed two more ropes and tied his feet spread-eagled to the end bedposts. Then she met his gaze across the long hard length of his body.


A smile tugged one corner of his sensual lips. 'I think you can see that I am.'

Вы читаете Lifemate Connections: Eryn
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