
Right. Severus stood. 'Then we shall make the trip now. Let's go.'

Eyes widening, Potter made no move to rise, but slid as far away as he could while still remaining on the chair. 'No, sir.'

'Excuse me?'

'I . . . I said, no, sir. I don't need a, what you call it, a work up? I'm fine. Really.'

'Potter.' Severus set his expression in stone. 'Get up this instant; I will not brook your insolence. As your Head of House, I will decide how you serve your detentions, and this time, it will be in the Infirmary.' He paused and then continued in his silkiest tone, the one that sent even some of his colleagues into paroxysms of fear. 'Don't make me drag you through the halls.'

The boy swallowed, and glanced at the door as if weighing his options. They were, admittedly, few. Under the pretense of moving things along, Severus took a step towards him, lifting a hand as if to grab his collar, and the boy jumped from his seat. Potter's hands went up as if in supplication and he sprinted for the door. 'All right, all right. I'm sorry . . .'

Severus followed him out, ready to grab him if the boy made a break for it, and they made their way to Pomfrey's domain.

TBC . . .

More A/N: Next chapter starts where this one leaves off, rather than backing up at all.

Thank you, to my beta for this chapter, Miri, for encouraging me in the idea that it is not either too soon for Snape to figure out what's going on with Harry, and to damn well do something about it whether he likes the kid or not. Thanks also, to each of my readers and reviewers and to all those who are both! Your support is wondrously cool and tasty, like an orange creamsicle on a summer's day. Hugs to all.

*Chapter 7*: Chapter 7

Better Be Slytherin! – Chapter 7

By jharad17

Disclaimer: Not mine. Alas.

Summary: As a first year, Harry is sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor, and no one is more surprised than his new Head of House.



Severus followed him out, ready to grab him if the boy made a break for it, and they made their way to Pomfrey's domain.

Taking the lead, Harry stalked toward the Infirmary, knowing he was in a world of trouble and wishing he had the courage to just make a break for it. In truth, the only thing that kept him from doing so was the knowledge that he'd probably be expelled and then have to go back to the Dursleys.

What the hell was Snape's problem anyway? Harry hadn't done anything to him -- didn't even have him in class for another day or two -- and yet, the professor seemed to really hate him and want to make his life miserable. Harry had hoped that being in the magical world would be better than with the Dursleys, but so far, he'd been very disappointed by Hogwarts. It was too much like Little Whinging, where everyone seemed to dislike him for no reason or, like his relatives, just out and out despised him.

And now he was being shuffled of to see the school nurse, and he'd have to lie to her in order to keep his secrets. The last thing he was ever going to do was spill his guts in front of Snape!

Too soon they were there, and Snape brushed past him to push at the door, which he then held open for Harry to walk through. Not really sure what to expect -- a favorite game of Dudley's had been to do this very thing, and then cuff Harry about the head as he went by -- Harry ducked a little as he entered the long room. Snape frowned at him, though, and Harry moved a little faster, to get out of his way.

Madam Pomfrey was walking toward them, before they'd gotten a pace or two inside her realm. 'Ah, good, Mr. Potter. I'm glad you decided to return so promptly.'

Since Harry had decided no such thing, he said nothing, just shrugged a little.

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