two ice cream cones and ring up a bag of marshmallows and a bottle of peppermint schnapps. She’d been watching the clock for the better part of an hour, like a teenager waiting for her prom date. The fact that it was almost nine P.M., closing time, was secondary. Ty’s plane had been due to land in International Falls at eight, and she expected him to show up anytime now.

She shouldn’t have missed him this much. She shouldn’t have gone to bed every night and awakened every morning thinking about him. She should have been more mature. And sane. Apparently, however, she wasn’t either. And the deal was, she no longer cared.

Ty Brown made her feel alive and desirable and special. So after the first few days of being mortified by the way she’d all but melted in his arms, she’d decided not to fight it. She’d decided to enjoy it—whatever it was. She was way too wary to call it anything more than chemistry and infatuation, regardless of what it felt like. She only knew that every time her phone rang or her text alert sounded, her heart went a little haywire. He’d called every day. Sometimes twice a day. He sent her silly e-mails and sexy text messages.

More than once in the past three weeks, Kayla had caught her grinning at her phone and called her on it.

“Commando Cutie’s getting frisky, is he?”

“Don’t you have shelves to stock?” was her standard reply, even though Jess knew she wasn’t fooling Kayla.

“When’s he coming back?” was Kayla’s stock retort.

“Who said anything about him coming back?”

“You know, you can go to hell for lying.”

“Oh, for the days when the younguns respected their elders.”

And so it went. But tonight was the night. Ty was coming back, and she felt like one electric, twitchy nerve because of it.

She’d finally found Bear’s leash when the hose at the gas pump dinged, alerting her that she had yet another customer outside.

“You act like you’re looking for someone.” Kayla again. Too astute.

“I’m ready for the day to be over is all,” Jess lied. What she was ready for was for the night to begin.

That was the other decision she’d made. She was an adult. With needs… needs that she’d stored in dry dock too long. Everything would change between her and Ty tonight. It was going to get physical… and she could hardly draw a deep breath thinking about it.

Hearing him talk about Maya that day on the lake, about how he’d loved her, how he would always love her, had somehow made her accept that she could do that, too. She could always love J.R. But it was OK for her to open up to her own feelings now. It made it all right. Ty was moving on with his life. It was time she moved on, too, regardless of what happened between them in the long term, because the long term was something she wasn’t looking for—not with Ty.

She knew where that path led. What she was looking for was a fling with a nice guy, a gorgeous guy, and she wasn’t going to sabotage her chances by overthinking things like repercussions and expectations and guilt. She’d lived in the past for too long. The time had come to live in the moment.

“You know,” Kayla said, as she stepped over Bear to get out from behind the cash register, “I’m not stupid, and I’m not blind. Something’s up. The makeup looks good, by the way. Hair, too.”

Nothing got past that girl. If Kayla suspected that some of the packages she’d brought home from Duluth last week were filled with loot from Victoria’s Secret, she’d never hear the end of it. Jess had made the two-and-a- half-hour trip on the pretense of checking out a craft show. Since one section of her store was devoted to touristy-type knickknacks, she was always looking to replenish her inventory with something unique. And since her underwear drawer was just that, a utilitarian underwear drawer, she’d been in dire need of a little silk and lace.

“I like seeing you this happy,” Kayla announced, looking smug.

Kayla’s statement gave her pause. “Have I really been such a sad sack?”

“No,” Kayla assured her quickly. “You weren’t ever a sad sack. But you weren’t ever… what’s the word? This bubbly before.”

“Bubbly? Oh, please, God, save me.”

Kayla laughed. “What? It looks good on you.”

If her personality change was that obvious, then Kayla couldn’t have been the only one who noticed. And Jess knew it for a fact.

“Something’s amiss. Do you have a secret lover, my little lotus blossom?” Boots teased her every day.

“All right. I confess,” she’d finally told him this morning. “You found me out. I’m having a torrid affair with the bait man.”

Boots slapped a spread palm to his chest, faking a heart attack. “Cooter? You’d choose him over me? Me who buys your coffee and sings your praises daily? That man smells like a fish and looks like a bear. Besides, he’s a grampa.”

“So are you, you old flirt.”

She knew others were also speculating. And she knew her brother-in-law was not happy. Brad had made that clear the morning Ty had flown back to Florida.

“Your life. Your business,” he’d said when he stopped by on the pretense of filling his travel coffee mug, his tone implying that he very much thought it was his business, too. “But you need to remember that you’re a target, Jess.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I know about your date with the pilot. And I know you spent a day with him on the lake.”

Even knowing this was coming, she hadn’t been prepared for the flat-out hostility in Brad’s eyes. Or for her own anger as she suddenly realized that Brad’s attitude had been part of the reason she hadn’t been able to move on. “Look, Brad—”

He’d cut her off with a dark look. “You’re a target,” he reminded her. “A widow with an income. Men will take advantage.”

She’d wanted to laugh but contained herself. Brad clearly hadn’t been in a joking mood. In fact, when he was like that, he reminded her very much of J.R. Brad was taller and heavier than J.R., and his complexion and hair were lighter, but there was an intensity about him that was J.R. through and through.

“Brad,” she’d said reasonably, making herself settle down, “I barely make ends meet here, you know that. I think we can safely rule out the possibility of some golddigger targeting me for my money.”

“Any man who takes advantage of another man’s wife isn’t much of a man in my book. And any woman who forgets where she came from… well, just don’t forget where you came from.”

She’d been so stunned by his vitriol she could only watch him stalk out the door.

Any man who takes advantage of another man’s wife.

She was no longer anyone’s wife. She was a widow, and she was entitled to a life. Brad would never see it that way. Maybe if he met Ty, he’d see what a good man he was.

And maybe fish would fly.

The bell above the door rang and drew her out of her worrisome thoughts. She recognized the ball cap first. Then she recognized the smile and the hitch in her breath that she should be used to by now but always caught her off-guard.

He looked good. He looked so very, very good.

“Well, well.” Kayla’s grin stretched a mile wide. “Look who found his way back north.”

“Hey, Kayla.” Ty’s gaze never left Jess’s face. “How’s it going?”

“Why, it’s going just fine, thanks for asking.” She darted an amused look from Ty to Jess. “Go ahead and take Bear for that walk, boss. I’ll close up.”

At the word walk, Bear bolted out from behind the counter with a happy yelp and barreled past Ty to get to the door.

“Whoa, big fella.” Ty laughed and grabbed the excited pup’s collar as Jess rushed out and clipped on the leash.

“He’s starting to grow into his feet.” Ty squatted down and scratched the dog’s ears, then looked up at Jess.

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