if I know.

“The occasion? I don’t need a special occasion to take you to the ball.”

“So it is a big event?”

“Yes,” I say as I turn her around and slide that zipper up her back. I lean in and nibble behind her neck. “Leave your hair down tonight, OK?”

“Yes, sir,” she says with a wink as she pulls back.

But she’s not getting away that easy. “You can’t yes, sir me and then expect to walk away without a reminder of what’s to come later.” My hand reaches behind her neck and I press her whole body into mine, then kiss her, raking my fingers up into her long dark hair and fisting it a little as she moans and throws her head back. I know she likes some of the dominant stuff we do in the bedroom, but I don’t try it often. It took me all fucking summer to get over what her ex did to her as a teenager. But that awkward feeling is beginning to fade. And I’m not sure it was ever a real problem with her, so maybe tonight she’d like to do something fun.

“I hope that’s a promise, Mr. Flynn.”

When she says my name like that it takes my breath away. I want her to be my Mrs. Flynn so bad it makes my heart ache, but I refuse to pressure her. I want her to come to me when she’s ready. “Miss Corvus, don’t ever doubt me.” Her blue eyes sparkle when she looks up to me and for a moment I can actually picture our beautiful family. A whole gang of little blue-eyed cherubs running around.

It makes me sigh.

“What are you thinking about in there, Ronin? I see the wheels turning.”

I slip my arm around her waist and dip her backwards, making her squeal. “You, that’s all.” I lift her back up and smack her butt to end the flirting and get us back on track, because we are already fashionably late and people are probably tired of waiting.

She goes into the bathroom and chats to me non-stop about the dress and her make-up, which she applies as she talks. My phone buzzes and I check it, then text Antoine back and let him know we’re coming in five minutes.

When she’s done with her make-up she fluffs up her damp hair with the blow dryer, making it cascade down her back in loose raven curls, and then pulls a brush through it. Her feet slip into the white satin shoes and she looks over to me and smiles. Rook hates heels and if she had her way I’m sure she’d be wearing those old-ass red Converse with the holes in the toes. So I made sure her shoes for tonight are comfortable ballet flats. She turns her back to me so I can clasp a necklace around her neck. The only time Rook wears jewelry of any kind is when I put it on her. Otherwise she won’t bother. I hand her some earrings to match the necklace and she puts then on and turns to the mirror.

“Wow. I look great.”

I laugh. “Yeah, you really do, Gidget. You clean up nice.”

“I almost feel like a bride, wearing this white dress.”

“Don’t taunt me with that image, please.” I take her hand and lead her out of the apartment. “But I’d be more than happy to pretend this is our wedding reception if you like.”

“OK, spill it. Where are we going?” We walk down the hallway towards the stairs. “Why’s it so dark in here?”

“I dunno, but you better hold my hand a little tighter so you don’t fall down the stairs.”

We get to the bottom without killing ourselves and we’re just walking past the terrace when I notice the light out in Rook’s old apartment. “Who’s in your place?” I ask.

“What?” she asks, craning her neck to see outside. “Huh. I have no idea. Maybe Ford’s in there doing something?”

“Let’s check it out.” I urge her to follow me over to the terrace doors and punch in my code to open the door. “After you,” I say, waving her forward.

“It’s dark—” The words are just leaving her mouth when the whole place lights up. Every cherry tree is sparkling with white lights.


I laugh when she jumps back at the shouts. And then everyone appears from the various alcoves and nooks. Rook’s hand goes up to her mouth. “What’s this?”

I pull her close as she takes in the scene. Everyone we know is here. Spencer and Veronica, Clare, Ford and his… woman. Antoine and Elise, all the camera and sound crews from the Shrike Show, Director Larry, Billy and his girlfriend, Roger and his wife and a few of the other photographers, the Chaput models, and all the salon girls and their husbands.

Every man is wearing a black tux and every woman is wearing a white dress.

“A black-and-white affair for my Gidget. Because Rook, you are one batshit insane chick if you think you can have a birthday around here and not be embarrassed with a huge over-the-top production!”

She cries.

And I hug her close as everyone comes over, smiling and laughing at putting one over on her and making her tear up with happiness.

She turns and hugs me hard, then dips her mouth to my ear. “Ronin Flynn, you are my forever guy. I’d just like to say that right now. You are my forever guy.”

“I fully plan on holding you to it, Gidget. One hundred percent. Now let’s have some fucking fun with our family and friends.” 

Chapter Six - ROOK

I’m living in a fairy tale.


The entire terrace is something magical. The cherry trees are awash with soft white lights, the late September air is crisp but not cold, and for once, there is not even a hint of wind. I just look around and take it all in as the musicians play a soft string piece. I burn the sight, the sound, and the smell into my memory for safekeeping. Because one day, when life is hard, or ugly, or depressing, I’ll be able to think back on this night. Even if I never have another moment as special as this for as long as I live, I will be OK because I will always have this memory.

Ronin’s arm tightens around my waist and then he pulls me in close, turning my body so I’m pressed against his chest. He takes my hand in his and we dance.

I don’t even know how to dance like this, but it doesn’t matter. I just drop my head on his shoulder and let him lead, my feet making small steps as he whispers in my ear. “Do you like it?”

I don’t even look up because I can’t bear to lift my head from the place on his shoulder where it fits perfectly. “I love it, Larue.”

His chest rises a little with his chuckle. “I have a gift for you too.”

“Isn’t this party the gift?”

He kisses me on the head and pulls me in so close, we are like one person. “Hardly, Gidget. A party isn’t a gift, it’s a celebration. Mine is with all the others.”

I do look up now. “What others?”

He points over to a table near the door and sure enough, there’s a pile of pretty presents. “Oh, wow. Why did you make them bring presents?” I complain on the outside, but inside I’m clapping like an idiot and screaming presents, presents, presents!

“I didn’t make them, Rook. They just wanted to.”

I’m so happy I could cry, but I don’t want Ronin to get the wrong idea, so I squeal instead. “Let’s open them now!”

He laughs. God, I love when he laughs. Those blue fucking eyes sparkle and his whole face beams. How did such an amazing man fall for me? I don’t get it. “Not now, Gidge, I’m trying to monopolize your time and keep that creep Ford from cutting in.”

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