you? If you will excuse my asking directly.”

“Oh, I’m not important. Would you like a lift, little lavender bud?”

Sophronia considered this. Lavender bud?

The vampire dandy said, “Normally, my dear dewdrop, I prefer not to interfere. It’s so much more fun to observe. But even I’m loathe to leave an innocent young lady alone and entirely without protection on the streets of gay London-town.”

Sophronia thought on the matter. She might be getting herself into more trouble, accepting a lift from a strange vampire—well dressed though he might be. But he wasn’t threatening, and Dimity and Pillover desperately needed her. Besides, this man was well-informed. Perhaps he might engage in some lucrative conversation.

With a nod, she allowed herself to be helped in by the other dandy, who took up position on the footman’s perch of the fly, allowing Sophronia to sit next to the driver. Said driver gave her a charming, if fanged, smile, and whipped the horse into a trot.

The 15th test


The foppish vampire was not very forthcoming, although he found Sophronia’s attempts to extract information highly diverting.

“Are you acquainted with the members of that household?” was her first foray, alluding to the Westminster Hive as they sprang down the street.

He rebutted with, “The house on the corner? Not at all, sweet almond flower.”

“No, the house in the middle. The one with the birches at the front.”

“I know them by reputation, of course, but who doesn’t?”

Sophronia raised her eyebrows at him. “Me. I don’t.”

“Oh, my dear sugarplum, aren’t you precious?”

“Westminster Hive. Lord Ambrose. That’s what I’ve got so far. I don’t suppose…” she trailed off hopefully. He seemed like such a nice, jolly fellow.

The nice, jolly fellow gave a nice, jolly laugh. “Curious as a kitten. Aren’t you, puss? No, dear, no. I think a lift is more than enough interference. As I said, I do try not to participate as a rule. Although, this is unusual hive behavior for so early in the Season. What are they about?”

Sophronia said, hoping for an exchange, “I think it’s all to do with Mr. Giffard’s new dirigible.”

“Do you indeed? And how is poor Aloysius Braithwope?”

“Not well, last I heard.”

“Ah, dear, that’s only to be expected with such an unfortunate mustachio.”

“You know him?”

“We all know one another, puss-puss.”

“What do you want?” Sophronia was moved to exasperation.

“Me? Stockings and breeches to come back into fashion. I do so miss seeing a man’s calves.”

Sophronia swallowed down a startled giggle as the fly drew up in front of Walsingham House Hotel. “No, vampires. What do you vampires want?”

The blond fop looked at her, cocking his beautiful head to one side like a bird. “The same thing you want, my kitten.”

What do I want, right now? Information. Is that all the vampires are after? Information.

Pilpo jumped down and offered her his hand. A sweet flash of a smile crossed his face.

Sophronia stepped down and turned back to look up into the fly.

“There’s a difference between us, you realize?”

“Indeed? Oh please enlighten me, kitten.” The vampire’s blue eyes sparkled in excitement.

“I only want information. You people want to control it.”

The blond threw his head back and laughed. “So wise for one so young. Most diverting! I must remember you, little puss-puss. Normally, I don’t bother with the fairer sex. I think I might make an exception in your case.”

“Thank you for the compliment, but I’d really rather you didn’t.” Sophronia hadn’t meant to catch his eye. The last thing she needed was a vampire interfering in her life.

“Now, now, don’t close all your doors, kitten. When you are Finished, remember me. I believe I might even take on the potentate for your indenture. Such sharp little claws as Geraldine’s can provide will look lovely on you, and only I can make certain that they have diamond sparkles.”

Sophronia said nothing to that. He was right, best not to close all doors. After all she was only recently considering how expensive her chosen profession might be. Wealthy patrons were not easy to come by, and she had a feeling this one would at least not expect a connubial relationship.

She said only, “Thank you very much for the lift, kind sir.”

“I am at your disposal, kitten.”

He was away before she could ask his name or his consequence. Nor, she realized, had she been afforded the opportunity to give him hers. I suppose he will know how to find me, if he wants.

Sophronia trotted up the steps and back into the hotel, the odd encounter forgotten as she concentrated on the task at hand.

The ball was still in full sway, which was odd to Sophronia. She had the feeling ages must have passed, but a lively reel vibrated the floorboards of the Frond, and the celebration had continued despite her. She spotted Lady Linette instantly. The music teacher wore a bright pea-green-and-pink gown, vivid among the pastels of the young ladies. She was in conference with the potentate and Captain Niall. They all had worried expressions on their faces, and Sophronia wondered if her absence had been noted.

She was making her way over to them when a hand grabbed her arm.

“Where have you been?” hissed Felix.

“Not now, Lord Mersey!”

“You cut me. On the dance floor. Again. Miss Temminnick, you owe me an explanation.”

Frustrated, Sophronia merely said, “Come with me if you must. I only have time to say this once.”

They pushed their way through the crowd, ending up in front of the group of teachers.

Sophronia curtsied. “Lady Linette, Captain Niall, and Mr. Potentate, sir, please excuse the interruption.”

“Yes, Miss Temminnick?”

“Dimity and Pillover Plumleigh-Teignmott have been kidnapped by the Westminster vampire hive.”

“Miss Temminnick, what a shocking accusation!” Lady Linette clasped her hand to her breast.

Good technique, thought Sophronia.

The potentate looked down at her out of sharp green eyes as if she were some kind of bug in his tea. “I highly doubt that. Why on earth would the hive involve itself? I have everything under control.”

“Have you any evidence?” asked Captain Niall, looking less doubtful.

“Only my own eyes. I followed Lord Ambrose’s carriage to the house itself.”

“The hive house? You can’t possibly know its location.” The potentate would not believe a word of it.

“It wasn’t difficult. I simply used the skills I have been taught. I know it’s the hive because I recognized some of the members.”

“Prove it!” demanded the potentate.

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