Joe, it doesn’t matter which religion, either.

The front door opens.

Christine, smiling brightly, comes into the dining room.

“Ah, Christine!” says Dr. Rosen. “Good news. It seems, my dear, that you have found your guardian angel!”


Turns out that the law offices of Harvey Nussbaum and Associates are open Saturdays for “your convenience.”

In the afternoon, Monae Dunn and her sister Revae, who dropped by for a visit, agree to keep an eye on Dr. Rosen so Christine can go with Ceepak and me to meet her lawyer.

Harvey Nussbaum’s offices are on the second floor of a strip mall on Sea Breeze Drive. The place is sleek and modern, except for the big stuffed bulldog that’s propped on top of the receptionist’s counter. It’s decked out in a black barrister gown and curly white wig.

The walls are decorated with framed newspaper clippings trumpeting Nussbaum’s victories. A former prosecutor, he handled the defense of a New Jersey mayor accused of extorting bribes from a milk broker to help that broker win a school district contract. The mayor got off. The milk broker went to jail. The milk broker did not hire Harvey Nussbaum.

On the other hand, Nussbaum also helped free a prisoner serving a life sentence in the New Jersey State Prison, who had been wrongly convicted of murder based on the evidence of a jailhouse snitch. Nussbaum used new DNA technology, not available at the time of the original trial, and set him free.

Like his slogan says, Harvey Nussbaum takes Wrongs and tries to turn them into Rights. Provided, of course, somebody pays him the right amount of money.

“So, which one of you two gentlemen is Ceepak?”

A short, wiry guy in funky designer glasses flits into the reception area like a hummingbird flapping a sheet of paper. With curly hair, a very high forehead (okay, he’s practically bald), Harvey Nussbaum looks to be about sixty-something. He’s wearing a tweed sport coat, a checked dress shirt, a red silk tie, creased blue jeans, and snazzy black shoes that probably cost more than all the shoes I have ever owned combined.

“I’m Ceepak.”

“You’re the one paying for my services?”

“Actually, my mother, Adele Ceepak, will be assuming the financial responsibility for Ms. Lemonopolous’ defense.”

“She here?”

“No, sir. However, if there is documentation requiring a signature …”

Nussbaum flaps a sheet of paper down on the receptionist’s counter. “This documentation. I will also need a check for three thousand dollars as my nonrefundable engagement fee before I do any more work on Ms. Lemonopolous’ behalf. I’ve already put in three hours since you called.”

“I have my mother’s Power of Attorney.” Ceepak reaches into his back pocket. “As well as a blank check she provided me.”

“Fine, fine, whatever. Sign here. And here.”

Nussbaum pulls a cheap pen out of the pocket of his expensive shirt. Clicks it a couple times before handing it off to Ceepak, who signs where the little sticky flags tell him to sign.

“Okay. Good. Come into my office. Ms. Lemonopolous?”

“Yes, sir?”

“We’re gonna make this Oppenheimer woman pay for what she did to you. When I’m done with her, she’ll make the Boston Strangler look like a choir boy.”

“Oh, I don’t want to hurt Shona …”

“Don’t worry. You won’t have to. I’ll do it for you. Come on.”

And we follow the pit bull into his den.

“Okay, let’s see what we’ve got,” says Nussbaum, flipping through a file folder when we’re all seated around his desk.

I notice our chairs are kind of short. His, behind the desk, looks like it might be on an elevated platform.

Nussbaum takes a photo out of the file. I recognize the shot. It’s one I took of Christine’s bruised and battered neck.

“I called the SHPD right after you people called me. Demanded that they send me the police report of the incident in question, ASAP. They were quite cooperative.”

“As I’m sure you will always find them to be,” says Ceepak.

“Right, right. You two are cops, correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“In fact,” I say, “I wrote up that police report.”

Nussbaum flips to the front page of the Case Report.

“You’re Boyle? The OIC? Officer in Charge?”

“If I need to leave the room because of any conflict of interest …”

Nussbaum holds up his hand. “Not yet. We’re gonna be subpoenaing you … for the hearing …”

“Yes, sir.”

“Of course, I have to wonder why you didn’t arrest Mrs. Oppenheimer for assault and battery when you saw those ligature marks on Ms. Lemonopolous’s neck. Why you checked ‘Review Only’ down here instead of ‘Arrest Warrant.’”

“She claimed self-defense,” says Ceepak, jumping to my defense.

“Come on, boys, don’t piss on my boot and tell me it’s raining. You two have been around the block. You both know your Forensics one-oh-one. So, Officer In Charge Boyle, since when are strangulation marks a sign of self-defense?”

I clear my throat. Nervously. “Mrs. Oppenheimer claimed that she had to hold Christine by the neck to stave off her kicks and punches.”

“What? She couldn’t do what most people do when someone’s whaling on them?” The lawyer holds up both his arms to block his face and body. “How come she didn’t pull a rope-a-dope like Muhammad Ali against George Foreman? Nineteen-seventy-four. The Rumble In The Jungle?”

Okay. I’m feeling pretty dumb. Like maybe I should’ve slapped the cuffs on Mrs. Oppenheimer and dragged her off to jail when we caught that 911 call.

“Is any of this relevant at this juncture?” asks Ceepak.

“Officer Boyle’s incredible SNAFU on the night of the inciting incident?” Nussbaum shrugs. “Nah. You were in a she said/she said situation. The only independent witness was a scared kid, the son of the Sea Haven Strangler. I probably would’ve done the same thing. Break ’em up, send them to separate corners, call it a night. But now that Oppenheimer is coming after Ms. Lemonopolous with the full fury of the law instead of her two fists, now we fight back.”

I nod. “Yes, sir.”

“Okay, Christine. Why’d Mrs. Oppenheimer want to wring your neck?”

Christine takes a moment. Smooths out her pants legs. “We had a disagreement.”

“Yeah, yeah. And you tried to ‘defuse the situation by walking out of the room.’ I read your statement. Nice. Very sweet.”

He makes a “gimme, gimme” gesture with one hand.

“I need more.”

“Well,” says Christine, “I don’t want to cause Shona any trouble …”

“What?” Nussbaum is livid. “This Oppenheimer woman and her high-priced attorney are trying to screw you for life and you don’t want to cause her ‘any trouble’? They got a judge to issue this exparte order, meaning the

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