surprised or upset. Harry didn't dare ask him what more was wrong, but left quickly, and was back to the common room soon enough that he even had a little time to address his homework before bed.

Maybe Snape wasn't such an enormous bastard after all.

TBC . . .

A/N: Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful reviews!

*Chapter 22*: Chapter 22

Better Be Slytherin! – Chapter 22

By jharad17

Disclaimer: Not mine. I imagine I'll get over it.

Summary: As a first year, Harry is sorted into Slytherin instead of Gryffindor, and no one is more surprised than his new Head of House.


Snape watched him the whole time, not angrily anymore, but with that blank face that meant he was surprised or upset. Harry didn't dare ask him what more was wrong, but left quickly, and was back to the common room soon enough that he even had a little time to address his homework before bed.

Severus watched the boy leave after his late detention, and sighed heavily. Potter had been far less confrontational than he had expected -- far less than James bloody Potter would have been in similar circumstance, that was certain. And Severus had almost wanted him to protest more, to get more cheeky and arrogant, so that he could justify his own, still deep seated beliefs about the boy. But it was no good. Even when being handed additional punishments and insults on top of it, the boy remained -- for the most part -- rather polite and obedient.

It was very frustrating.

He heard a chuckle, behind him, and he whipped out his wand as he turned, to find the Bloody Baron smirking at him from the door to his office. 'You appear discomfited, Severus Snape.'

'Get out of my way,' Severus growled, and moved toward the doorway, 'Or I'll go right through you.'

'Impertinent child,' the ghost grunted, but glided aside.

In his office, Severus marked down the new detentions he had planned for the Brat Who Wouldn't Be Cheeky On Command, and glowered at the Baron when the ghost came to hover over his shoulder and peer at his mark book.

'Don't you think you have taken up quite enough of the boy's study time, Severus Snape?' A ghostly finger pointed at the details of Potter's schedule for the next week, and the utter lack of any free time in it.

'Of course not. He can study after detention.'

'Mm. When he is supposed to be sleeping?'

Severus pursed his lips. 'He has a free period on Tuesdays.'

'Ah. I'm sure his other professors will appreciate your forward thinking, in regards to his study time.'

With another glower, Severus snapped the book closed. 'What business is it of yours, anyway?'

The ghost shook his head and spoke slowly, as if to a child. 'Harry Potter is one of ours, Severus Snape. He is Slytherin. You should not continue to make it difficult for him to succeed, nor torment him so.'

'I am. Not. Tormenting. Him.'

'Ah,' the ghost said again, and Severus would have hexed him if he weren't incorporeal. 'Alas, I suspect he will not last another week with this schedule, without breaking down. As such, I shall keep watch for him, as you seem to have abrogated your duty.'

'You dare--' Severus started, but the annoying ghost floated from the room without looking back. Damnation!

The Baron couldn't be right, could he? The boy seemed to be doing fine in his classes so far, from what he had heard from the other professors. No one had any complaints about his work. Well, Minerva had that one day where she said Potter turned in an essay late, and his handwriting was difficult to parse, but that was hardly indicative of a trend, was it? Oh, and Binns had complained about late work as well and inattentiveness in class, but then, the ancient ghost could barely recognize his students from one day to the next.

Then, of course, Blaise Zabini, one of his Firsties, had come complaining that Potter never showed up for their study groups . . . well, of course he didn't! He was serving detention! He'd set the Zabini whelp down hard, and let him know that his insights on Potter's situation were not appreciated.

Realizing he was pacing in his small office, Severus stopped, closed up the room, and returned to his quarters, where he could think better, especially with a full two fingers of Ogden's Finest in hand. More important, by far, than the Potter Brat's study time or lack thereof, was the information he had received about Quirrell. If Quirrell was, indeed, the conduit for the Dark Lord's return, then Severus would have to step very carefully around the man, while at the same time, not letting him have another go at Potter. He would also need to make sure no one suspected him of treating Potter at all differently than he would if he was still one of the Dark Lord's servants. That would be harder, for the Baron was right; Potter was a Slytherin, and he could not in good conscience pretend otherwise. No one would understand, least of all the boy.

It was a tricky dance, and one he had hoped not to resume for a long time.

He considered the issue for some time, weighing possible actions on his own part, as well as what he would tell the Headmaster – about Quirrell, specifically – before retiring for the night.

The next few days passed rather quickly. Severus had numerous potions to make, for both the infirmary and his own private stores. His classes needed extra preparation so early in the term, too, and then there was Potter. True to his

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