because a lot of people asked me to, and I hope this work can serve as a kind

of bridge over which some girls and women can pass into

their own feminist work, perhaps more ambitious than mine

but never less ambitious, because that is too easy. I want

women to stop crimes against women. There I stand or fal .



This book owes everything to Elaine Markson. She wanted

me to write it and helped me at every step along the way.

I also want to thank Nikki Craft, Sal y Owen, Eva Dworkin,

Michael Moorcock, Linda Moorcock, Robin Morgan, John

Stoltenberg, Susan Hunter, Jane Manning, Sheri DiPelesi,

Louise Armstrong, Julie Bindell, Gail Abarbanel, Valerie

Harper, and Gretchen Langheld for their support.

I am grateful to David Evans, producer for the BBC1 series

Omnibus. I used testimony from the documentary done on my

work by David; he helped make the last third of this book


I am also grateful to my editor, Elizabeth Maguire, for her

useful suggestions and great enthusiasm. I thank her assistant,

William Morrison, and al the other folks at Basic Books for

their work in publishing Heartbreak.


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