Minerva glared daggers, arms crossed over her chest. You'd think he was trying to steal the Quidditch Cup from her! It wasn't as if Gryffindor had a chance of it anymore, not without Charlie Weasley. Finally, she gave a sharp nod. 'If Pomona agrees, then I'll go along. But I still think Rolanda should be present as well.'

'Agreed,' Severus said, glad to be done with this argument. He disliked, intensely, needing to raise his voice whilst in Dumbledore's presence. He had done so perhaps a handful of times over the last dozen years. Almost every time, he realized with a start, it was to do with one Potter or another.

'Agreed,' McGonagall echoed. She strode out of the office, her head high, likely on her way to make her case against him with Pomona Sprout.

'How are you faring, my boy?'

Severus turned from where he had been watching the Gryffindor head retreat, and faced the Headmaster. 'I am well, Albus. Thank you.'

The man smiled into his beard. 'Good, good. I was . . . concerned, a short while ago, that you were in over your head, with regard to Harry Potter.'

'Over my head?'

Dumbledore nodded, gesturing lightly with his left hand. 'He is an engaging child, to be sure. I admit as much. But when you were troubled about teaching him Occlumency, when we needed to keep Voldemort from his mind, I thought perhaps you had become too close to him. Too close to do what was needful.'

Severus carefully kept the scowl that wanted to surface from his expression. 'I do not follow,' he said, although he was almost certain he did.

'Harry Potter is not just a student at this school, Severus,' Albus said slowly, as if speaking to a rather stupid child. It was a tone he tended to reserve for special occasions, and Severus detested it, and every occasion on which it had been used. 'He is also the one prophesied to defeat Voldemort forever.'

'He is a child, Albus.'

'He is the Boy Who Lived. He will require even more training if he is to survive into adulthood.'

'I see.'

Dumbledore smiled again. 'I am sure you do, my boy. As his Head of House, and one of my most trusted, you will be in charge of much of his training. He will need to be challenged as only you can do.'

Severus pursed his lips. 'Do recall, Albus, what I requested the last time you pressed me into training the boy. Occlumency is not like Charms. I cannot force talent in the art. In the weeks I have worked with him, I have done little more than help him block his dreaming mind, as he is not ready for more. But if I am to train him further as you wish, I will want full custody of the boy during the summer holidays, as well as unfettered access to him during the school year.'

'Agreed. He will be yours.'

A surge of feeling rose up in Severus' chest. He could hardly wait to tell the boy that he need not return to his relatives--

'After a minimum of fourteen days in the custody of his aunt and uncle, of course.'

Severus stared at the barmy old coot. 'I beg your pardon?'

'Harry must return to their home for two weeks each summer, to renew the blood wards against Voldemort and his Death Eaters.' Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkled, as if he could hear Severus' heart plummet. 'At least while he is a student here, the boy must always have that place of safety to retreat to if necessary. The only place he will be completely safe is at the Dursleys' residence.'

'He will be safe from Dark Wizards there.'

'Yes, of course.'

'But only safe from them. Not from his Muggle relatives.'

'Not this again, Severus. A few sharp words in the boy's direction will not kill him. He may not have come to us as well fed and healthy as I might have hoped, but he is alive, and he is cared for--'

'Not as well as they would care for a dog!'

Dumbledore was on his feet, his voice thunderous. 'SEVERUS! Harry Potter MUST return to the Dursleys for two weeks each year! You may either accept it as necessary, or you leave me with little choice. I will find someone else I can trust to train him.'

Feeling the blood drain from his face, Severus shook his head quickly. 'No, no, you're right, Headmaster. It will be as you say. He'll go to them for two weeks.' He would just need to be nearby during that time, in case anything more than a few sharp words passed from the Muggles to the boy.

'Excellent. I'm pleased you agree.' Dumbledore resumed his seat and gestured in dismissal. 'Good luck at Saturday's match, Severus.'

'Thank you, Headmaster.' Severus nodded on his way out, not so keen on sharing this news with Harry, after all.

TBC . . .


Thanks to everyone who reads and/or reviews! I heart you lots and lots.

This story won an award and scored Runner-Up for another at The Quibbler! Check the site out via my profile. Oh, and 'Whelp II' is Runner up for some stuff, too, and I am Runner Up for Best Writer.

It's so exciting, I can hardly write . . . hm. Nah, that's never going to happen. :-D

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