forget the look of need on his face when he thought I was going to die in the Maze, and it kept me from wondering whether or not that feeling was real, false or just amplified by Amarantha’s spell.
Gabriel avoided me unless we were working with Samiel. I refused to ask him to be my bodyguard again. In fact, I refused to make any requests of him at all. I was determined to show him that things could be different between us. He didn’t seem to be buying it yet, but I could work on him. I’d learned how to wear someone down from the best teacher ever—my annoying gargoyle.
Nathaniel had sent me eight dozen roses in various colors the day after my fight with Baraqiel. I didn’t have the heart to throw out so many beautiful flowers, but I crushed all the notes into the garbage unopened. It probably goes without saying that my feelings were confused where he was concerned.
Four days after the dawn had broken over the gooey remains of Baraqiel on the beach the day was unseasonably warm and sunny. Beezle and Samiel fell asleep in a sunbeam on the sofa in the front room. Beezle seemed to have adopted our stray.
Feeling oddly restless, like I was waiting for something to happen, I decided to step outside for a breath of fresh air and went out to the front porch. It felt like sixty degrees outside, and I pulled off my sweater and sat in my shirtsleeves in the sunshine. I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the warmth.
When I opened them again, Lucifer stood in front of me, looking terribly ordinary. He’d hidden his wings underneath a long black overcoat, and underneath he wore blue jeans and a black sweater a lot like mine. His hands were tucked into his pockets and his expression seemed deliberately neutral.
“I’ve been expecting you,” I said, and when I said it I knew it was true. I’d felt him coming all day.
“Sometimes I see Evangeline in your face,” he said. “Just now, when you turned your face to the sun. She used to look at me like that, like I was her sun.”
I didn’t really know what to say to that, so I just watched him sit down on the porch next to me and stretch his legs out in front of him.
“You seem to be making a habit of killing my children,” Lucifer said.
“But I’m preserving your grandchildren against all odds, so that should count for something.”
“I’m not sure the Grigori would agree with you. They were most disturbed to hear of the existence of another of Ramuell’s spawn.”
I didn’t want Lucifer to dwell too long on this subject, especially since I wasn’t ready to have to fight for Samiel yet. I’d hoped to have time to devise a strategy before they took him away.
“Anyway,” I said. “How was I to know Baraqiel was one of your children? It’s not as though you advertised the fact.”
“Would knowledge of his paternity have stopped you from acting?” Lucifer asked shrewdly.
“Well, no,” I admitted. “He was trying to kill me at the time.”
We sat in silence for a while, then Lucifer spoke again.
“Your hand. I do not know if your father told you. Your fingers will grow back, in time.”
I looked at the cauterized stumps. “Cool. I’m like a starfish now.”
“I have been very impressed with your actions, Madeline. When I asked you to be my ambassador, I did not expect such an outcome. You have averted a great crisis with Focalor as well as revealed Amarantha’s hidden intentions of making a child of my bloodline. They will both pay dearly for crossing me.”
“Did you ever really want to renegotiate a treaty with Amarantha?” I asked curiously. “Because it did occur to me that if that was what you wanted, you might have sent a more skilled negotiator.”
Lucifer smiled enigmatically. “Perhaps subtlety is not always wanted. And perhaps I wanted to see how you would handle yourself.”
“So it was a test?” I asked in disbelief. “I almost died in that Maze, you know.”
He had the gall to chuck me under the chin. “No, you did not. Your will is stronger than even you know. I need an heir for my kingdom, you know. An heir that has demonstrated the kind of strength of will that you showed in the Maze.”
“Oh, no,” I said, alarmed. “Don’t even think about it. Why not make one of your sons heir? You seem to have them popping out of the woodwork all over the place. And really, what benefit would it be for an immortal who has survived eons to make a mortal half human your heir?”
“One never knows what might happen. And my heir must be a creature of immense power so that the courts will continue to respect my rule.”
“So you’re basically trying to collect me and put me in your trophy case to show to the other fallen?” I asked. “And you think I’m a ‘creature of immense power’? Aren’t you supposed to be all-knowing and all-seeing?”
“You’re thinking of the other guy,” he said.
He leaned in close to me, and I could see the light of the sun sparkling in his eyes.
“In my kingdom, my word is law. When my heir becomes ruler, that individual would be able to make her own laws.”
I understood exactly what he was saying. If I ruled Lucifer’s kingdom, I could free Gabriel. I looked at him sourly.
“I don’t know if you’ve checked lately, but my name isn’t Eve.”
He opened the palm of my right hand and touched the place where his sword had marked me with his symbol. He winked at me, and an apple appeared there. I closed my hand around the shiny red fruit as he stood from the stair and stretched like a cat.
“Don’t think you’ll maneuver me into place,” I warned. “I know how to play chess, too, you know.”
He smiled at me, and it was the smile of the serpent in Eden.
“Then let the game begin.”
Click here for more books by this author
“A fun, fast ride through the gritty streets of Chicago, Black Wings has it all: a gutsy heroine just coming into her power, badass bad guys, a sexy supernatural love interest and a scrappy gargoyle sidekick. Highly recommended.”
—Nancy Holzner, author of Hellforged
“An entertaining urban fantasy starring an intriguing heroine . . . The soul-eater serial-killer mystery adds to an engaging Chicago joyride as courageous Madeline fears this unknown adversary but goes after the lethal beast.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Fast action, plenty of demons and a hint of mystery surrounding the afterlife make for an entertaining urban fantasy populated by an assortment of interesting characters.”
—Monsters and Critics
“Henry shows that she is up to the challenge of debuting in a crowded genre. The extensive background of her imaginative world is well integrated with the action-packed plot, and the satisfying conclusion leaves the reader primed for the next installment.”
—Publishers Weekly
“I love the world-building . . . The take on demons and angels is sufficiently different to separate Black Wings from the recent spate of tales in that milieu . . . I do recommend Black Wings if just for the unusual world