there was a woman, she was a big woman and she was a sad

woman, she had been in her life to the mountains and to the ocean,

she had seen the sand, she did not go to the desert.

she had never been sad before, she had felt everything else, she had

been very smart all the years she was growing up. she had had big

beautiful eyes, she had opened her legs a lot. she didnt remember

much of all that.

she had been very powerful, she had absorbed all the men she

knew into her, one by one, two by two, then, as time passed, three by

three and four by four, she remembered her husband, she

remembered her first love, she remembered the first 4 men even

when she forgot the rest.

sometimes she would walk down the street, then she would see a

face that remembered her. she walked faster then.

when she was married she had a dog and a cat. she did not think

much of people then, each day she thought less of people.

her friends liked her a lot. they thought that she was strong, they

were good to her. sometimes they touched her. sometimes they fed

her. sometimes they put on a record, sometimes they walked

with her.

her friends gave her money, because she was poor, her friends

always cared what happened to her. the more they cared, the less she

let them know, the more they cared, the sadder she became.

she never betrayed her friends, she never betrayed strangers, she

had a code, she wanted to be good, she wanted to be strong, she

wanted to feel everything all the time, and she wanted to feel so

much all at once that she would die young, and never have to grow

old and never have to live all those years, she wanted to pack everything into a short space of time, her first goal was 19. then she became 19, and she didnt die. it surprised her. nothing had ever surprised her like that.

when she didnt die at 19 she became confused, so she got married,

when she got married she wanted to live to be 80. that was her goal,

so she dressed well then, and made a schedule, and fed her husband,

and talked politely to his friends, and was faithful, and kept the

house clean.

soon she was in great pain, soon she was so lonely, soon she woke

up, made the beds, cleaned the house, did the laundry, made the

dinner, did the dishes, watched television, and went to sleep, soon he

stopped coming home, and soon they stopped making love, and soon

she knew she would live to be 80, and she didnt want that anymore.

so she left her husband, and she was poor again, and this time she

thought 33.

she liked movies and books and music, it was harder to like


she liked animals and she liked to talk to old people, she asked

them where they had been and how they had lived, she asked them

who they were and what had happened to them over the years.

she was poor, and she went to the city, she remembered the mountains and the ocean and she remembered that she had never seen the desert.

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