rites and deities maintained their divinity in the mass

psyche despite all o f the Church’s attempts to blacklist

them. Some kings o f England were converted by the

missionaries, only to revert to the old faith when the

missionaries left. Others maintained two altars, one

devoted to Christ, one to the horned god. The peasants

never played politics—they clung to the fertility-magic

beliefs. Until the 10th century, the Church protested

this willful “devil worship” but could do nothing but

issue proclamations, impose penances and fasts, and, o f

course, carry on the unending struggle against nature

and the flesh.

This was a serious business, for the end o f the world

was believed to be imminent. For good Christians, prep­


Woman Hating

arations to depart this earthly abode included renunciation of all hedonistic activities (eating, dancing, fucking, etc. ). St. Simon Stylites, in his attempt to avoid the crime of being human, fled to the desert where he

erected a pillar on which he mortified his flesh for most

of his 72 years. He was tempted throughout by visions

of lascivious women. Indeed, it required starvation,

incessant prayer, and flagellation to be visited by lascivious women in those days and still lead the perfect Christian life.

The extremeness of the Church's ascetic imperatives

invited a reciprocal debauchery. The nobility, when

not out butchering, enforced that most curious of

customs, the jus primae noctis, which legitimated the rape

of newly wed peasant women. The Crusaders brought

back spices and syphilis from the East —that summing

up their knowledge of Arab culture. The clergy was

so openly corrupt and sensual that successive popes

were forced to acknowledge it. “By 1102 a church council had to state specifically that priests should be degraded for sodomy and anathematized for 'obstinate sodomy. ' ” 2 Bishops and cardinals were also known to

fuck around: “A typical example is that Bishop o f Toul

. . . whose favorite concubine was his own daughter

by a nun o f Epinal. ' 3 The monasteries and cloisters

were rampant with homosexuality, but nuns and monks

did occasionally get together for heterosexual fucking.

Until the 12th century, there were basically three

kinds of relationship to the Church. There were the

ascetics who fled the cities to roam like beasts in the

wilderness and emulated St. Simon, who made a pig-sty

his home when not on the pillar. The ascetics mortified

Gynocide: The Witches


the flesh while awaiting cataclysmic destruction and

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