Daniel waited, not trusting her, then finally he rested his arms back up alongside his pillow. “You’re dangerous, woman.”
Their tussle had shifted the covers down his legs. Violet stilled as she saw his cock resting against his lower abdomen, hard and waiting for her.
Violet had touched him before, had felt him come undone under her hand. But Violet had not yet looked at Daniel’s full length, at the firm ridge of it, the sign of what their playfulness was leading to.
A rush of panic came at her. Violet closed her eyes as she silently beat it back.
She’d been afraid for so long, and she did not want to let fear ruin this moment. Daniel was giving her a gift—himself—without hurrying her. He was being as patient with her as she’d seen him be with his father’s horses, as he coaxed the most timid to trust his touch.
Daniel knew how to watch, wait, encourage, and pull the best out of the horse. He could do the same with the children, and even his engines. He was a remarkable man.
Violet’s panic rose like a wave of blackness, cutting off her breath and her vision. She fought it silently, too afraid even to move.
Daniel’s touch broke through it. Violet pried open her eyes. Daniel lay without speaking, his fingers brushing her wrist, the softest touch. He knew what she feared, what she fought, and he didn’t grow impatient, or angry. Daniel waited, the small touch on her hand guiding her back down from the dizzy heights of terror.
Holes of light poked through the dark wave, which started to recede. Violet drew in a cleansing breath, her heart beating too rapidly.
She realized she still wore her slippers, backless mules that weighed on her feet. She slid off the slippers and let them drop to the floor, then quickly pulled her nightgown all the way off.
Daniel didn’t stop his gaze roving down her body, though he remained motionless, his hands again resting on either side of his pillow. “I must be the strongest man in the world. Have to be, to lie here while you’re like that.” His gaze flicked down her again. “You are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, do you know that?”
Violet didn’t stop to enjoy his praise. Fear stirred inside her again, and she needed to conquer it.
The picture before her now was even more sensual. Daniel Mackenzie stretched upon the bed, quilts kicked to its foot. His hands were raised, out of the way, while his half-closed eyes showed his need.
Violet, who thought she’d never desire a man in her life, wanted this one. Not only was Daniel beautiful, but he was caring. He’d proved himself honorable many more times—without trying—than Jacobi ever had. But with Jacobi, Violet had been a child looking for a father, not realizing that adults were fallible and could be cruel and even evil.
Violet was a woman now, wanting the man who wanted her.
Daniel did nothing as Violet slowly and carefully climbed over him. She rested her hands on his wrists, as though reassuring herself that by pressing him back into the mattress, he couldn’t grab her, force her, do as he pleased.
Violet spent a moment looking at him lying under her, then she leaned to him and kissed his lips. Daniel let her keep holding him down, raising his head a little to meet the kiss.
They played that way for some time, kissing and tasting. When Violet lifted her head, knowing what would come next, edges of the panic threatened to return. “I still don’t know what to do.”
Daniel gave a little shrug. “There’s not much to it. That hard thing you’re feeling against your thigh goes right inside you. That’s it, really.”
Violet wet her lips. “I knew
“Well, then.” Daniel’s smile returned. “We’re a step forward. How about we see what happens?”
But he didn’t move. Daniel was letting Violet make the decision, letting her guide how far they took this. Daniel obviously wanted her—he was hard and ready, the pulse in his wrists beating swiftly under her clenching fingers.
Violet drew a long breath. Holding it, she eased herself down toward the blunt hardness that waited for her. Her breasts touched his chest as she slid back, and new fear touched her heart.
“It’s all right,” Daniel said. “I’m here with you.”
Tears welled in Violet’s eyes. Still holding Daniel’s wrists, Violet slid her hips back and froze when his tip touched her opening.
“Take it slow.” Daniel’s gaze was intense. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Violet made herself inch back. Daniel made a faint sound in his throat as she slid a little bit onto him. Then she felt him, penetrating her, entering a place where she’d only ever felt pain.
Another wave of panic lifted Violet and threatened to cast her into the wall. She’d hurt when she impacted, maybe shatter.
But no, when he’d put his mouth to her opening, it hadn’t hurt. It had been beautiful. So beautiful that Violet had dissolved into powerful delight.
Daniel’s voice worked through her terror. “I’ll do this with you, Vi. We’ll do it together.”
Violet nodded. She could barely see him now. Before Violet could stop herself, she thrust her hips back, moving all the way onto him.
A long way. She was tight, but slick, and he went deep. A spark as sharp as lightning streaked through Violet, her skin heating as though she’d plunged into fire.
“I’m here, love.”
“Don’t let me fall,” she begged.
“Never. I never would.”
For some reason Violet knew if she let go of his wrists, she’d fall indeed, down into a black well of nothing. She’d never get free. She needed to hang on to Daniel, to not let him go.
Daniel gave her a slow smile, his eyes golden embers in the firelight. Violet kissed him, and then she couldn’t stop kissing him. Exciting, fierce kisses, nothing slow about them.
At the same time, Violet waited for the grating pain, the intense hurt that had robbed her of everything she was. It didn’t come. There was only Daniel inside her, his mouth on hers, his body moving as his hips began to work.
The sudden friction broke something open inside her. Violet threw back her head, wanting to scream. She bent back down, tears streaming from her eyes, and kissed Daniel. He lifted his hips again, thrusting.
A little faster, a little harder. Perspiration gleamed on his skin. Violet’s tears kept falling—she couldn’t make them stop.
This was a new beginning, Violet reborn, phoenix-like, in the fires of passion. The feelings inside her were novel and raw, burning her from the inside out.
Daniel rose a little on his elbows, continuing his thrusts. Violet couldn’t make herself let go of him, but Daniel didn’t seem to mind. His eyes half closed as he watched her, their gleam of gold like summer sunshine.
His lips parted as he pushed upward into her, thrusting hard, loving her. It was a moment of terrible beauty, Violet loosening and letting go, fear and ecstasy coalescing.
She heard herself cry his name. The silent, sleeping house might awake, and Violet didn’t care. She kissed Daniel again, her tears dropping to his lips, then she whispered his name instead.
Daniel’s eyes opened all the way. “Violet,” he said clearly. “Oh, Christ.”
He said it like a prayer, and then his eyes lost focus and a groan escaped his lips.
Daniel at last moved his wrists out of Violet’s grip, proving he could have at any time. He caught her against him, his hands hard on her back, pulling her down to him.
Not imprisoning her. Loving her.
The last of Violet’s tears trickled away as the ecstasy Daniel had introduced her to struck. She felt nothing but Daniel inside her, his arms around her, his breath on her face, his lips on hers.
Madness. Beautiful madness, where nothing mattered, and all was heat and wild freedom. Daniel opened