I pause to do a quick internal inspection: lungs working, head growing increasingly unclouded, heart rate normal…well, as normal as could be expected when I’m near Austin.

“While wearing the life jacket you mentioned, yes. Surfing was fun. At least it was until I fell into the ocean and believed I would die,” I tease, hoping that confronting the problem head on will ease the tension.

For a brief moment that felt like forever, I did believe I was in trouble out there. But I also meant what I said before: I know I am safe with Austin, possibly even more so now. His attentiveness after my fall proved that.

Bestowing upon him my most dazzling smile—the one that got my brother Cipriano to do anything I asked—I say, “I would like to try it again.”

Austin turns and stares out at the uncontrollable ocean, his compressed lips the exclusive indicator that he heard my request and is considering it. A wave rolls and crashes on the sand. With eyes still trained on the line of surfers in the distance, he says, “You know, I believe there may be a shredder in you yet.”

And the proud gleam in his eye when he does turn back gives me all the confidence I need.

Chapter Twenty

Headlights dance across the streets of West Hollywood. Unlike at home where curfews reign and roads are quiet, California comes to life at night. Not that it isn’t alive during the day, but despite the growing late hour, people here gather. Bright lights buzz. Colorful, flashy cars race one another, squealing and stirring up the night air. A gust of it skims over my bare shoulders, sending a shiver down my arms. I pull on the hem of the red dress I bought a few hours ago with the money Cat generously made me carry and wonder, not for the first time, if perhaps I should’ve gone with a different style. One with slightly more fabric.

Behind me, music pounds the darkened windows of Lyric, the crowded club Austin suggested for the rest of tonight’s challenge. The vibration tickles my back. I look to my left to see if I can spot Cat past the line of people awaiting entrance, and instead catch Austin’s eye a few feet away. He flashes me one of his devilish grins, and just like that, my body temperature rises, dulling the chill.

“Cold?” he asks, subtly bobbing his head to the loud music coming from inside.

I shake my head, then grin. “Well, perhaps a little. Cat and Lucas should arrive soon, though.”

After the second time I left school without telling her, Cat asked if I could keep her apprised of any new misadventures. When Austin suggested we come here, I immediately grabbed the cell phone she’d thrust at me this morning, knowing I should inform her. But as the phone rang in my hand, I realized this provided an excellent chance to further my own goals as well—assisting Cat in following her heart with Lucas. Of course, when issuing the invitation to meet us, I didn’t confide the additional member I hoped would be joining our party.

Sickly sweet perfume claws at my nose, a distinct, un-Cat-like scent. A group of girls around my age slinks past on their way into Lyric, all four of them poured into dresses much shorter—and tighter—than my own. One of the girls, a slender brunette, puts a hand on the arm of the heavily muscled gentleman manning the door as her friends take their place at the back of the line. He rolls his dark eyes as the door opens behind him, sending music bursting onto the sidewalk.

The tallest of the group, a gorgeous redhead wearing the highest heels I’ve ever seen, saunters back toward us. She slides a dismissive look over me before feasting hungry eyes on Austin. “Save a dance for me, handsome?” The flirtatious lilt of her voice sets my molars on edge.

The brunette near the door snickers, and she and the others exchange knowing smirks.

Jealousy pitches and roils in my gut. Anger burns in my blood. This girl is stunning, sexy, and wise to the ways of this century. She is everything I am not, and it’s clear that she rarely hears the word no. But though she may be accustomed to obtaining male attention everywhere else she goes, she won’t be sinking her red-lacquered talons into this one.

Before I can open my mouth to say so, however, Austin pins me with a look that says he knows exactly how I’m feeling. He bites off a smile, then with eyes trained on me, tells the temptress, “Sorry, but I’m only dancing with one girl tonight.”

The heat of his stare ensnares me, and a moment later, she walks away in a huff. Another group enters the building, the foursome among them, and the sound of the club softens.

We are alone again.

Inexperience has me wanting to look away from the intensity in his eyes, to break this silent moment we seem entrapped in, but the stronger part of me denies the weakness. I vowed earlier that I’d find a way to experience Austin’s kiss again, and right now, I cannot think of an opportunity more perfect to do so.

I take a step on the trembling high heels I also bought today, with the now-dwindling money in my borrowed purse. But every cent spent is worth it if it brings me closer to his lips. My chest feels as though a hummingbird is caged inside, the beat of its wings sending my pulse into an erratic rhythm. Austin watches my approach with hooded eyes, his long body casually leaning against the cold brick building of the club. His gaze traces the lines of my dress, the length of my bare legs, and the straps of my red shoes. When he looks back up, our eyes meet. My breath hitches.

“Less, is that really you?”

The astonished question asked in my cousin’s familiar voice breaks the magical spell. I blink and look over Austin’s shoulder to see Cat strolling up behind him. She gives my outfit a wide-eyed appraisal and laughs. “Wow, I’d say you’re definitely acclimating”—she glances at Austin—“to America. You look hot.”

Despite her horrendous timing, I lower my lashes and inwardly do a joyous twirl. Austin assured me that my previous jeans and shirt would’ve been suitable for our venture, but I wanted something more daring, so I asked him to take me shopping once our surf lesson was over. And I am glad I did. If the redhead inside is to be my competition, I want to look every bit the woman I have become.

Cat nods her head toward the beefy doorman guarding the main entrance. “So you guys ready to head on in and shake it?”

“Um, actually,” I say, stalling as I open my handbag and withdraw my phone, “not quite yet.”

I read the glowing time display and sigh impatiently. Just as I thought—Lucas is late.

Upon returning the phone to my bag, I lift my head to find Cat staring at me through narrowed eyes. “Less, what did you do?”

Just gave fate a little nudge.

Fluttering my lashes in total innocence, I say, “Nothing bad.”

She purses her lips. “Yet somehow I don’t believe you.” The sound of a rock skittering across the pavement grabs her attention, and the tension in her lips softens. I don’t have to look behind me to know the reason.

“Hey, guys, sorry I’m late. Parking was a beast.” Lucas sidles up to our group, and Cat elbows me in the ribs. He meets my gaze in a brief friendly greeting before bestowing his warm smile on my cousin. “Ladies, you look beautiful.”

Cat smooths nonexistent wrinkles from the skirt of her dress. I can almost feel the hum of tension between them. “Thank you, Lucas.” She looks to the ground, then back up and motions toward Lyric’s entrance, an almost desperate edge to her voice as she asks, “Everyone ready to head inside?”

I withhold my sigh, knowing that she has been hurt before, but send up another silent prayer that she will soon choose to leave that in the past. I take a step toward the door and come to an abrupt halt when Lucas says, “Actually, Cat, I was hoping I could talk to you first.”

Hope surges through me. With a grateful glance to the heavens, I turn to see Lucas tapping what appears to be an odd-shaped painting against his thigh.

Cat swallows nervously. “Me?” She grabs my arm, yanking me back as I try to give them privacy, and shoots me a look that clearly says, Stay put. Shrugging, she says, “Sure, what’s up?”

Lucas scratches the back of his neck, glancing at Austin, then at me. I offer him an encouraging smile. With a short laugh, he presses on. “Look, I know you’re probably used to guys falling all over you. You’re beautiful and funny, and you’re talented as hell. You can have anyone you want, and there’s no doubt you deserve someone better than me, but that’s not gonna stop me from trying, anyway.”

My cousin inhales a deep breath, and my previous hope turns into pure joy as I realize Lucas is finally

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