Tolstoy, Leo, 205
Woman-centered sexuality, 81
40#, 233
Woman-superior model for social
Tradition, conforming to, 14
control and sexual use, 202,
204-10, 215-16
(Gordon), 168
and Goodman), 15
based on conformity, 81
Women’s movement, 29
catering to system of, 14, 21, 25
antifeminism opposing, 217-20
human dignity as, 219-20
male-dominant model used to
necessity for women to be destop, 210-17
fined in terms of having
a minister’s view of, 111
children as,
and Nazis, 148
and reproductive freedom, 29,
origin of sixties, 96-97
97, 112-13, 149
Woodhull, Victoria, 56, 58-61, 66,
in Bryant’s life, 27
conforming and protection
(newspaper), 57
against, 14-17
Woolf, Virginia, 37, 39, 45-46, 49,
in counterculture, 92
67-68, 147
male sexual, and right-wing view
Worship of women, 205-7
of lesbians, 32
physical, as kind of force, 82