towards the subway. Another good thing about traveling at this hour was the lack of people on the trains. Though few people didn't necessarily equate to no aromas. She screwed up her nose, trying to ignore the stale scent of sweat and humanity and old perfume as she traveled the three stops to the station closest to her apartment.

By the time she'd made it out of the subway, it had begun to rain again. A car drove past, splashing a huge wave of water across the pavement, drenching her legs and making her toes even colder than they already were. Strappy high heels and winter weather were not a good combination. Note to self, she thought. Tonight bring warm pants and comfy boots to change back into.

She hurried down the street. People were beginning to crowd the pavement, all of them seeming to be in as much a hurry as her to get out of the weather. Her apartment block loomed through a silvery curtain of rain—a dour, ten-story brick building that had absolutely nothing going for it except for the size of the apartments. This close to the city center, space was still a premium and large apartments were rare and costly. But she paid the price willingly, simply because the apartment was not only close to work but at least three parks. Even when space had been at a premium and land prices high, those who had run the city previously had kept the precious parks intact. The outer suburban areas had not fared so well, and there were now few places a shifter could run unless they were willing to drive miles into the countryside. And the cost of gas made that a rare event.

She crossed the street and headed for the building's front steps.

Suddenly, awareness tingled across her skin, a touch as warm as flame. She stopped abruptly, looking up. Shadows haunted the entrance of the building, and though there was little to be seen through the rain and the gloom, she knew someone stood there. Not because she could smell him, but because she could feel him.

A figure detached itself from the blackness and moved into the light. Her heart did an uneven little dance, and suddenly air seemed a precious commodity.



Waiting for her.

Eryn took a step back, then stopped. From the moment she'd met him, she'd believed deep down that he meant her no harm. She believed that still.

But why was he here, and how did he even know where she lived?

His beautiful face was carefully blank, and the storm clad eyes were just as neutral. Yet his emotions swam around her, touching her senses as surely as the crisp air chilled her skin.

His determination was something she could almost taste; his desire a wall of heat that made her heart sing. Yet it was the slight edge of hesitancy that hit her the hardest.

He wasn't here by choice. Given the choice, he'd rather be anywhere else.

'That's true, but not for the reasons you suspect,' he said, his voice a soft, deep growl that made her knees feel weak.

She ignored the sensation, and said flatly, 'You're reading my mind.' Which was an obvious statement, but right then, she couldn't think of anything to say but the obvious.

He nodded. Slivers of sunshine seemed to dance in his rain-darkened hair. 'We've formed a connection.'

Something in his low voice suggested he wasn't all that happy about it, and she felt invisible hackles rise. 'Some

connection—you may know my thoughts, but I sure as hell don't know yours.'

'That's because you're not trained to do so.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'And you are?'

He hesitated, then nodded again. 'Look, we need to talk.'

'I agree, but there's no way in hell I'm taking you up to my apartment.' She wasn't that much of a fool.

Annoyance flashed through his eyes. 'You're hardly dressed to keep standing here in the rain and cold.'

She shrugged and crossed her arms. 'I have an alternate shape that doesn't mind this sort of weather.'

'I'm not standing here talking to a beagle.' He looked to the right. 'There's a small diner open just up the road. Why don't we go there for breakfast?'

'Fine.' The owner of the diner was a fierce looking ex-

boxer whom she knew rather well, since she went there for breakfast most mornings. If she needed help, he'd be there.

She stepped back and waved Grey forward. 'After you.'

Annoyance flashed through his eyes again. He paused briefly, as if he wanted to say something, then moved down the steps. She waited until he was several feet in front of her, then followed. She might be fast, and she might be strong, thanks to her shifter heritage, but he was a big man and moved in a way that suggested speed as well grace. If his intentions were dark, at least the slight distance between them gave her enough of a head start to turn and run.

'You know I mean you no harm.' His voice was still flat, yet the air seemed to vibrate with his anger. He didn't like her distrust, and given distrust was totally natural at this point, she had to wonder why.

'No sensible person would trust a man who refuses to answer simple questions.'

He glanced over his shoulder. 'Yet you had no problem with having sex with me.'

She shrugged. 'That was in a safe environment.'

'Where you were being monitored by the club and your police cohorts.'

So he knew. No surprise, really, if he could read her thoughts. 'If you know that much, you know precisely why I was there.'

'Yeah, I do, and that's what I want to talk to you about.'

'Really?' She couldn't help the sliver of disappointment, and perhaps it showed in her voice, because he flashed her a dangerous smile that made her knees go all wobbly again.

'You're a fool if you think that's all I want to discuss with you.' He hesitated, his gaze sweeping her, leaving her hot and tingly. 'And you do not look like a fool.'

'Thanks. I think.'

He gave her another pulse-racing smile, then pushed open the diner's door. She followed him inside, and wasn't surprised when he chose a booth in the dimmest corner, as far away from the counter and the few windows as possible.

After sliding in opposite him, she tucked her legs underneath the seat. She had a suspicion that if she so much as brushed her legs with his, things might get more than a little heated.

And while Dan, the owner, certainly wouldn't mind a free floor show, she didn't want to go down that road until she'd discovered why Grey was really here.

Dan followed them over and handed Grey a tattered menu as he glanced at her. 'The usual?'

She nodded. Grey ordered bacon, eggs, and toast, then handed the menu back. She waited until Dan had left, then said, 'So, tell me, do you have a real name?'

He hesitated. 'Grey.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'No last name?'

'None that matters anymore.'

Or at least, not one that he was willing to trust her with.

That annoyed her, though given they were only bed buddies, it shouldn't have. If not for the connection between them, it probably wouldn't have.

'Who do you work for?'

Again he hesitated. 'I can't tell you that.'

'Then what the hell can you tell me?'

He crossed his arms on the table and leaned forward. The heat of him washed over her, along with the wet, raw scent of masculinity. Her pulse skipped and raced harder.

'The person you seek will never be found by you or the police.'

She raised an eyebrow at the certainty in his voice.

'Because he is too well trained, or because he's a face shifter like you?'

A smile touched his luscious lips. Suddenly, it was all she could do not to lean across the table and claim his mouth with her own.

Вы читаете Lifemate Connections: Eryn
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