percentages toward single women. If the Human Life Amendment or Statute passes, or any similar legislation, both the intrauterine device and the low-dosage birth control pill will become illegal. They will be considered
abortifacients because they are known to stop the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterine wall, thereby “killing” it. If effective contraception is once again unavailable—so that both contraception and abortion are inaccessible—I suspect the percentage of married women having abortions will once again skyrocket.
nomic conservatism, religious conservatism, over to conforming to
the dictates of authority and power, over to sexual compliance,
over to obedience—because as long as the sex-class system is intact, huge numbers of women will believe that the Right offers them the best deal: the highest reproductive value; the best protection against sexual aggression; the best economic security as the economic dependents of men w ho must provide; the most reliable
protection against battery; the most respect. Left and centrist philosophies, programs, and parties tend to vicious condescension with respect to women’s rights; they lie, and right-wing women are
quite brilliant at discerning the hypocrisy of liberal support for
women’s rights. Right-wing women do not buy the partial truths
and cynical lies that constitute the positions of various liberal and
so-called radical groups on women’s rights. They see antifeminism,
though they call it simple hypocrisy. They are outraged by it.
What is it that right-wing women see, then, when they look at
feminists? The Right, Left, and center have firm bases of power in
that they all come out of and serve and are led by the top class in
the sex-class system: men. They are all profoundly opposed to the
destruction of the sex-ckss system. Feminists want to destroy the
sex-class system but feminists come out of and serve and are led by
the bottom class in the sex-class system: women. The feminism of
women cannot match the power, the resources, the potency of the
antifeminism of the whole male political spectrum. Looking for a
way out of the sex-class system, a way beyond the boundary of
prostitution, a way around the crimes of rape, battery, economic
exploitation, and reproductive exploitation, a way out of being pornography, right-wing women look at feminists and they see
are pornography. Their response to what they see is not a sense of
sisterhood or solidarity— it is a self-protective sense of repulsion.
The powerless are not quick to put their faith in the powerless.
The powerless need the powerful, especially in sex oppression be
cause it is inescapable, everywhere: there are no free zones, free
countries, underground railways away from it. Because feminism
is a movement for liberation of the powerless by the powerless in a
closed system based on their powerlessness, right-wing women
judge it a futile movement. Frequently they also judge it a malicious movement in that it jeopardizes the bargains with power that they can make; feminism calls into question for the men confronted
by it the
powerlessness, antifeminism effectively turns feminism into a political dead end. It is the antifeminism of Right, Left, center, and all variations thereof, that makes the situation of women hopeless:
there is no hope of escape, no hope of freedom, no hope for an end
to sex oppression, because all power-based political parties, programs, and philosophies abhor the liberation of women as a basis of action, as a real goal, even as an idea. Being doomed by a reactionary political stance to social subordination is not the same as being doomed by God or nature to metaphysical inferiority—a crucial