Teddy smiled. 'Excellent. Now, we still have an hour before lunch. I say we start our Transfiguration essay before it gets too noisy out here.'

And so they did, with Harry trying to put all his various worries out of his mind. He hadn't told his friends about the training he might have with Snape, or the mess about his summer holidays, since none of that was definite anyway. But he was glad he'd told them about Gaius. That was one less secret he had to hold by himself.

TBC . . .

A/N: Thank you to everyone who reads and reviews! I know there's lots of readers, 'cause we've reached over half a million hits! Have I mentioned the 'da bombness' of y'all lately? But, since I know you hate cliffies, I figured I'd get this new chapter out now, just to say thanks a million . . . or a half a million, in this case. Hehe (If you want, you can also thank MLK, Jr. for giving us Americans this fine holiday, so I had time to write . . .)

*Chapter 36*: Chapter 36

Better Be Slytherin! – Chapter 36

By jharad17

Disclaimer: None of this is mine! Eh, I'll get over it.

Warnings: language, mild sexual abuse

UPDATE: To clarify my A/N at the end of the chapter, since there seems to be some confusion:



Previously on Better Be Slytherin:

Snape drew himself up, obviously not used to people interrupting him -- recalling his one experience at doing so filled Harry with a fair amount of fear -- and nodded once, a mere jerk of the head. 'As you say, sir.' He rose from his chair and turned to Harry. 'My apologies, Mr. Potter, for keeping you from your rest. Good night.'

He turned in a swirl of robes and left the Infirmary in several long strides.

Severus did not meet personally with Harry again for several weeks. He wondered if the boy was avoiding him. It seemed very possible, after the mess he had made of things in the Infirmary. Arguing with the Headmaster, of all things. When he had become so frustrated he was on the verge of hexing the Old Coot, he had had to leave before doing anything of the sort. What must the boy think of him?

He had met with the Headmaster twice more since their argument in the Infirmary, and seemed no closer to an agreement than before. But he would not allow Albus to have his way this time! Not without him giving in with regard to Harry's summers. One way or the other, he would get the boy away from those horrid Muggles, especially if he was expected to put the added strain of Occlumens training on Harry's mind.

The week after his vision, Harry had completed his two hours of ingredient preparations as agreed, but did not ask to see any more pictures of his mother. And Severus had not even seen him since except for brief glimpses in the Great Hall at most meal times -- at least the boy was eating -- or in class. Yet, after each lesson, Harry packed his materials and fled, looking pale and stressed, and as if frightened he might be asked to stay behind. But since his work was up to standards, Severus had no reason to keep him. He did not think telling the boy he merely wanted to see how he doing would get the results he wanted.

He had assumed Harry would come to him, wanting to see more pictures of Lily, but perhaps he had been overwhelmed by the whole experience. After all, Severus had real memories of Lily, and Harry did not. The way he had called out to his mother, and tried to get her picture to acknowledge him, had nearly broken Severus heart. Maybe Harry did not want to put himself through that pain anymore, and Severus could hardly blame him.

But why should the boy avoid him? He had thought they were finally reaching a level of rapport where Harry would confide in him, and, if he could bear to admit, he found he missed the boy's quiet company as he worked on assignments or helped him with potion ingredients. What had changed?

Around the end of November, he finally decided to ask the Bloody Baron about it.

'Harry Potter has much on his mind, Severus Snape,' the ghost intoned, once Severus explained his concerns. 'You would do well to remember that.'

Severus could not suppress a sneer, disliking being called out again by this ghost. 'Like what? What has he told you?'

'He admits he still has his nightmares, of course, including a new one that seems to cause him great anguish. He spoke to me of the vision he had of happenings in the Forbidden Forest and the death of the unicorn. And, too, he said the Headmaster wishes him to learn Occlumency. The prospect frightened him, naturally, especially as he has had to discover on his own what the term meant.' The ghost paused, and his dark eyes almost glowed. 'Is this true, Severus Snape?'

Severus nodded. 'He wishes for me to teach the boy.'

'Better you than he,' the Baron said coldly. 'He does not have as much care for Harry Potter as you, regardless of his motives to serve the greater good.'

With a sigh, Severus said, 'I know. He would tear the boy's mind apart to 'teach' him. At least . . . at least I have already had a glimpse of how Harry's mind works. I will do my best to spare him.'

'I know you will.' The ghost paused. 'But you should explain the concept to him and not let him float adrift as he has been these last few weeks.'

'I tried!' Severus exclaimed. 'He has been avoiding me.'

'Why do you think that is?'

'Perhaps he is afraid of Occlumency, like you said, and fears the power I will have over him.'

'I very much doubt that is his reason,' the Baron said sharply. 'It's not you forcing him to learn that Art at his

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