“I hate that she had to see us separated before she died.” He glanced at Allsun. She set the cat down on the ground. It weaved in and out of her legs before it scurried away.

She stared at him with her arms crossed over her chest. “Why would you say that?” Her voice was calm and completely flat. Anger radiated off her in waves. Her perfectly rounded hip jutted out to the side, and she tightened her soft lips into a thin line.

His cock hardened and he shifted, hoping she didn’t notice his erection. Man, she was sexy when she was angry. He wanted every inch of her. He directed his eyes to the pavement and prayed the feeling would pass. “I said it because that’s how I feel.”

“Yeah, well, you shouldn’t have said it.” She shook her head. Her voice climbed as she paced the alley. “You have no right to say that. Not after what you did.”

“What I did? You were the one who left me, Allie. Not the other way around. I loved you. I wanted to marry you.”

She stomped toward him and stabbed her finger into his face. “Don’t you dare act like none of it was your fault. You can’t play the victim with me, David. I won’t fall for it.”

Anger boiled underneath his skin. “You were so scared of hurting anyone that you left us all behind and hurt everyone anyway.”

She stepped away from him.

He regretted the words as soon as they’d left his lips. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. What I meant was—”

“Don’t!” Her hand quivered at her side, and he could see her thoughts on her face. He almost wished she would go ahead and smack him. Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes.


Without another word she turned, and ran down the alley and out of his life again.

* * *


Jace shook his head, trying to forget what just happened, and focused back on Frankie. He would deal with David’s emotional baggage later.

Just as Frankie was about to speak again, someone else parted the crowd. A beefed-up male werewolf who looked like he’d been injecting steroids before he’d been weaned off the bottle stepped onto the platform.

“You can’t call for a vote, Frankie.” He held his head high and puffed out his chest. Another pack member wanting to look like a badass.

She brushed him off as if he were nothing more than a fly buzzing near her food. “Step down, Marshall.”

Marshall shook his head. A cocky grin crossed his face. “That’s packmaster to you.”

Frankie raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. She scoffed. “Excuse me?”

Marshall stepped farther onto the platform, making certain to flex his massive biceps as he went. Jace had to fight not to laugh. The asshole might as well have put a sign on his forehead that said Overcompensating.

“I’m the new packmaster,” Marshall said. “When you failed to take a mate, pack law dictated that you were no longer able to be packmaster. The title passed to Alejandro, but he refused to take a mate other than you, so he didn’t qualify. I’m next in line after him.”

Frankie laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Marshall. Get over your little power trip and step aside.”

Marshall let out a low growl. “Under pack law, I am the new packmaster, and I won’t let any ex-pack leader bitch talk to me that way. And I sure as hell won’t let any hunters near my pack.”

Frankie snarled and bared her canines. “That’s where you’re wrong, Marshall. You see, Jace happens to be half-werewolf and he was there during the call. I’m not mated to any of our pack members, but I am mated to Jace.” The crowd fell silent and Jace watched Alejandro’s face fill with anger.

Jace froze. He’d slept with her and now he was mated to a werewolf? His head spun with anger at himself for not listening to her warnings that night. What the hell had he been thinking? As much as he wanted to be nothing but pissed off, though, a small sense of relief flooded him. No wonder he was so hung up on her.

Frankie continued. “So by pack law, I am still in power and if I say we’ll have hunters help us in catching this sadistic son of a bitch, then my word goes.”

Marshall cracked his knuckles. “You’ll have to fight me for the position, then.”

Frankie laughed. “Don’t make me embarrass you in front of your fellow pack members.”

Without warning, Marshall charged Frankie full speed. But her reaction time was clearly faster than he’d expected. She hit him with a spinning back-kick that collided with his face. He dropped like a sack of chemically enhanced potatoes, clutching his bloodied nose.

Before he could jump to his feet, she grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed him straight under the chin. A loud crack of fracturing bone sounded as he toppled back onto the floor. After delivering one final blow to his solar plexus, Frankie jammed her tennis shoe into his windpipe and stared him down.

The growl that ripped from her throat sent a chill down Jace’s spine, and he suddenly knew why she was packmaster.

“Fuck with me again and I will cut off your balls and feed them to you like they’re scrambled eggs.” She pushed his head to the side with her foot and turned away from him.

Marshall peeled himself off the floor, bloodied and humiliated.

Paying no further attention to the asshole, Frankie cleared her throat and addressed her pack. “As I was saying—”

Marshall ran at her from behind and lunged.

“Frankie!” Jace yelled.

She spun around just in time for Marshall to collide with her midsection. He knocked her back and tried to climb on top of her. Twisting just out of his grasp, she shot to her feet, grabbed hold of his head and chin, then wrenched them to the right. With a deafening crack, she snapped Marshall’s neck as if were a chicken bone. He crumpled to the floor, lifeless.

For several moments Frankie stood there, panting as she regained her composure. Then she rolled her shoulders, let out a long breath and turned back to the crowd. Her voice was filled with fury. “If any one of you ever tries to assume my position again, the means by which I kill you won’t be so painless.” She cleared her throat. “I am now calling for a vote on whether Jace should be allowed to shift.”

Jace stared out at the room, memorizing the members of both sides as the tension grew with each passing second. Two groups—those loyal to their packmaster and the dickweeds who wanted to fight.

Alejandro got up in Frankie’s face, and it took everything Jace had in him not to rip the bastard to shreds right then and there. “There’s no way I’ll allow it,” Alejandro said.

Frankie shoved him out of her face. “It’s not up to you, Alejandro. The whole pack needs to take a vote.”

Jace could tell by the way her hands shook that her patience was about to break.

Without another word to Frankie, Alejandro turned to stare down at Jace and glared. “If you’re as strong as we are, prove it.”

“Jace—” Frankie began.

Ignoring her, he stepped forward and gestured for her to move aside. “Frankie, don’t try and tell me I can’t do this. If they want proof, I’ll give it to them.”

“I wasn’t going to say that.” She gave him a little smile. “Just don’t kill him.”

Jace couldn’t help but smirk as he stripped off his coat and handed it to her. Rolling up his sleeves, he stepped onto the platform. The little prick dropped into a fighting stance, like he was about to go all jujitsu on his ass. It took every ounce of control Jace had to keep a straight face. Within seconds, Alejandro charged. Jace dropped to the floor and swept the other man’s feet out from under him. Alejandro toppled to the ground in a pathetic heap.

Jace shot to his feet again. “You were seriously going to try and body-slam me?” He ground his boot into the bastard’s spine. “I’m twice your fucking size.”

He lifted his foot, ready to deliver another blow. Alejandro grabbed him by the ankle and twisted, pulling

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