name off on the reservation sheet and escorted them to a table for six in a small alcove.

Pitt spotted some old friends — Clyde Smith and his lovely wife, Paula — and conversed briefly. Smith had been with NUMA almost as long as Pitt, but in the financial section of the agency. After everyone was seated, the waiter arrived and announced the evening's specials. Skipping cocktails, Pitt went right to the wine, ordering a hearty Sparr Pinot Noir. He then ordered a game platter for the table as an appetizer consisting of deer, antelope, breast of pheasant, rabbit and quail with wild mushrooms and chestnuts.

While they savored the wine and enjoyed the huge game appetizer, Loren reported on the latest buzz in Washington politics. They all listened in rapt attention at hearing the inside gossip from a member of Congress. She was followed by Dirk and Summer, who told of their discovery of the ancient temple and artifacts, ending with their near-death experience on Navidad Bank during the hurricane. Pitt interrupted to notify them that he had called St. Julien Perlmutter and let him know that his son and daughter would be stopping by to tap his vast knowledge of ships and the sea.

The entrees came that any lover of French cooking would heartily approve. Pitt ordered the kidneys and mushrooms in a sauce of sherry and mustard. Calves' brain and exotic veal tongue were also on the menu, but the women weren't up to it. Giordino and Micky shared the rack of lamb while Dirk and Summer tried the choucroute garni, a large platter of sauerkraut with sausages, pheasant, duck confit, squab and foie gras, which was a specialty of the house. Loren settled for the petite choucroute with the sauerkraut, smoked trout, salmon, monkfish and shrimp.

Most of the couples shared a rich dessert followed by a glass of fine port. Afterward, they voted unanimously that everyone would begin dieting the next day. While relaxing after the sumptuous meal, Summer asked Micky what part of the world her geological expeditions had taken her to. She described immense caverns in Brazil and Mexico and the often difficult penetration into their deepest reaches.

'Ever find any gold?' asked Summer jokingly.

'Only once. I discovered faint trace elements in an underground river that runs beneath the lower California desert into the Gulf of California.' As soon as she spoke of the river, Pitt, Giordino and Loren began laughing. Micky was quite surprised to learn how Pitt and Giordino had discovered the river and saved Loren from a gang of artifact thieves during the Inca Gold project.

'Rio Pitt,' said Micky, impressed. 'I should have made the connection.' She continued describing her travels around the world. 'One of my most fascinating projects was to investigate water levels in the limestone caverns in Nicaragua.'

'I knew Nicaragua had bat caves,' said Summer, 'but not limestone caverns.'

'They were discovered ten years ago and are quite extensive. Some run for miles. The development corporation that hired me for the study has plans for building a dry canal between the oceans.'

'A dry canal across Nicaragua?' questioned Loren. 'That's a new one.'

'Actually, the engineers called it an 'underground bridge.' '

'A canal that runs underground?' Loren said skeptically. 'I'm still trying to figure it out.'

'Deepwater container ports and free-trade zones on the Caribbean and Pacific, yet to be constructed, would be linked by a high-speed, magnetic levitation railroad running through huge bores beneath the mountains and Lake Nicaragua, with trains capable of speeds up to three hundred and fifty miles an hour.'

'The idea is sound,' Pitt admitted. 'If practical, it could conceivably cut shipping costs by a wide margin.'

'You're talking heavy bucks,' said Giordino.

Micky nodded in agreement. 'The estimated budget was seven billion dollars.'

Loren still looked doubtful. 'I find it strange that no reports of such a vast undertaking have been circulated by the Department of Transportation.'

'Or mentioned in the news media,' Dirk added.

'That's because it never got off the ground,' said Micky. 'I was told the development company behind the project decided to pull out. Why, I never found out. I signed a confidential agreement never to mention my work or reveal any information on the project, but that was four years ago. And since it has apparently died, I don't mind ignoring the agreement and telling my friends the story over a lovely dinner.'

'A fascinating tale,' Loren acknowledged. 'I wonder who was going to put up the financial backing?'

Micky took a sip of her port. 'My understanding was that part of the funding was to come from the Republic of China. They've heavily invested in Central America. If the underground transportation system had been completed, it would have given them great economic power throughout North and South America.'

Pitt and Loren looked at each other, a growing understanding in their eyes. Then Loren asked Micky, 'Who was the construction firm that hired you?'

'A huge international development outfit called Odyssey.'

'Yes,' Pitt said softy, squeezing Loren's knee under the table. 'Yes, it seems to me I've heard of it.'

'There's coincidence for you,' said Loren. 'Dirk and I were discussing Odyssey not more than a few hours ago.'

'An odd name for a construction company,' said Summer.

Loren smiled faintly and paraphrased Winston Churchill. 'A puzzle wrapped in a maze of secret business dealings inside an enigma. The founder and chairman, who calls himself Specter, is as far out as the formula for time travel.'

Dirk looked thoughtful. 'Why do you think he broke off the project? Lack of money?'

'Certainly not the money,' Loren answered. 'British economic journalists estimate his personal assets upward of fifty billion dollars.'

'Makes you wonder,' Pitt murmured, 'why he didn't complete the tunnels, with so much at stake.'

Loren hesitated; not so Giordino. 'How do you know he threw in the towel? How do you know he isn't secretly digging away under Nicaragua while we enjoy our port?'

'Not possible.' Loren was blunt. 'Satellite photos would show construction activity. There's no way he could hide an excavation of such immense magnitude.'

Giordino studied his empty glass. 'A neat trick if he could hide millions of tons of excavated rock and muck.'

Pitt looked across the table at Micky. 'Could you supply me with a map of the area where the tunnel was supposed to begin and end?'

Micky was only too happy to oblige. 'You've piqued my curiosity. Let me have your fax number and I'll send you the site plans.'

'What's on your mind, Dad?' asked Dirk.

'Al and I will be cruising down Nicaragua way in a few days,' Pitt said with a crafty grin. 'We just might drop in and browse the neighborhood.'


Dirk and Summer drove to St. Julien's residence in Georgetown with the top down on Dirk's 1952 Meteor, a California custom-built fiberglass-bodied hot rod with a DeSoto Fire-Dome V-8 that was souped up from the stock one hundred and sixty horsepower to two hundred and seventy. The body was painted in American racing colors, white with a blue stripe running down the middle. Actually, the car never had a top. When it rained, Dirk merely pulled a piece of plastic from under one seat and spread it over the cockpit with a hole for his head to poke through.

He pulled off a picturesque tree-lined brick street and turned into the drive circling a large, old, three-story manor house with eight gables. He continued around the side until he came to a stop in front of what was the manor's former carriage and stable house. Quite large, it was once the home of ten horses and five carriages, with rooms upstairs for the grooms and drivers. Purchased by St. Julien Perlmutter forty years earlier, he had remodeled the interior into a homey archive with miles of shelves crammed with books, documents and private papers, all recording the marine history of nearly three hundred thousand ships and shipwrecks. A gourmand and bon vivant, he maintained a refrigerated food locker stocked with delicacies from around the world and a four-

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