This stream broke into three, each heading a different direction. One stream zoomed across the floor straight at Jamie before veering aside at the last second. Another whirled into curlicues, like flower petals opening on the floor. The third went up a series of ramps, to clatter across the picture rail under the cornice.

The last domino on the rail fell to land against another on the window seat. This stream ran to another box that sprang open in an explosion of sulfur-smelling smoke.

'That's Danny,' Cameron said, sounding as delighted as the children. 'He's always loved blowing things up.'

Another crack and puff answered the remark as the dominos swarmed down the window seat. The next device they triggered released a string of puppets dancing on a wire, a music box below them playing a merry tune. The dominos ran on, tripping a lever on a clock they ran past. The clock chimed, and from its top issued a line of figures that bowed, danced, or tapped drums in front of them, before they disappeared back into the clock.

'Glockenspiel,' Daniel said to Jamie's wide-eyed stare. 'Friend and I made it.'

The stream now met up with the two others that had been flashing around the room. The dominos ran side by side, three abreast, then knocked into others that grew the stream into four and five, then six and seven across. The dominos parted and flowed into a diamond-patterned design, meeting precisely at the end, the streams dissolving back into three before picking up again for the next diamond.

The diamonds finished, reduced the dominos to two streams again, then one, which zigzagged up ramps to the ceiling fixture, its facets removed. The dominos raced around the rim then fell like a waterfall into a pile below. One knocked into the next row, which tripped another box.

Out popped a clockwork bird, which took wing and flapped around the room. Dominos gathered into a wild swirl, tripping more and more, until they all fell down in the middle of the circle.

A final lever tripped, and a box burst open with a puff of smoke and a ball of glittering paper, which exploded over the room.

Confetti rained down in a gentle shower, the last domino fell, and all was silence.

Mac let out a wild whoop, startling Beth out of her stunned stillness. She had to open and close her mouth a few times, her voice not working, as the others bathed Ian in wild applause.

'Ian, you did all this?' Mac asked.

'Daniel put in the clockworks,' Ian said quietly, lifting the first domino to stand it upright again.

'It was all Uncle Ian's idea,' Daniel said. 'Born in that mathematical brain of his. He came up with the designs and how to make them work. I just put together the clockworks. Uncle Ian's a bloody genius.'

Ian said nothing. He showed Jamie how to set up the dominos again. Jamie let him get to five before he knocked them down and shouted happily.

The rest of the family swarmed in, adults and children alike, examining the fallen dominos and Danny's devices, exclaiming in excitement. Hart had pulled off his paper crown, but he bent over the patterns as eagerly.

'You'll have to set them all up again,' Hart said. 'I want Eleanor to see this.'

'Uncle,' Daniel said in dismay. 'It took us weeks to do this lot.'

'Take more weeks,' Hart said, without sympathy. 'Not Eleanor's fault she's abed. She'll want to see it when she's better.'

'True.' Daniel brightened, with his usual lightning-swift change of mood. 'Auntie El shouldn't miss it.

Here, Jamie, help me with these.'

He led Jamie to another stream, and Ian rose and came to Beth.

'Daniel's right,' Beth said to him. 'You are a bloody genius. And here I was afraid . . .'

Ian gave her a puzzled look. 'Afraid of what? It was for Jamie. For Christmas.'

Beth flung her arms around her husband and pulled his tall body down to her. 'Ian, I love you so very much.'

Ian's strong arms came around her, his warmth filling his embrace. 'I love you, my Beth,' he whispered against her hair. 'Are you happy?'

'Of course I am. It was a fine thing to do. Something only you would think of.'

Ian raised his head to give her a long kiss, then he buried his face in her neck, his arms tightening on her back. 'Everything's all right then,' he said.

*** *** *** 'My love, you will not believe what Ian did.'

Hart stretched out on the bed next to Eleanor, his eyes sparkling, though his face was too pale. He needed sleep.

Eleanor listened while Hart described the dominos Ian and Daniel had set up. She laughed, even though laughter brought a twinge of pain. 'They needn't bother with it again. It must have been much labor.'

'Yes, they do need to bother. It will be a nice treat for you after all this. You deserve it.'

Eleanor didn't argue. When Hart wanted to bully someone, especially about something concerning her, little could stop him.

'Well, I'm glad Ian did something so good for the children. And all of you, if I read the excitement in your voice right. It makes me feel light, which will be good for when I go down to supper.'

'El.' The smile left Hart's face, and he became the worried husband again. The over-worried husband.

'No one will think less of you if you stay and rest. They know the baby is coming soon.'

Eleanor sighed. 'Sometimes I think he's not coming at all. I wake in the morning, so sure it will be today, and go to sleep as heavy as ever. Stubborn little chap. So like a Mackenzie.'

'It's Christmas. Perhaps it will be today.'

Hart could be optimistic, but then he wasn't lying here like a bloated balloon.

Hart drew a small packet from his pocket and laid it on the covers over her bosom. 'Merry Christmas, love.'

Eleanor touched the package in surprise. 'What's this? I thought you were too Scottish to give presents any time but New Year's.'

'I didn't want to wait.'

He spoke calmly, almost offhand, but Eleanor heard the need in him, and the fear. He wanted to make certain she received the gift, in case something happened.

Poor Hart. Eleanor tried to reassure him that she was not fragile and frail like his first wife, but he was too aware of the danger. Eleanor was aware of it too, but they could only wait and see what happened.

She unwrapped the tissue around the gift, revealing another wrapping of silk. She opened this as well then gazed in rapture at the earrings that lay on the blue fabric. Soft gold geometric shapes studded with blue stones hung from wire so fine a breath might displace them.

'Oh, Hart.' Eleanor lifted one earring, her eyes wide. 'This is astonishing.' The gold was so thin it could have been paper, but heavy enough to have substance.

'They're from Egypt.' Hart slid closer and rested his head on her shoulder. He touched the dangling gold. 'An Egyptian queen wore these.'

'Truly?' Her fascination increased. 'How old are they?'

'Ancient. Made several thousand years before Christ was born.'

'They're beautiful. But where did you get them? Did you slip off to Egypt sometime when I wasn't looking?'

'I intercepted them on their way to the British Museum.'

Eleanor very carefully lowered the earring. 'Then perhaps we should let them be displayed in the museum.'

'Rot that. They were destined for a box in a basement, probably to be buried for eternity. I persuaded them to let me have charge of them.'

Hart's persuasion could be aggressive. 'I see. Then please tell the gentlemen at the museum I will take very good care of them.'

'They know.'

Eleanor slipped one into her earlobe, then smiled at Hart. 'There. Shall I wear them to supper?'

Hart slid his arm behind her, turning her to face him. His lips met hers in a slow, savoring kiss, his finger

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