Chapter 2


Never a good word in her line of work.

Holly sorted through possible plans of attack. She had to get this exactly right. Six people are trapped inside.

Raglan was in his SUV, smoking a cigarette and settling himself to wait. Alessandro lounged against the fence, giving her the space to finish thinking. There was no 1-800 Haunted House Help Line she could call. She was it.

Sometimes it sucked to be special.

'Did you ever meet any of the Flanders family?' Alessandro asked, breaking into her gloomy thoughts. Now he was standing close enough that the folds of his coat were softly brushing her fingers. The caress of the leather was sensual, distracting.

'I was in high school when the last Flanders passed away,' Holly replied. 'Grandma said the family made the House of Usher look like Tiny Tim and the Cratchits. No wonder the old homestead went rogue.'

'Oh. Remind me why I agreed to help you with this?'

'I dunno, because you might get to beat something up.' She gave a wry smile. 'You like that part. Plus, I pay you a percentage for it.'

'I want more than mere cash.'

'What?' Holly gave him a sharp look.

His expression was amused. The fitful light showed all the planes and hollows of his face, the strong nose and the long lines that ran beside his mouth. Fiercely individual. All too handsome.

'Nothing either of us would regret,' he said. 'Just some assistance with an investigation of my own. I have need of your special talents.'

Holly frowned, curious. Alessandro ran his own collections agency, putting his natural vampire aggression to good use, but sometimes he took on less usual jobs. 'What do you want me to do?'

His gaze traveled to Raglan's truck, cautious. 'What do you know about summoning spells?' He dropped his voice to a whisper. 'More specifically, how to track the magic user who is casting them?'


'So that I can rap their knuckles. Someone trashed a client's warehouse. He suspects sabotage. I found the remains of a ritual circle.'

Holly folded her arms. 'Wait a minute. Property damage? From a summoning spell?'

'Depends on what you summon.'

'Oh. Right.' Holly considered. 'I can do it, as long as no one's tried to cover up the evidence. Shielding spells are something else.'

'Too hard to move?'

'I'm all about the small-M, bread-and-butter magic. I banish ghosts and find lost property. Magic with a big, bold capital M—necromancy and the like—is outside my usual sandbox.'

He looked hopeful. 'Then you'll take a look? As a favor?'

'Absolutely. As you know, magic is always fun until your head blows up,' Holly said, only half joking. Her last trip into big-M territory had left her power handicapped, almost like a quarterback who had blown a knee.

'Thank you. I appreciate it.'

'You're welcome. Anyway, I'm ready to get started.'

Holly wiped her sweating palms on her jeans. As usual, she had preperformance butterflies.

Alessandro pushed the gate open with his foot. The old iron hinges gave a wheezing squeak. They both paused, waiting for a reaction. The house was still and silent.

Vampires didn't need an invitation to enter a derelict property. Alessandro stepped through the gate, his posture poised and alert. She watched him move, pale hair swinging with the glide of his body. She followed, searching with her psychic senses. If Alessandro was ready for corporeal enemies, she could take care of the rest.

Holly felt the presence of the house ahead, curled like an animal waiting to pounce—not exactly patient, but willing to let them make the approach. 'This house isn't almost sentient,' she said in a low voice. 'It's fully aware.'

Alessandro didn't look back. 'I suppose that makes this a fair fight.'

'Good to stay positive,' Holly replied dryly. 'Me, I like my evil entities stupid.'

Half-buried paving stones zigzagged to the porch. Fronds of grass brushed her ankles, grit and moss making her soles slide with a wet, crunching noise that did nothing for her nerves. She could smell rotted fruit from beneath the apple and pear trees that filled the corners of the lot. No one had picked up the windfalls.

They were nearly to the porch before the house stirred, a whisper that sounded through the grass and leaves. Why are you bringing the dead to my doorway? Send the vampire away. I cannot use him.

'Precisely,' Holly replied under her breath. Vampires were the perfect backup. Nothing ever wanted to eat them.

The ground rumbled, a quick, irritated shake.

Alessandro was instantly at her side. 'What was that?'

'It knows we're coming.' Holly craned her neck, studying the scrollwork framing the porch. There were protective sigils carved into the crumbling wood, but the magic had long since faded away.

Alessandro looked at her expectantly.

'It's safe,' she said. 'Safe-ish, anyway.'

With a rustle of leather, Alessandro mounted the porch, a tall, broad shadow in the darkness. He pulled a slender black flashlight out of his pocket. He didn't really require it, but the extra light helped Holly. 'Do you have the key?' he asked.

'We won't need it. It wants me to come in.' She joined him on the porch, her footfalls human-loud.

Yes, come in, come in. She felt an impatient tugging, as if someone had her by the front of her jacket. Holly braced against it, but a sudden jerk made her stumble forward.

Alessandro caught her, strong hands pulling her against his side. Her shoulder collided with hard muscle, the cold metal of his coat buttons scraping against her cheek. He held her still for a moment, giving her time to find her feet.

'It thinks I'm literally a pushover.' A hot thread of anger wound through her gut.

'It hasn't seen you push back.'

Come in, come in, come in. The words came from all sides, from inside her head and out. The voice split into a thousand different pairs of lips, a whispered chaos sipping at Holly's strength of mind. Meaning splintered, all logic crumbling apart.

Holly gripped Alessandro's arm, using the solid feel of him as a focus. Taking a long breath, she clenched her jaw, summoning the anger simmering just below her thoughts. The shards of her will drew together, pushing the invading, sibilant chorus away.

Back off. I have six people to find. Six souls. Six lost ones.

No. They're mine.

Think again, Demolition Sale. You don't get to chow down on your playdates.

Then come in, little one, and stop me. I invite you. I dare you.

The door rattled, the sudden loud sound making Holly's skin crawl. Reluctantly she pulled away from Alessandro as he flicked on his flashlight, shining it on the lock. As she watched, the ornate handle turned, the paneled door sailing open and releasing a stale gust of wood rot and paint thinner. The entryway gaped, empty and dark.

Whispers swirled in the darkness, imitating the motes of dust dancing in the beam of the flashlight. Her stomach cold, Holly stepped over the threshold. The house's energy pressed in on her, a sinister brush of wings over her face and hands.

She thumbed on her own flashlight. The beam caught Alessandro's eyes, and they flared the radiant yellow of a cat's. Predator.

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