
Winter Fire

Hidden Fire

Three of a Kind

Going All In

Raising the Stakes

Full House

Bandicoot Cove

Exotic Indulgence

Island Idyll

Afternoon Rhapsody

Office Affair


See You in My Dreams

Colors of Love

Two To Tango

A Touch of Confidence

More Than

More Than Friends

More Than Lovers

Print Collections and Anthologies

Risking It All

Three’s Company

Red Hot Winter

Red Hot Weekend

Three of a Kind

Bandicoot Cove: Tropical Desires

Bandicoot Cove: Tropical Haze

Two To Tango

Coming Soon:

More Than

More Than Words

Print Collection

Speed: Rhythm of the Night

Every girl’s fantasy…one woman’s dream.

See You in My Dreams

© 2011 Jess Dee

Speed, Book 1

Sophie Butler is sure she’s about to lose her much-needed cleaning job. She’s not only walked in on a guest—a violation of her employer’s cardinal rule—but she can’t seem to tear her gaze away from his gorgeous, naked-as-the-day-he-was-born body.

If all that isn’t bad enough, her usually sensible judgment and behavior are clouded by a nagging sense of familiarity. She knows the man from somewhere, she just can’t quite place him.

Nathan Pace is certain he’s just lost his jealously guarded anonymity. But hold on…if she’s just another fan looking for a piece of his alter ego, rock star Jamie Speed, why is she blushing six shades of scarlet? And why is he instantly aroused? When he catches a glimpse of her eyes, he knows. She’s the woman who for ten years has haunted his dreams.

The attraction that flares between them is undeniable—and unstoppable. But getting close means risking Nathan’s secret identity. Just this once, he’d like a woman to fall for the real man, not the press’s version of a celebrity superstar.

Warning: This may be an erotic contemporary romance, but it does contain a hint of fantasy. And when that fantasy involves erotic dreams about a gorgeous rock star, you know you’re gonna want the fantasy to become reality…

Enjoy the following excerpt for See You in My Dreams:

Nathan’s legs buckled beneath him. He collapsed into the heated water with a mighty splash.

It took several minutes for his erratic heartbeat to normalize. He’d gone from zero to a hundred and back in a matter of minutes, and he had not a drop of energy to spare. Sophie had utterly depleted his reserves.

Heart still pounding, he looked at her through the steam rising between them. She sat opposite him with a smug, satisfied grin. The ends of her wavy blonde hair trailed in the water, and her cheeks had turned pink from the raised water temperature. His initial assessment of her had been spot-on. She was absolutely beautiful.

“That was…” His voice came out all croaky, and he cleared his throat and tried again. “That was unbelievable.” Hands-down the best blowjob he’d ever received.

She smacked her lips together as though tasting something in her mouth. Him. “You liked it?” The mischievous grin was back.

“You have no idea.” The words sounded like sandpaper scraping against a wooden surface.

Sophie shivered.

“Are you cold?” he rasped. Her high, pert breasts floated in the water, the nipples puckered into hard beads.

Slowly she shook her head. “Not cold, no.” She closed her eyes and rested her head against the edge of the tub. “It’s your voice. God, Nathan. Just listening to you talk turns me on.”

Her answer caught him in the chest and his heart stumbled over a beat. “It does?”

“Whatever you say, I feel it on my skin. At the coffee shop, your words were like hot honey running down my neck.” Her breathing slowed. “Lying on the couch now? I asked questions just so I could hear you answer. If we hadn’t just had sex, I’d have been totally aroused. And now, after you’ve come…your voice sounds…feels like a million silky fingers roaming over my breasts and my stomach…and lower.” One of her hands hovered in the water, and she dragged her nails across her nipples and moaned. “Your voice feels like the first flutters of an orgasm.”

Nathan watched, speechless. For the life of him, he could not think of one single response. It wasn’t as if he’d never heard a compliment about his voice before. Hell, his entire career revolved around his vocals. It was the way Sophie said it. As if his voice alone could bring her sexual fulfillment.

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