Billings, Lem
Birmingham, Alabama
Baptist Church bombing
Children’s Crusade
Blackett Strait
Boggs, Hale
Bolton, Oliver
Booth, John Wilkes
Boston Globe
Bouvier, John “Black Jack” (Jackie’s father)
Bowles, Chester
Bradlee, Ben
Bradlee, Tony
Branch, Taylor
Brandon, Henry
Brenna, Howard L.
Brigade 2506
Brown, Arnold J.
Browne, Malcolm
Brown v. Board of Education
Bryant, Carolyn
Bryant, Roy
Bumbry, Grace
Bundy, McGeorge
Burke, Arleigh
Burton, Richard
Bush, George H. W.
Callas, Maria
Camelot (musical)
Campbell, Judith
Camp David
Campion, John
Capone, Al
Carpenter, Scott
Carrico, Charles J.
Casals, Pablo
Cassini, Oleg
Castro, Fidel
assassination plots vs.
Bay of Pigs and
Cuban missile crisis and
Cuban revolution and
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
anti-Castro plots and
Bay of Pigs and
Bobby and
domestic operations and
Jack’s assassination and
Mafia and
Oswald and