Since I didn’t have another option, I walked forward.
We stood in a massive library, which was just as rich, lavish, and immaculate as the rest of the mansion. Dark, glossy wooden shelves stretched from the floor to the ceiling, with ladders on rollers attached to the sides so that folks could have access to the books on the top shelves. A stone fireplace took up the middle of the back wall, while several chairs, a table, a rolltop desk, and a green leather sofa perched in front of it. Titles by classic American authors like Edgar Allan Poe and Mark Twain filled the shelves closest to me, the gold and silver foil on the spines gleaming like the pirate doubloons that I’d seen in other parts of the mansion. A pair of French doors set into the far wall led out to a wide patio. Next to the doors, a wet bar was stuffed into the back corner of the library, and a crystal goblet had already been set out, probably on Dekes’s orders so that he could have a nightcap or two after his press conference was over with. I wondered if the vampire preferred blood or liquor to help him relax. I was betting blood.
“A library,” I said. “How charming.”
“It’s more than merely
Vampires could live a long, long time, just like dwarves. Five hundred years wasn’t an uncommon age for both of those races to reach, while giants and elementals only tended to reach the one hundred fifty mark or so. Finn had estimated Dekes to be at least three hundred, which meant that he’d reached middle age in vampire years.
Some folks even speculated that vampires could live indefinitely, as long as they had a steady supply of blood and took care of their bodies by exercising, eating right, and whatnot. But I’d never heard of a vamp making it much past five hundred. The longer folks lived, the more enemies they tended to make, and the greater the chance was of one of those enemies hiring someone like me to step in and cut a vamp’s life short.
Dekes walked over to the fireplace. I trailed along behind him, with the giants bringing up the rear. My eyes scanned the library for cameras, phones, and anything that looked like a panic button that the vampire might reach out and press when I made my move. Two giants at my back were two too many, and I didn’t want him summoning even more of his men in here.
“Actually, I have a confession to make. I brought you here because I was told that you like books,” Dekes said, turning to face me.
I looked at him, wariness slowly creeping up my spine like a cold finger. “How could you possibly know that?”
“An old friend of mine told me how very fond you are of reading.”
Suspicion surged through me at his easy tone, but I forced myself to play along and ask the obvious question. “And what friend would that be?”
Dekes’s smile widened. “Why, Jonah McAllister, of course. He’s told me quite a bit about you, Ms. Blanco. Tell me, do you care if I call you Gin?”
Fuck. Randall Dekes knew exactly who I was—which meant that things were about to get seriously ugly. I wasn’t just going to have a chat with the vampire and warn him to leave Callie alone. Not anymore. Now only one of us would be leaving this room alive, and I was determined that it was going to be me.
I thought about immediately launching into full-scale attack mode but quickly discarded that idea—at least until I was out of reach of the two giants looming behind me. It wouldn’t do to let them latch onto me, not when I still didn’t know what kind of elemental magic Dekes had and what he planned to do to me with it. I had no doubt that Dekes would kill his own men if it meant taking me down with them.
No, the vampire was the real threat here, and I needed to deal with him first. So instead of reaching for one of my knives and charging at my enemies, I walked over, put my purse up on the mantel so both my hands would be free, and leaned against the fireplace, affecting a nonchalant air. The whole time, though, I was calculating speed, distances, and angles and wondering how much of his weird elemental magic Dekes might blast me with before I put him down for good.
“So you know my real name. Bravo for you. I assume that Jonah told you about my alter ego as well?”
“That you’re really the assassin the Spider? Oh yes. Jonah and I had quite a fascinating conversation about you—and the fact that you killed his son, Jake. Jonah was very upset about that. Still is, as a matter of fact.”
I’d killed Jake McAllister during a party at Mab’s house, leaving his body in one of the Fire elemental’s bathtubs. Jake had tried to rob the Pork Pit, in addition to wanting to rape and murder me, but I showed Jake just what a fatal mistake he’d made by taking me on—just as I was going to show Dekes.
But instead of backing up or moving away from me, Dekes gave me a smug, satisfied, slightly maniacal smile the Cheshire cat would have been envious of. The vampire didn’t seem concerned at all that he was in the same room with a notorious assassin. My worry cranked up another notch. Dekes didn’t strike me as the kind of man to lay his cards on the table without first being absolutely sure that he had the winning hand.
“Tell me, is my good friend Jonah here at the press conference?” I asked, matching Dekes’s calm with a bored, indifferent mask. “Because I’d love to personally thank him for introducing us, so to speak.”
“Sadly, no. Jonah couldn’t make it,” Dekes said. “But we had an interesting conversation on the phone this morning. It was something of a fluke, really. I was dealing with other things, namely the discovery of the bodies of several men I employ that were found floating in the pool of the Blue Sands hotel. It was doubly embarrassing for me, since not only did my men die rather brutal deaths but I’d originally planned to have my press conference there, as I own the hotel. Naturally, I had to change the location. Bodies in the pool are not good for business.”
“No,” I agreed. “They never are.”
“I’ve known Jonah a long time, and he’s handling some of the paperwork regarding my new casino. He called me this morning, and naturally I mentioned the unfortunate incident at the hotel and how I’d sent my men out to deal with what seemed to be a very small, easily solvable problem, but that they’d ended up dead instead.”
The pleasant smile never left the vampire’s face, but his green eyes were just as cold and hard as mine were now. “I lamented to Jonah that my men couldn’t do something as simple as handle two female tourists, much less the restaurant owner that they were trying to help. You can imagine my surprise when he asked me what the two tourists looked like—and if my men had been stabbed to death. When I told him that, yes, my men had indeed been stabbed to death, that’s when he mentioned your name. We had quite a long talk about you, Gin. Jonah was even kind enough to text me a photo of you, along with those of your friends.”
Damn and double damn. I’d thought that maybe getting out of Ashland for a few days might change my perpetual bad luck, but the bitch was out in full force tonight and ready to fuck me over once again.
Since there was no point in hiding why I was really here any longer, I palmed one of my silverstone knives and held it up so that Dekes could see it.
“Well, since you know I’m the Spider, surely you realize why I came here this evening.”
Dekes made that arrogant, dismissive wave with his hand again. “I assume it had something to do with Callie Reyes. From what my sources have been able to dig up, she’s good friends with your . . . sister, is it? Detective Coolidge? I believe I saw the detective by the pool. A beautiful woman, your sister.”
My hand tightened around the knife. If this bastard thought he was getting anywhere near Bria, then he obviously hadn’t listened closely enough to McAllister. I might not like the smarmy lawyer, but I knew enough about him to realize that he’d tell Dekes every little detail he knew about me, including how I’d killed Mab. So why wasn’t Dekes worried I’d do the same to him? I didn’t know what game he was playing, but I had a feeling that I’d already lost. The only question now was how high the price was going to be.
“But as beautiful as your sister might be, she’s just not as special as you are, now, is she, Gin?”
“Special?” I asked. “What the hell are you talking about?”
I didn’t care what he thought was so damn special about me, but I asked the question because it let me