“Jace,” she panted. “I...I can’t...”

“Tell me what you want.”


He exhaled a long hiss. “Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

“Oh...I...make me...” She moaned and shoved her hips into him.

“All right, I’ll settle for that.”

He pulled out of her and flipped her over on the bed. Wrapping her legs around him, he slipped deep inside her. Heat flowed from her core. His cock throbbed, and he strained as he held himself back from explosion.

“Come for me,” he growled.

At his words, her body shook. Waves of ecstasy rolled over them both. His warmth rushed into her, and he bent down and kissed her hard. Her hands ran down his shoulders, and the sugary taste of her lips made him groan. He couldn’t get enough. It would never be enough. He wanted all of her, and now that had her, he needed her like he needed air.

“Say my name, Jace.” Her words came out as a breathy moan.

When he broke away, her golden eyes filled with a craving for more than just sex.

His heart jumped, and his stomach flipped. “Francesca,” he whispered. A large lump crawled into his throat.

Damn it. He was so fucking screwed.

* * *

ROBERT SIPPED THE first few drinks of his Bombay Sapphire martini as he scanned the sea of worthless bodies filling the club. The multicolored strobe lights flashed through the room, and the bass beat thumped in his ears as a crowd began to gather.

A blonde whore whose hair color and tan both looked like they’d come straight out of a bottle flipped her long locks around while one of the DJs poured water over her body. The crowd of mostly twentysomething males howled and yelled. The bitch smoothed her hands over her shirt, making sure to plaster the white T-shirt to her surgically enhanced chest and show off her hard, cold nipples. Robert took another sip of his martini.

Cold. Exactly how he liked his women.

Turning back toward the bar, he eyed two females a few seats down. A pretty little brunette and a long- legged redhead. They giggled as they leaned over their drinks. A grin spread across his lips. He’d seen wide, happy eyes like that before. The eyes of young girls. They were new to the club scene. Very fresh meat.

He slipped off his bar stool and snaked his way toward them. Long-legs smiled at the bartender and yelled over the music, “Hey, can I get a masturbating butterfly?”

The girls laughed as the bartender said, “Coming right up,” and winked at them.

The server walked away, leaving Robert with ample opportunity. Time for the show. He plastered a charming smile across his face and positioned himself next to the redhead. This would be all too easy.

He propped himself against the bar. “Could I buy you ladies a round of drinks?”

He saw the brunette roll her eyes. “Why don’t you just go—”

Both women turned toward him. The look in their eyes transitioned from annoyed to intrigued as soon as they saw his face.

The wonders of being an extremely attractive man.

Their eyes scanned the length of his body, moving from his chestnut hair to his handsome face and ice-blue eyes, then raked over the thick muscles of his abdomen. He couldn’t help but grin. Women made it all too easy— wanting him as soon as he made eye contact.

After several moments, he cleared his throat. “So, about those drinks?”

“Oh.” Long-legs turned to the brunette. They both giggled incessantly. “Sure,” she said. “I’ve already ordered my drink, though.”

The bartender returned at that precise moment. “Here you are, miss.” He passed her a drink.

Robert slipped a hundred-dollar bill onto the bar before she had time to protest. “These ladies’ drinks are on me.”

The bartender nodded and took the bill. He hurried to the cash register.

“Thank you.” The redhead batted her eyelashes as she sipped her drink.

He held out his hand. “My name’s Robert.”

She lightly shook his hand. “Monica.”

“And how about you?” Robert glanced at the petite brunette.

The girls broke out into another fit of giggles. “My name’s Jill,” the brunette said.

Robert faked a smile. “Well, may I get you something, Jill? I’d hate to leave you out.”

Jill bit her lower lip, and several stray strands of hair fell into her face. She hooked her arm through Monica’s.

Skin like porcelain on both of them. They would both look stunning drenched in red.

Jill glanced at Monica. “I don’t usually drink.”

Monica nodded. “She hates the taste of alcohol.”

Robert drank more of his martini and stepped closer to them. “Well, I just so happen to be an ex- bartender,” he said, lying through his teeth. “I bet I could find something you like. Little to no alcohol taste.”

Monica gave Jill a small nudge with her elbow.

“Sure,” Jill said. She met his eyes.

Hazel brown—they would be gorgeous as the light faded from them. The thought sent a shiver down his spine, and his dick stiffened. “I bet you’d like something sweet and feminine, something with vodka, whose taste can be easily masked.” He stepped toward her and took her hand in his. Her eyes widened as he laid a kiss on her skin. He inhaled her scent. Vanilla perfume.

“I know just the thing.” He let his warm breath linger before he pulled back and flagged down the bartender. Robert nodded toward Jill. “This pretty woman would like a chocolate martini. Equal parts vanilla vodka and creme de cacao. And if you could add just a dash of Godiva liqueur after you’ve mixed it, it would be greatly appreciated.”

The bartender nodded and stepped away.

“How do you know I’ll like that?” Jill asked.

He smiled at her. “You smell sweet, like vanilla. It seemed like a good guess that you’d like the taste, as well.”

The girls exchanged excited glances.

Robert set down his empty glass. “How about this? If you don’t like the drink, I’ll buy you another. Anything you like. But if you do like it, you’ll agree to dance with me. Just one song.”

Jill nodded. “Deal.”

The bartender came back and handed Jill her chocolate martini. She lifted the drink to her soft pink lips and tasted. Her eyes widened, and she glanced from Monica to Robert. “That’s delicious.”

Monica’s jaw dropped, and she touched Robert’s arm. “You’ve done the impossible. I’ve never been able to find a drink she likes.”

Robert smiled and held out his hand to Jill. “You owe me a dance.”

Her grin spread from ear to ear. She gave Monica her drink to hold and placed her hand in his, letting him lead her onto the dance floor.

He could tell already that this was going to be a great night.


AFTER HER LONG night with Jace, Frankie stared at the ceiling of the apartment and sighed, sinking into the old mattress, which enveloped her like a huge cocoon. She glanced to her right, where Jace lay next to her, sleeping. He was an Alpha, a warrior in every sense. But when he slept his chiseled features softened. She stared at his peaceful face, and her heart melted. The hard stare he normally wore, filled with overwhelming anger and suppressed rage, had disappeared.

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