As Ciardis and Terris trailed Vana back to their homes Vana spoke to them, “I know it’s been an action- packed time for the two of you in just a few days. I hope you’re holding up well.”

They nodded as Ciardis commented, “I can’t imagine it getting even busier but Maree should be here within a day. A lot of the responsibilities will fall to her.”

“And you’ll be trailing behind her the whole time,” murmured Terris in commiseration.

Ciardis sighed. There was nothing she could say to that. She wasn’t looking forward to more of this.

Gathering their things the group was soon on its way to the village that was a mere hour’s ride from the forest border. Even before they reached the village, Ciardis could smell the smoke. As they drew closer and her eyes began to water, she drew up a scarf around her nose and mouth. There was nothing she could do for the sting in her eyes, however.

Riding onto the village main road, they were met with a stillness that was uncanny. There were no children in the streets or people going about their daily shopping in the market, and the homes had the empty look of abandoned buildings. Ciardis couldn’t help but shiver. Meres motioned for them to keep moving forward. Julius’s demeanor was alert. They rode toward the village square not knowing what they’d find.

In the center over what had once been the village’s pride and joy—a central stage for entertainment—rose a pyre at least ten feet tall with smoke still rising from it and flames that flickered in the vast pile. As they dismounted, they took in the horror before them.

Hundreds of bodies were thrown haphazardly onto the huge pile, wooden logs interspersed between bodies. Some of the flesh had escaped the inferno by falling to the base. The bravest of the group, including Julius’s warriors and Vana, took a closer look at the pyre. Even they couldn’t stay near it for very long – the stench of the burnt bodies lingered even now. But they all reported the same thing – slashes from that thrice-damned shadow creature marked every visible body.

“This must have burned for days,” whispered Vana, her mouth covered by a cloth.

“We would have known about it,” said Julius in denial as he walked around the pyre.

“No,” said Vana. “A Weather Mage has been here. I can see the remnants of the spell. It contained the blaze with walls of wind to this spot.”

Ciardis trained her eyes on the ground where a perfect large circle was outlined on the ground with black scorch marks.

“After they were through with their torch,” said Alexandra, “the wind was shifted, right?”

She looked to Vana for confirmation. The woman, who had turned a ghastly shade of white, nodded.

“There are very few villages between here and Sandrin,” Meres said thoughtfully as he dug a finger into a clump of ash on the ground.

“No one would have seen the smoke or alerted the courts,” he continued while dusting off his fingers. “Not from so far away.”

“What did you find?” said Alexandra as she looked at him sharply.

“The dead. The living dead,” he said finally.

“What?” whispered Terris.

Straightening his shoulders with a weary look, he said, “This mage, whoever it is, has trapped the souls of the dead in the ash of their bodies.”

“Mother light,” cursed Alexandra, backing away.

“Impossible!” said Vana. “No Weather Mage could do such a thing.”

“Which is why it wasn’t just a Weather Mage,” he said. “There’s a necromancer among us.”

Chapter 26

On the other side of the empire, Maree Amber lit a large torch. She was two stories below the Imperial courts in the catacombs reserved for members of the Imperial families. She watched as the flames threw long shadows on the high walls and tombs around her. In front of her a gatekeeper brought out a large set of keys. She could see at least a dozen iron keys dangling on the large ring he shifted around. Finally finding the one he was looking for, he thrust the key into the old, iron gate. It opened with a long creak as he waved her through.

Shutting the gate behind him Maree Amber and the gatekeeper walked down a narrow slope to the banks of the underground river. Maree knew this river supplied all of Sandrin’s water supply as well as acted as a secret network of transportation under the city. While this was the main branch, a vast number of smaller rivers existed across the city. Many, she had no doubt, lay unexplored or were used by criminals for nefarious purposes. As long as the criminals left her alone she had no cause to inform the guard about them. Besides, she needed to keep the river network open. It was one of the many ways she was able to get informants and special deliveries in and out of the city.

Taking her seat on the old boat, she directed her power to push the skiff along. After some time she came to another dock, this one much more elaborate than the last. It had been landscaped with steps carved into the cliff, and a stone entrance awaited her at the top. When she reached the top, she noticed a pike man in passing. His gray attire and stiff stance made him appear to be part of the wall. Maree ignored him and waited for the door to open.

Swiftly she walked in and climbed the stairs, removing her hood. An empty room awaited her with a roaring fire at the head. Maree Amber took off her gloves as she moved forward to rub her hands before the fire. Minutes later she heard steps behind her. She turned to meet the brown eyes of the Emperor of Algardis, and dropped to the floor in obeisance.

“Get up, Maree Amber,” he said quietly. “Much is to be discussed tonight, and time is of the essence.”

Well, I guess formalities are out the window, she thought.

“Very well, Sire.”

She hesitated briefly before continuing on, “If I may ask—why are we meeting here? The Shadow Council has always met in secrecy, but never in such darkness.”

“The answer is very simple. I do not trust all of our council.”

“Milord, they are all loyal and would die for the cause of the empire.”

He chuckled. “I think their definition of ‘the empire’ might not always consider myself or my heirs necessary.”

“I’m certain—”

“The Sahalians heard of the kith concerns from someone in this empire, Maree. I will not have further concerns spread beyond those necessary. What I’m about to show you could destabilize all that we have worked for.”

She waited for emperor to say anything further, but he just stared into the flames, watching the red, the gold, and the orange colors flicker.

He turned to face her, his face lit in profile by the flames, his high-collared military uniform cast in shadows with every movement of the fire, but nothing touched the weariness in his eyes, and the grim set of his lips.

“Milord?” she said.

“Let us go,” he said, leading Maree to a small door on the far side of the room. It was built in the stone and had escaped her notice before. A shadow peeled off the wall, one of the night gardis that protected the emperor from dusk until dawn. They were mages with the ability to blend and merge into any shadow, taking their weapons with them, and as such were well-suited to being the night guardians of the Imperial family. Without a word, the shadow man preceded the emperor to the door and then slipped underneath. A second night guardian smoothly opened the door to allow the emperor and Maree Amber to pass through to the small room beyond.

The room was filled with bodies. Humans laid out on tables in neat rows. They were at every stage of decomposition.

“How many?”

“Ten women and children,” the emperor said solemnly.

He pointed to the urns that lined the opposite side of the room. “And twenty-four men.”

Maree turned her eyes from the bones and fragments of hair still attached to the decayed skin to the urns

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