the hypocrisy.”

His thumb skims across the edges of my hand, trapping, then releasing my fingers—an unconscious touch seeking comfort. The scrape of his nail across my flesh induces a warm tingle, and a peculiar sense of deja vu envelops me, but I ignore it. Now is not the time for my baffling responses.

When Austin lifts his eyes back to mine, I notice the blue of his irises has deepened, less like the ocean and more like the dark denim of his jeans. “It started as a way to get a rise out of him, you know? To see if it’d get his attention, what he’d do. But then everything changed. People who used to kiss my feet because I was the golden boy’s son suddenly expected the worst of me. And I gave it to them.” His jaw ticks, and he pops his neck.

Knowing that it was around this same time that Kendal also broke his heart makes his confession all the more poignant. No wonder he guards himself—and his heart—so much. In some ways, he’s a lot like Cat.

“It’s easier this way,” he continues. “Not caring how I measure up or if I’m good enough to meet anyone’s standards. I just let it go and do what I want now.” He shrugs. “Beats the shit out of pretending to be someone I’m not.”

He says it like it’s not a big deal when it’s anything but. For me, his declaration is life changing. I know he isn’t talking about me—he doesn’t know the real me or my struggle between society’s expectations and my own desire for passion. But his words, however crudely spoken, fit me just the same. They stay with me through the rest of our snack and as I emerge with a back-to-normal Austin into the warm January sunshine, ready to tackle our next exhilarating ride.

We stop when we find a crowd gathered in front of the Snack Shoppe. The lively tune blaring from the center soon explains why. As Austin guides us along the edge of the cheering audience and away from the street performance, I find myself dragging my feet. Where a moment before I couldn’t wait to test my new bravado, now I am intrigued by the music. I grab Austin’s arm. “Could we watch for just a moment?”

He sighs with exaggeration, as if he is granting me a favor, but nods. Eager, I politely push my way into the audience to catch a glimpse of the singers. Though I have yet to see the main vocalist’s face, the sweet notes of her voice leave no mistaking she is a woman. And her enthusiasm, judging by the dancing crowd around me, is contagious.

A tall man blocking my view checks his watch and yells something indecipherable at the woman by his side. Providentially, they leave, granting me my first clear shot.

My gaze lands on the source of the voice, and I gasp in wonder.

The woman is enthralling to watch. Her genuine zest for life is evident in the lilt of her voice, the warmth of her smile, the energy with which she moves…and the shocking pink hue of her hair.

Pink hair. A soft-rose color.

Reyna’s second marker.

With the sudden feeling that my time here is running out and still thinking about Austin’s words from the table, I grin and ask loudly enough so he can hear me over the music, “Austin, can we make a stop on the way home? I need to go shopping.”

Chapter Seventeen


My cousin’s frantic shriek jerks me from staring at my shocking reflection. Two days have passed since our day at the amusement park. Two days of drifting through the endless school day, knowing my time in the twenty- first century is only one sign away from ending. Two days of hearing Austin’s confession of his past repeating in my mind. And two days of hiding the black shopping bag stuffed with clothes at the back of Cat’s closet, wondering when I would get the courage to wear what was inside.

This morning I decided that day is today.

It’s time I abandoned myself fully to this process. Going along with everyone’s wishes has always been my thing, my way of ensuring their constant approval. But I am here. In the future. In the land of opportunity where women can stretch their wings and make mistakes. I craved adventure, I craved more, and after wasting two days wishing I could be more like that enthusiastic performer at Rush, I’m going for it.

I turn off the tap as the doorknob on the locked door of the bathroom shakes. “I hear you in there, you know,” Cat says as I dry my hands on the soft towel hanging near the sink. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve been freaking out since you didn’t show at lunch? I covered for you on Monday, but I don’t know if I can do it again. They’re gonna call my parents.”

Worry and disappointment strain her voice.

When she sees me, I’m sure that concern will grow.

The door thumps as if Cat is leaning against the wood. “I’ve been wracking my brain wondering where you could’ve gone or what you were doing—though it doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure out who you were with.” The door shakes again and she knocks twice. “Less? What’s going on? Open up!”

A hollow cavern in my stomach flutters. After enlisting Austin’s help in my complete makeover, and then basking in the pure rush of finally doing something wild, it never even crossed my mind that my disappearance this afternoon would affect Cat.

I meet my dark eye-lined gaze in the mirror. Monday’s stunt already kicked her overprotective vibe into full force. Confiding the truth about Austin’s challenge now would not be wise. But while I may have to withhold certain aspects of my stay, I want to share this moment with her. Whether she approves of my actions or not will be plainly obvious the moment I open the door.

My hands tremble as the fullness of my apprehension sets in.

The doorknob rattles, and I walk toward it, smoothing the sides of my newly donned modern top along the way. I place an open palm against the frame and draw a steadying breath.

This is it.

Unlocking the door, I say in a shaky voice, “Come in.”

“Oh my G—”

Fortunately, Cat’s astonished yelp cut short her blasphemy as her widened eyes rake over me. Strangely enough, her reaction is nearly the precise response I had anticipated.

To ensure she gets the entire effect, I lift my arms, displaying my exposed elbows, and fluff my hair as I turn in a slow circle. “So…what do you think?”

When I make a full rotation and face her again, Cat squeezes her eyes shut. She shakes her head and then opens them again, wide. Then she laughs.

“What do I think?” She tentatively reaches out and pinches a lock of my hair between her fingers. “I think what in blazing Hades did you do?”

The stupefied expression on her face gives me a twinge, and I glance at the captured strand in her grasp. The bright color makes me grin.

“Less, I’ve been scared out of my mind since lunch, wondering if you were hurt, lost, dead, or back in the sixteenth century, and you…you…” She releases her grip and wraps her hands around my head, yanking it down so she can study my hair better. “And you’ve been getting a makeover by Dr. Seuss?”

“It’s called highlights,” I explain, unable to contain my excitement. I do not know this Dr. Seuss she is referring to, but I have shocked my un-shockable cousin. That alone is cause for celebration. “When I couldn’t choose between the shades, the lady at the salon just let me do them all. This is Cotton Candy Pink, over here is Electric Amethyst, and this one strip here is Atomic Turquoise. I admit that one is a bit bold, but I just could not resist adding it. Isn’t it fun?”

My cousin presses a palm to her cheek. “Well, it is certainly that.” She moves her hand to her forehead as if checking for a fever, then settles a closed fist over her mouth. After a moment, she asks, “And I suppose Austin is somehow behind this experiment?”

“No,” I answer emphatically.

Austin may be at the root of most of my adventures, but this one was just me…which makes me all the prouder for it. If I ever wanted to prove I was more than a dutiful, rule-abiding daughter, this did it.

At Cat’s skeptical look, I clarify. “I asked Austin to bring me to the salon, yes. And he took me shopping

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