ideals, the same goals, and we are doing our share. It has been

brilliant strategy on the part of the Christian Right in the United

States to welcome the participation of Jew s, to support the state of

Israel, and to use pedestal anti-Semitism: rather than being ground

under stomping boots, Jew s loyal in their right-wing values are

being lifted up onto a pedestal— where the footing is always precarious, as women know. Believing they can fit in— assimilate

—these Jew s are turning to the one group of people— the fundamentalists— who w ill never forget that “the Jew s killed C hrist. ”

Anything not to be that castrate, that homosexual; there is more

dignity in the killing of Christ than in the concentration camps

when the measure is masculinity.

In the contemporary world, Jew s have an extra burden as creators of culture: Freud and Marx were Jew s. The ideas of both are repugnant to the Christian Right. Freud, right or wrong, made sex

a central social issue. Marx brought half the world to revolution. It

is Marx that the United States government and the Christian Right

are fighting; armies are raised and missiles are built to do it. It is

Freud who asked w hy the family works the w ay it does and suggested that the fam ily was a sexual unit. The intellectual Jew Freud had ideas that undermined what the Christian Right regards

as the cornerstone of Amerikan life: the family. The real question,

of course, was not about the family as such but about the paterfamilias: who is daddy having sex with and why? Freud refused to ask that question finally; but perhaps it would not have ever been

asked, or no one would be asking it now, if Freud had not dissected the sexual underbelly of the family with his formidable intellect.

Right-wing Jew s have a special stake in repudiating the ideas of

both Freud and Marx. Ideas are sissifying, and Jew s need masculinity. The ideas of these two Jewish intellectuals are dangerous: dangerous because right-wing Christianity hates them, therefore

dangerous to Jew s who do not want to be hated. Jew s are cultural

radicals and political revolutionaries by contamination. It’s the

damn Jews, a Klan member will say; and even he will mean Freud

and M arx. * Ideas, however potent, do not serve to masculinize

Jews. Ideas only make Jews more Jewish: more effeminate as


In the end, Jewish men join up with the Christian Right because

they want domination over women and children, which is the social program of the Right; and because they want to be the opposite of homosexual, whatever that is.


Everything in woman is a riddle, and everything in

woman hath one solution— it is called pregnancy.

Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

Within the frame of male domination, there is good reason for

women to adhere to conservative or right-wing or orthodox Judaism or conservative or right-wing or fundamentalist or orthodox Christianity; and within the frame of male domination, there is

good reason for women to hate homosexuality, both male and


* Charles Darwin, whose ideas are as radical and as central to the contemporary epoch as are Freud’s and Marx’s, was not a Jew, but never mind.

Lyndon LaRouche, the leader of a neo-Nazi movement that is getting

powerful in the United States, claims that “the Zionist evil” is one of the

“key arms of the British intelligence body which is behind the operation to

destroy America” and that the Anti-Defamation League is “literally the

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