I gave him a wave and he closed my door.
I drove home and pulled out my laptop. I searched the job websites with fresh confidence.
Knowing I had some kind of a safety net had filled me with renewed vigor, but I wanted to do this on my own. I needed to prove to myself, and to my parents, that I could handle all my classes and studies,
Things were going to be great. I was going to show my parents what I could do when I put my mind to it.
I shook my head and laughed to myself.
I mean, seriously, what were the chances I’d be stuck working the late shift at a fast-food joint or some crappy convenience store?
I was totally going to find an awesome job.
Chapter 18
Ten days later, I stood behind the counter of the local Grab-n-Dash, an all night convenience store. It was still early in the afternoon, but I was already zombie-tired and had raccoon circles around my eyes.
When the manager had hired me, he’d said I couldn’t work the late shift because it was too dangerous. So he gave me the afternoon shift.
Nothing like two jobs and four classes and tons of homework to tire a girl out.
The neon-urine colored uniform shirt with the Grab-n-Dash logo I had to wear was a nightmare unto itself. Made from some sort of material that only bunched and wrinkled, it made me look like a Chinese paper lantern, or the person with the lowest score on Project Runway’s alternative materials challenge.
So not flattering.
Worse, the shirt trapped odors like a sponge, and I had to hand-wash it in my kitchen sink every night after work or else it smelled like grilled hot dogs.
My manager said the bright color was exciting for the customers. Yeah, maybe if it triggered seizures. I’m telling you, looking at it too long made your eyes vibrate. Beyond that, I couldn’t see what was so exciting about it.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention the equally glowing Grab-n-Dash baseball cap. My pony tail stuck out the opening in the back.
Super sexy.
But hey, I was getting paid nine bucks an hour to whore out the Grab-n-Dash mantra to everyone who walked through the doors.
“Welcome to Grab-n-Dash. How can I brighten your day?”
I had to say it every damn time.
Wasn’t the blinding yellow shirt and cap enough?
My customers were teenagers off from school during the first half of my shift, and people coming home from work during the second.
The school kids always stared at me. I was never entirely sure why. One of them, who couldn’t have been more than twelve years old, talked like a cross between rappers 50 Cent and Eminem. I dubbed him Eminickle, because he was about a tenth the size of 50 Cent. Eminickle asked me out every time he came in. Flattered, but no. He hadn’t even hit puberty, from what I could tell.
The working stiffs were either angry and clearly irritated after a long day of work, or exhausted and mellow because they were too tired to care.
All were jonesing for sugary snacks, cigarettes, energy drinks, lottery tickets, or beer. The high school kids wanted beer and cigarettes too, but they were S.O.L.
I totally felt their pain. I suspected working at the Grab-n-Dash would inevitably turn me into a chain smoker or closet drunk. Maybe my parents were onto something by making me get a crappy job.
I hated them.
When the shop was slow, things were no better. Like now. Grab-n-Dash was a wasteland. Devoid of all activity. I stared at the clock hanging on the far wall.
The second hand seemed frozen.
I waited for it to tick. Was it stuck? I didn’t remember it being stuck. It had worked earlier. Come on, move, stupid second hand! I stared at it as hard as I could. It wasn’t going anywhere. I kept staring. One of us was going to blink sooner or later.
Finally! What took you so damn long?
Okay, one second down. How many more to go? I did a quick mental approximation. My dad was right. My math skills were
Amongst sundry automotive items like motor oil, wiper blades, and air fresheners, we also sold radiator fluid. You know, antifreeze. Customers actually bought it now and then. I’d heard it was sweet, and dogs would drink it, not realizing it was lethally poisonous, and it killed you slowly and painfully.
I considered pouring myself a glass.
So neon green. I bet it would match my shirt and cap.
I stared at the ICEE machines. They hummed hypnotically, always tempting me to nap while standing up. They weren’t helping my focus. But I refused to fall under their sleepy spell. That didn’t stop me from thinking about their cool sugary treasure waiting to tickle my tongue.
I’d always wanted to do that thing where you stuck your head under the spigot and filled your mouth until you got brain freeze.
I glanced from side to side. The store was empty.
Now would be a good time to try.
As I walked out from behind the counter to give it a try, the front door’s alarm-bell bing-bonged as a new customer walked inside.
I skulked back to my post at the register. My ICEE high would have to wait.
In the past, I’d thought the sound of those bing-bong bells was kind of cute. I remember, whenever I’d walk through the doors in some random store and heard that bing-bong, I’d go back-and-forth a bunch of times, just to hear the sound. The cheery bell sounded cartoony and funny to me. I’d never understood why store clerks always glared at me when I did it.
Now I did.
I hated that fucking bell.
During peak hours, it went off every two seconds. Recently, I’d started hearing it in my sleep.
I focused on my new customer, who was still nothing more than a silhouette in the blinding afternoon sunlight coming through the front windows.
I couldn’t make out any details yet.
On my first day of work, I’d felt ethically obligated to warn my boss that the name Grab-n-Dash was basically an invitation to shoplift. He utterly denied it.
Since that day, I knew for a fact that at least ten candy bars, seven bottles of water, and a bottle of aspirin