
So, how would a nun react to a mind-blowing orgasm?

She blinked a few times, then forced herself to sit up, ran a hand across her face. “What did you do to me?”

“Why? Did you like it?” He leaned closer. “Would you like to do it again?”

Cocky bastard. So sure of himself.

“I don’t know. I feel strange.”

He studied her for a moment. “You’re a little pale, but you’ll be fine. Come on, up you get.”

She pushed herself up and gauged how she felt. She was okay. Maybe just a little shaky, but she let herself sway as though she were unsteady. Reaching into the voluminous pocket of the robe, she gripped the tiny bug between her finger and thumb. A stumbling step brought her close to the desk, and she staggered. She rested her fingers on the smooth metal, bowed her head as though the effort was too much, and slipped the bug under the desktop.

And dropped it.

Shit. She bit her lip to stop the word from tumbling out.

“I feel faint,” she mumbled and sank to her knees, groping the cool floor until she found the bug. Gripping onto the edge of the desk, she attached it, and then dragged herself to her feet. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s the matter with me,” she muttered.

“Sit down for a while, Sister.” Piers was watching her, his brows drawn together in a small frown. She needed out of there. Fast.

“I really must get back.”

After studying her for a minute longer, he stepped up closer. Placing a finger under her chin, he raised her head so she had no choice but to stare into his eyes. “You will forget what happened here,” he murmured.

Like hell I will.

“When you leave this room, you will remember only that you gave me the information and left.”

Yeah, like that’s going to happen.

She nodded serenely.

He stroked a finger down the curve of her cheek. “But when this…mess is sorted out, I’ll be paying a visit to the mother house, and we’ll get to know each other a whole lot better. Would you like that?”


A knock at the door saved her from answering. Graham poked his head around.

“You called, Oh lord and master?”

Piers smirked. “I think the sister is ready to leave now. Would you see her out?”

Graham’s gaze went straight to her throat, and she narrowly resisted the urge to reach up and touch the wound. He entered the room and handed Piers a file—presumably relating to Jessica Thomas. At least she hoped so.

“No problem. Sister?”

Yup, she was ready to go. But as she turned to leave, Piers spoke. “Sister, we will meet again.”

The words sounded almost like a threat, and she swallowed down her nerves and curled her lips into the semblance of a smile. “If God so wishes.”

“Oh I don’t think God will have anything to do with it.”

A shiver of apprehension ran through her. Did he suspect her of something? Every cell screamed at her to run, but she kept her pace slow as she followed Graham out of the office. Her nerves held until she heard the door click shut behind her, when she almost sagged with relief.

Graham reached out a hand to steady her. “Are you okay, Sister?”

She forced a smile. “I’m fine. Mr. Lamont is just a little intense.”

Graham grinned. “Yeah, intense. Though I’ve heard him called other things.”

I’ll bet. Blood-sucking spawn of Satan probably fits quite well. “I’ll be fine as soon as I get some fresh air.”

They were silent the rest of the way, Graham only speaking again as he held the glass door that led out onto the street.

“Goodbye, Sister. Perhaps we’ll meet again.”

Like never. “Perhaps. And thank you for your help.”

She knew he was still watching as she walked away. Christ, she could murder a drink, but she could hardly walk into a bar dressed in this outfit. She’d have to wait until she got home.

She was searching for a taxi when a black SUV pulled up beside her, and the passenger door was pushed open from the inside.

What the hell? Had Ryan followed her? She so didn’t need this right now. Then she spotted the bottle of scotch on the passenger seat, and she closed the space between them.

Piers watched as the door shut behind them. His body buzzed with her blood. Fae blood, if he wasn’t mistaken. Sweet as sin.

She must have a high proportion of fae in her background to taste so sweet. Or high fae. But the high fae didn’t consort with humans these days, so where had she come from?

Apart from the scent and the taste, there was nothing to suggest she was other than human. And she was obviously unaware of it herself. There was a mystery surrounding Sister Rosa, and one he would get to the bottom of—when he had more time. She would be safe in the convent until he was ready for her.

Would she dream of him?

She’d come apart in his arms so beautifully. Some women were incredibly sensitive to his bite; Sister Rosa was obviously one of them. Next time, he’d be buried deep inside her when he drank and she would probably spontaneously combust. His cock twitched; it liked the idea.

For a moment, he considered calling her back, asking her to stay, telling her he would protect her from the demons in exchange for…

In exchange for what? Her blood, her sex…her company? He was going soft. Except he was rock hard, straining at the fly of his pants. All hot and bothered because of one little nun.

He pushed the thought aside. First, he had to find out what the fuck that bastard Jack was after. He wasn’t expecting it to be anything good. And what had he taken from the convent?

He flicked through the file Graham had handed him. The identikit picture was on the top. He studied it for a moment—it was definitely Jack.

Had Jack been careless? Or was he sending another message?

He put the picture aside and read the notes. Jessica Thomas had vanished on her way home from school, two days ago. She was fifteen. There was a photo of a pretty, rather plump young girl. He wondered what she looked like now. Was she still pretty? Was she even alive?

It wasn’t the Order’s job to protect humans, at least not directly. But if the police had gotten close enough to get a picture of Jack, then they had to put a stop to this now, before the law got any closer.

He picked up his phone and started a search in motion. He wasn’t expecting it to be difficult—Jack had sent him the message because he wanted to be found.

The question was—why?

Chapter Five

“Get in,” Ryan said from the driver’s seat.

For a second, Roz considered ignoring him, but a quick glance behind her showed Graham still watching from just inside the glass doors. She couldn’t risk making a scene. Besides, there was that bottle of scotch. With a huge sigh, she picked it up, clambered into the passenger seat, and tossed him a filthy look.

“Are you following me?”

“Yes. Fasten your seat belt.”

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