awake, a brindle dog at his side, Piers reached into his pocket and tossed him some coins.

“I like dogs,” he said when she cast him a surprised glance.

They must have walked for hours, but finally he halted, raised his head, and sniffed the air. “We have to go back. Dawn will be here soon.”

“Do vampires really go up in a puff of smoke in the sunlight?”

“Younger vamps—yes. I’d just get a really bad case of sun burn.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want that.”

They were silent on the way back, but it was a companionable silence. Surprisingly, she felt comfortable with the vampire. Or maybe comfortable wasn’t the correct word, but she felt safe, and that wasn’t something she could remember feeling since the villagers had come for her and her mother all those centuries ago. That was a long time to be afraid.

Would he try anything when they got back? She was aware he desired her, and part of her wished he would and she could forget everything in a few hours of torrid lovemaking. She was betting Piers was pretty good at clearing a girl’s mind of everything but him, even without the mesmerizing thing.

Back at the SA building, he held the door open for her and followed her in. After pressing the button for the elevator, he considered her for a moment, and she held her breath. She thought about making the first move, but wasn’t sure she was ready to reveal how much she craved his touch, so she waited. In the end, all he did was lean toward her and kiss her lightly on the mouth.

“I think I like you, Rosamund Fairfax. But right now, you’re exhausted. Go back to bed.” And he gently pushed her into the elevator.

His words warmed her. She’d known he wanted her, but liking was a whole different ballgame. She liked him as well.

Back in her room, she stripped off her clothes and crawled into bed. As she fell asleep, she could still taste his kiss on her lips.

When she next opened her eyes, it was three o’clock the following afternoon. She had slept for almost ten hours, and she felt amazingly better for it. Stretching, she stared up at the ceiling and considered what she had to do that day.

First, she had to get hold of Asmodai. She still hadn’t heard from Shera—she’d have to phone her and hope she wasn’t in kitty-cat form. Shera would contact Asmodai—she had never found out how—and arrange a meeting for her to hand over the Key. For a moment, she contemplated asking Ryan to hand over the Key for her. But she hated to drag him any further into this world. Right now, he could still get out of this mess unscathed, but not if he encountered Asmodai. Nobody ever came face to face with a demon and got away unchanged.

No, she’d retrieve the Key and hand it over herself. She jumped out of bed and pulled on the clothes from the night before. Maria was in the kitchen trying to make coffee.

“I heard you were awake,” Maria said. “I thought you’d like some coffee.”

“Thanks.” Roz took over. “I’ll sort out getting you back to the mother house today.”

“Will they let me go?”

“Of course.”

“Will it be safe?”

“Yes.” At least, she was 99 percent sure it would be safe, and that was better than could be said of most places. She had a memory of the vision she’d had the night before. Jack knew his Key was missing. But there was nothing to tie that theft to her or the Little Sisters of Mercy. There was no reason for them to attack the mother house—unless there was something hidden in the catacombs there as well, and how likely was that? “Yes, you’ll be safe,” she said with more conviction.

Maria bit her lip. “After all this…I just don’t know anymore. I’m not sure what I want, or what I believe.”

“Well, time in the mother house will help you see.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

Unlike down in the cells, Roz found she had internet access and a cell phone signal up here. She checked the bug—but obviously, Piers hadn’t gone to his office the previous night, and there was nothing to show.

She managed to get a hold of Shera in the late afternoon. She said she’d contact Asmodai and get back to her with a time and a place. Roz told her to hurry, and she replied that she’d go as quickly as she could be bothered. They’d never been friends.

Next, Roz needed to coordinate with Ryan, and arrange to pick up the Key on the way to the meeting with Asmodai. She didn’t want it in her possession any longer than absolutely necessary, but until Shera got back to her she had no clue of when and where the rendezvous would be.

Finally, she called back just as the sun was going down and told Roz that Asmodai would meet her outside St Paul’s cathedral at midnight.

Why the hell did he always have to be so melodramatic?

She called Ryan, got his voicemail, and asked him to ring her back as soon as possible, then got herself ready. The night was warm; she wouldn’t need a jacket, but she pulled a flannel shirt on over her tank top. Glancing up, she found Maria hovering in the doorway of her room.

“Are you going out?”

She nodded. “I have to meet someone.”

“Can I come with you? I’m scared to stay here alone. These…people make me nervous.”

Very perceptive. Roz thought for a minute. But there was no reason why not. She could leave Sister Maria with Ryan while she met with Asmodai, or ask Ryan to bring her back here. He owed her a favor. Or there was another option. “Would you like me to sort out a car to take you to the mother house?” Ryan might know someone who would be willing to drive tonight. If this went down okay, Roz would be making herself scarce very quickly, and it might be best if the Sister Maria was safely away as well.

She looked unsure for a moment. Roz suspected the last few days had tested if not Maria’s belief in God, then her trust that he would keep her safe. But finally, she nodded.

“Okay,” Roz said, “but we have to wait for Ryan to call first.”

Her cell went off at that moment, and she glanced at the caller ID. Thank God. She could get this over and done with.

“Ryan, I need that thing I gave you. Can I come and pick it up?”

“It’s at home.”

“And where are you?”

“I’m at the London Bridge Hospital interviewing Jessica Thomas.”

“Pretty late for visiting hours.”

She could imagine his shrug. “She called in, said she was remembering—she’s been pretty unhelpful up to now.”

“So how long will you be there?”

“Actually, you could come and meet me, and we’ll go to my place from here.”

“Okay. There’s something else you could do for me. Sister Maria needs to get to Devon; would you know of someone who could drive her there?”


“Yeah, she’s feeling a little homesick for the convent.”

“I’ll make a few calls.”


They arranged to meet at the hospital outside the reception area; Ryan had an apartment not far from there. She had a couple of hours before she had to meet Asmodai. It was all working out perfectly.

“They’re heading out. Should we stop them?”

Piers stared into space for a moment. “No. Give them the illusion of freedom, but don’t lose them.”

He didn’t think she would run. They’d made a real connection last night. He’d liked walking with her, talking together. Always, in the past, he’d been a loner and kept his own counsel, but being with her had felt right. Maybe he was going soft. But if he was, he liked the feeling, and anticipated exploring it further.

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