Snape marched across the lawn, up the wide front stairs, in through the front door, then up the marble staircase to the Defense classroom on the second floor. He slammed the door open, startling the students just inside. 'Professor Quirrell,' he called to the turbaned man at the front of the room. 'I would like a word with Mr. Flint.'

'O-o-of course, P-p-professor.' Quirrell flicked a hand toward one of the rows, and Prefect Flint got up, scowling, but his expression smoothed as soon as he reached the corridor and glimpsed Draco and Harry.

Snape grabbed Draco's collar in one hand and Harry's in the other, spun them both around and gave them a shove. 'My office. Now!'

The two of them scrambled to obey. Harry didn't bother looking behind him as they tore down to the dungeon, but he was sure Snape dogged their heels the whole way. When they got there, though, Snape wasn't with them, and they had to wait for him in the hallway, as the door was locked.

Biting his lip, Harry stood stiffly in front of the door, and Draco lounged against the wall.

'Sorry,' Harry said after a minute, when he could no longer bear the silence.

'What for?' Draco said. 'You caught the bloody thing. Even got a Mudblood to stand up for you.'

'But we're going to be expelled,' Harry hissed.

'Maybe you will, but a Malfoy? I think not.'

Harry knew he was going to be sick now.

It was only another minute or two before Snape appeared, looking for all the world like a vampire from a scary movie, swooping down on his prey. Harry shrank back against the wall, staying out of reach of the professor's grabby hands, but Snape just waved his wand over the door to unlock it, before he curtly motioned them inside.

This was one room Harry was becoming far too familiar with. He didn't even have a chance to look around, though, before the door slammed behind shut them and Snape bellowed, 'What in the name of Salazar Slytherin did you think you were doing?'

Draco gave a little shrug, even as Harry said, 'Sorry, sir.'

Snape seemed to not even hear him as he continued shouting, 'You're lucky I was there to catch your little display or McGonagall would have had you both on the next train out of Hogsmeade. Yes, both of you, Mr. Malfoy. Your father carries little influence with the Gryffindor Head of House.'

'It was just a little flying, Professor,' Draco started. 'No one got—'

Snape interrupted him, 'Rules are not made to be broken, despite what you may think, Mr. Malfoy. And tampering with another students belongings, especially in front of two dozen witnesses, is hardly worthy of any special consideration. What would your father have to say to that, I wonder?'

Draco paled even further than his normal milky-white color, and Harry couldn't help but suck in a quick breath when the Professor's dark eyes turned on him. 'And you! Did we not just spend hours in the infirmary, repairing your ungrateful little body? Is this how you repay Madam Pomfrey's hard work? Risking your life for a worthless piece of glass?'

Harry looked down, unable to hold the man's gaze any longer. Shame washed over him, but he didn't bother to deny Snape's words; it was true, all of it. No matter how much he felt flying was second nature to him, he really could have been killed, and still might be expelled, for a Remembrall. 'I'm sorry, sir,' he said again.

There was silence for a long moment, then Snape, much more calmly, said, 'You will both have detention for the next week. Mr. Malfoy, you will have yours with Filch, and Mr. Potter, you will serve yours with me. Starting tonight sharply at seven. That will be all, gentlemen.'

Harry let go his breath, feeling a dizzy sort of giddiness at the reprieve. He wasn't going to be expelled!

'Mr. Potter, remain another moment, please,' Snape said, and Harry's gut took another wrenching turn.

Draco gave him a commiserating look as he hurried out of Snape's office, but Harry could hardly bear the suspense even so.

'Mr. Potter.'

'Yes, sir?' He met the Professor's gaze again.

'I have arranged for Mr. Flint to meet us here in a few moments. Please have a seat.'

Gaping at the change of tone and the offer, Harry stumbled back against the chair he'd taken a couple nights ago before sinking into it. Snape stared at him, his black eyes fathomless, and Harry could not look away. Neither of them spoke.

A heavy knock sounded on the door a few minutes later, and Harry jumped.

'Enter,' Snape called, and the door opened to admit Marcus Flint. The large fifth year scowled at Harry before nodding at Snape.

Neither of them expected the half smile that settled on Snape's face, or the next words out of his mouth. 'Mr. Flint,' Snape said, sounding almost pleased. 'I believe I have found you a Seeker.'

TBC . . .

A/N: Lookee! Another chapter, after just one day! I must really love you guys or something.

I've mucked around a bit with the order in which classes occur for the first year Slytherins and Gryffindors, as I wanted to get this scene in before I got to their first potions class. I hope you don't mind. Also, a few bits of dialogue in the flying lesson scene are stolen whole cloth from the original novel. You can probably guess which ones.

Remember, every day is a good day to review! Hugs to all.

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