violation of this ordinance.
(i ) No temporary or permanent injunction shal extend
beyond such materials) that, having been described with
Pornography and Civil Rights
reasonable specificity by the injunction, have been determined
to be validly proscribed under this law.
f. Civil damages, including punitive and compensatory, as wel
as reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and disbursements, shall be
available as relief for violations of Sections 18 (a-d),
notwithstanding any limitations as may be imposed or implied
by Sections 4 (a) (b) or (c) herein.
Appendix C: The Cambridge Ordinance
Appendix D
1. Pornography is a practice of sex discrimination. It exists in
[place], threatening the health, safety, peace, welfare, and equality
of citizens in our community. Existing laws are inadequate to solve
these problems in [place].
2. Pornography is a systematic practice of exploitation and
subordination based on sex that dif erential y harms and
disadvantages women. The harm of pornography includes
dehumanization, psychic assault, sexual exploitation, forced sex,
forced prostitution, physical injury, and social and sexual
terrorism and inferiority presented as entertainment The bigotry
and contempt pornography promotes, with the acts of aggression
it fosters, diminish opportunities for equality of rights in
employment, education, property, public accommodations, and
public services; create public and private harassment, persecution,
and denigration; promote injury and degradation such as rape,
bat ery, sexual abuse of children, and prostitution, and inhibit just
enforcement of laws against these acts; expose individuals who
appear in pornography against their wil to contempt, ridicule,
hatred, humiliation, and embarrassment and target such women in
particular for abuse and physical aggression; demean the
reputations and diminish the occupational opportunities of
individuals and groups on the basis of sex; contribute significantly
to restricting women in particular from ful exercise of citizenship
and participation in the life of the community; lower the human
dignity, worth, and civil status of women and damage mutual
respect between the sexes; and undermine women’s equal exercise
of rights to speech and action guaranteed to al citizens under the
[Constitutions] and [laws] of [place].