Woman Hating

snow. Somehow that led her to wish for a child “as white

as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood of the

embroidery frame.” 1 Soon after, she had a daughter

with “skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and

hair as black as ebony. ” 2 Then, she died.

A year later, the king married again. His new wife

was beautiful, greedy, and proud. She was, in fact,

ambitious and recognized that beauty was coin in the

male realm, that beauty translated directly into power

because it meant male admiration, male alliance, male


The new queen had a magic mirror and she would

ask it: “Looking-glass upon the wall, Who is fairest

of us all? ” 3 And inevitably, the queen was the fairest

(had there been anyone fairer we can presume that the

king would have married her).

One day the queen asked her mirror who the fairest

was, and the mirror answered: “Queen, you are full

fair, *tis true, But Snow-white fairer is than you. ” 4

Snow-white was 7 years old.

The queen became “yellow and green with envy,

and from that hour her heart turned against Snow-

white, and she hated her. And envy and pride like ill

weeds grew in her heart higher every day, until she had

no peace.. . . ” 5

Now, we all know what nations will do to achieve

peace, and the queen was no less resourceful (she would

have made an excellent head o f state). She ordered a

huntsman to take Snow-white to the forest, kill her, and

bring back her heart. The huntsman, an uninspired

good guy, could not kill the sweet young thing, so he

turned her loose in the forest, killed a boar, and took its

Onceuponatime: The Roles


heart back to the queen. T h e heart was “salted and

cooked, and the wicked woman ate it up, thinking that

there was an end o f Snow-white. ” 6

Snow-white found her way to the home o f the 7

dwarfs, who told her that she could stay with them “if

you will keep our house for us, and cook, and wash, and

make the beds, and sew and knit, and keep everything

tidy and clean. ” 7 T hey simply adored her.

T h e queen, who can now be called with conviction

the wicked queen, found out from her mirror that Snow-

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