will to his. There is, o f course, a sociology to housework

while there is only a pathology to rape. I am dignifying the

opposition here considerably by discussing the question o f

rape at all. Housework, as I showed above, has more to do

with wom en’s daily, ordinary bending o f will to suit a man. I

object to tying rape to wom en’s equality, in either theory or

practice, as if rape defined wom en’s experience or determined

w om en’s status. Rape is a momentary abrogation o f choice.

At its worst, it is like being hit by a car. The politicizing o f it

creates a false consciousness, one o f victimization, and a false

complaint, as if rape is a socially sanctioned male behavior on a

continuum o f socially expressed masculinity. We need to

educate men while enhancing desire. For most men, rape is a

game played with the consent o f a knowledgeable, sophisticated partner. As a game it is singularly effective in amplifying

desire. A m plifying desire is a liberatory goal. We are stuck, in

this epoch, with literalists: the female wallowers and the

feminist Jacobins. It is, o f course, no surprise to see a schizoid

discourse synthesized into a synthetic rhetoric: “ I” the raped

becomes “ I” the Jacobin. As the Jacobins wanted to destroy all

aristocrats, the feminist Jacobins want to destroy all rapists,

which, if one considers the varieties o f heterosexual play,

might well mean all men. They leave out o f their analysis

precisely the sexual stimulation produced by rape as an idea in

the same w ay they will not acknowledge the arousing and

transformative dimensions o f prostitution. To their reductive

minds prostitution is exploitation without more while those

o f us who thrive on adventure and com plexity understand that

prostitution is only an apparent oppression that permits some

women to be sexually active without bourgeois restraints.

Freedom is implicit in prostitution because sex is. Stalinists on

this issue, they see the women as degraded, because they believe

that sex degrades. They will not consider that prostitution is

freedom for women in exactly the same way existentialists

postulated that rape was a phenomenon o f freedom for men—

striking out against the authoritarian state by breaking laws and,

in opposition to all the imperatives o f a repressive society, doing

what one wants. They w on’t admit that a prostitute lives in

every woman. They w on’t admit to the arousal. Instead, they

strategically destroy desire by calling up scenarios o f childhood

sexual abuse, dispossession, poverty, and homelessness. Even

the phallic woman o f pornography has lost her erection by the

end o f the list. Rape as idea and prostitution as idea are o f

inestimable value in sexual communication. We don’t need the

Jacobins censoring our sexual souls. Meanwhile, in the academy

our influence grows while the Jacobins are on the streets,

presumably where they belong if they are sincere. I will keep

writing, applying the values o f agency, nuance, and ambiguity

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