Williamson, David

Wilson, Harold

Wolfson, David

Woman’s Own

Wood, David

Wood, Richard

Woodward, Admiral ‘Sandy’

World in Action

Worth, Squadron-Leader

Wright, Sir Oliver

Wright, Peter

Wyatt Woodrow


Yeltsin, Boris

Young, David

Young, Sir George

Young, Hugo

Young, Janet

Young, Jimmy

Young & Rubicam

Younger, George




Zhao Ziyang


About the Authors

John Campbell is one of the country’s leading political biographers. His books include Lloyd George: The Goat in the Wilderness, Edward Heath (for which he was awarded the NCR Award) and If Love Were All… The Story of Frances Stevenson and David Lloyd George. His latest book is Pistols at Dawn: Two Hundred Years of Political Rivalry from Pitt and Fox to Blair and Brown. He lives in England.

David Freeman is Lecturer in History at California State University, Fullerton. He earned his Ph.D. in modern British history and serves on the staff of Finest Hour, the journal of the Churchill Centre to which he has contributed articles about ‘Churchill and the Invention of Iraq’, ‘Churchill and the Anglo-Irish Treaty’ and ‘Churchill & De Valera’. He is working on a book about Leo Amery and Imperial Preference.



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Abridgement copyright © David Freeman, 2009

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a The Thatchers had moved from Farnborough to Lamberhurst, near Tunbridge Wells, in 1965.


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